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New Crappy Syndicated Action Show?

Posted: 2002-09-22 01:14am
by Anarchist Bunny
Just wondering, the different companies(or is it one dark hell spawn) that produce such wonders as Celopatra 2525/Jack of All Trades, Xena, Hercules, Relic Hunter, Beastmaster, Queen of Swords, Mutant X and probly even more crap. Oh and Andromedea which is teetering on the edge of my grand canyon of hate. New year, anyone know what they could fit down the plumbing so they're throwing it on the air this year?

Posted: 2002-09-22 01:18am
by Dalton
I liked Hercules. Well, at the beginning anyway. And yes, I know it didn't follow with the actual myth at all :P

Posted: 2002-09-22 01:21am
by Anarchist Bunny
Yeah, Hercules started out good. Even Xena was ok for a while, but then it just be cAME UTTER WORTHLESS CRAP. Shames Sam Rami's name. But I think they did the best with what he had.

Don't they know Musicals, Clip Shows, and time travel are what the writers do for vacations, it's NOT FOR EVER FUCKING EPISODE! AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, KEEP DEAD PEOPLE DEAD!

Holy shit I just remembered the Young Hercules show. EVIL FUCKIGN EIVLE DIEIAFKL:JASKL:DJAK:J!!!!!!

gah, the hate drove me to garble.

Posted: 2002-09-22 02:06pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
For new action shows, I think that they'll make a corny corssover, and it will get cancelled on mid-broadcast. Then, they'll do another crossover to get money.

Posted: 2002-09-22 09:37pm
by Jim Raynor
Hercules wasn't crap, although that one season where Iolus was killed and Herc traveled the world sucked. At least it ended on a good note and before the show outlasted itself. Xena started out ok, but jumped the shark bigtime in the third season when they introduced Dahak as a villain. From then on, the show was way too grim, and was nothing but one ongoing soap opera story after another (Gabrielle's evil daughter, Xena's vision of her death, Xena's magical pregnancy). Xena and Gabrielle's not-too-subtle make-out scenes, introduced only to please the lesbian fanbase, also didn't help things. The rest of those shows mentioned were crap. As for any future syndicated shows, look only to popular action movies and tv shows. These syndicated shows are rarely original. Queen of Swords was a female Zorro, Relic Hunter is a poor man's Indiana Jones, Beastmaster was an old movie, and Mutant X is an obvious rip-off of the X-men. Speaking of Mutant-X, I've noticed that it's licensed by Marvel. Why would Marvel rip themselves off?

Posted: 2002-09-22 09:43pm
by Azeron
All that christiananity thing, than buhdism was messed up

Posted: 2002-09-22 09:53pm
by HemlockGrey
I like Relic Hunter. I like Andromeda. I hate Mutant-X.

I hate Beastmaster, Xena, and Hercules because no one ever gets stabbed or sliced. They get the shit pounded out of them, but no flesh wounds, ever.

Posted: 2002-09-22 10:30pm
by Jim Raynor
What are you talking about? Although Hercules was mostly PG-rated punching, there were several episodes when people were stabbed, and Iolus actually died this way. Xena regularly killed her enemies with her sword.

Posted: 2002-09-23 10:03am
by Tsyroc
Jim Raynor wrote:Hercules wasn't crap, although that one season where Iolus was killed and Herc traveled the world sucked. At least it ended on a good note and before the show outlasted itself. Xena started out ok, but jumped the shark bigtime in the third season when they introduced Dahak as a villain. From then on, the show was way too grim, and was nothing but one ongoing soap opera story after another (Gabrielle's evil daughter, Xena's vision of her death, Xena's magical pregnancy). Xena and Gabrielle's not-too-subtle make-out scenes, introduced only to please the lesbian fanbase, also didn't help things. The rest of those shows mentioned were crap. As for any future syndicated shows, look only to popular action movies and tv shows. These syndicated shows are rarely original. Queen of Swords was a female Zorro, Relic Hunter is a poor man's Indiana Jones, Beastmaster was an old movie, and Mutant X is an obvious rip-off of the X-men. Speaking of Mutant-X, I've noticed that it's licensed by Marvel. Why would Marvel rip themselves off?
Totally agree about the decline of Xena, the darkness and especially the catering to the "lesbian fanbase". I also thought that an awful lot of the time Xena was a holier-than-thou bitch. You either did things her way or you were wrong. Not really something you'd expect from someone who was supposed to be trying to make up for her past.

As to Marvel ripping themselves off, I think the comic book industry has always ripped itself off. Given how poorly Marvel has handled things in the past we really shouldn't be shocked that they'd put out a crappy tv show to start milking money from the X-Men movie. It wasn't enough that they had sequels coming and the X-Men: Evolution cartoon.

What's really funny is that Fox sued Marvel over Mutant X because of it's similarity to X-Men and lost. :?: I have no idea how they lossed. Anyone who has ever read any X-Men comics can tell that all they did was make the mutants the result of genetic experiments instead of a fluke of nature.

Posted: 2002-09-23 09:18pm
by neoolong
What was the point of the lawsuit? I mean if it that the characters and plot were similar to X-Men, I can see them losing. They are pretty similar but I think with just enough differences in plot to make it original enough to not be an exact copy. The concept of fighting a federal organization that created them in the first place is different enough I think. If it's the concept of mutants and the powers, then it's pretty much a rip-off. Though the show kind of characterized the types of powers, while X-Men pretty much had mutancy be able to give any type of power to a person.