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Ladies and Gentlemen - I GIVE YOU!

Posted: 2003-08-04 02:05am
by Frostbite
WMA: Its WeeMadAndo here introducing a newbie to the board, a friend of mine and self-confessed mecha fanwhore - FROSTBITE...

Frostbite: Uh... Hi. And stuff.

Posted: 2003-08-04 02:19am
by Ghost Rider
Hello and welcome.

Watch out for verilon...he bites.

Posted: 2003-08-04 02:21am
by Typhonis 1
*eyes the newb* hmmm shall we put this one to the question to see if he is of Trek or of Wars???

Posted: 2003-08-04 02:28am
by Frank Hipper
"self confessed mecha-fanwhore" eh?

Welcome, you WILL need a thick skin and a sense of humor.

Posted: 2003-08-04 02:29am
by Sea Skimmer
Frank Hipper wrote:"self confessed mecha-fanwhore" eh?

Welcome, you WILL need a thick skin and a sense of humor.
Admission is the first step in conversion, the second is however death

Posted: 2003-08-04 03:02am
by Gandalf
Sea Skimmer wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote:"self confessed mecha-fanwhore" eh?

Welcome, you WILL need a thick skin and a sense of humor.
Admission is the first step in conversion, the second is however death
The only flaw in that plan however is that dead people rarely agree, but they're less likely to argue.

Posted: 2003-08-04 03:39am
by haas mark
[bites the n00b] Welcome to SD.Net, enjoy your stay! :D

I hope that you have a good time while here on the board. :)


Posted: 2003-08-04 03:58am
by The Yosemite Bear
Hi folks you know the rules,

Don't feed the spammers.