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Who's the bigger crackpot?

Posted: 2002-09-22 02:28am
by weemadando
As in, who comes up with the most ridiculous and ludicrous ideas?

Just as a reference, remember that Manji was the guy who posted an idea about a 1 mile long airship/aircraft carrier which used He as its lifting agent.

Arminius is a racist arsehole who won't support his views with evidence.

Posted: 2002-09-22 02:44am
by Stormbringer
Come on comparing that racist waste of oxygen with a simple idiot is unfair.

Manji is just plain ignorant. He has no idea what he's talking about but it isn't deliberatly denying the facts. And he can be civil.

Arminius is a bigoted, fucked up excuse for a nazi-monkey man. He's deliberately insulting, vicious and just plain stupid. He couldn't be civil to us to save his life and I believe he made vague death threats to a few members. He is far and away the bigger crackpot. And a pathetic excuse to sentient life.

Posted: 2002-09-22 09:21am
by salm
Nothing tops a racist´s supidity!

Posted: 2002-09-22 09:23am
by Crown
I always thought Manji's arguments were fanciful. Was I not paying attention?

Posted: 2002-09-22 01:55pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Arminus. He's comes from a place of neo-Nazis, and you have to be really wasted for that. Manji just doesn't realize you can't scale something up until it's a order of magnitude bigger than it's predecessors.

Posted: 2002-09-22 02:14pm
by Sea Skimmer
Arminius without a doubt, he is a racist crack smoking donkey fucker

Manji proposes some very stupid ideas, but he rarely tried to defend them and is not a racist crack smoking donkey fucker.

Posted: 2002-09-22 02:19pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Since I mostly dwell here in OT land, I have not seen much of Arminus stuff.

However, from what I have seen I think Arminus is the crackpot.

Manjis, ideas are more of a runaway imagination. His ideas might not be practical or workable, but they might make for good comic book material.

Posted: 2002-09-22 02:22pm
by Andrew J.
The Arminazi.