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Rosie O'Donnell Launches Gay Travel Com

Posted: 2003-08-04 06:13am
by BoredShirtless
Some people have too much time on their hands. From
Comedienne Rosie O'Donnell is launching a travel company specializing in holidays for gay and lesbian families. Rosie, partner Kelli O'Donnell and travel entrepreneur Gregg Karminsky have set up R Family Vacations for gay and lesbian couples who want to travel with their children. Karminsky explains, "We're creating vacations where gays and lesbians can bring their kids, their friends and their parents." The first trip, a cruise on the Norwegian Dawn, leaves New York on July 11 for Key West and the Bahamas, and future holidays will include ski trips and safaris. Karminsky adds, "This is the first cruise that will cater to both gays and lesbians."

Posted: 2003-08-04 08:30am
by Peregrin Toker
Well - I discover a new oddity every day.

Posted: 2003-08-04 09:10am
by EmperorMing
I wish people would just get over this...

I mean, a travel agent should be able to distinguish a persons orientation and adjust form there...

Posted: 2003-08-04 10:36am
by Enforcer Talen
why the fuck would a sexual preference say what part of the bahamas you go to? is a seperate cruise ship needed for blond haired blue eyes?

Posted: 2003-08-04 10:53am
by Illuminatus Primus

I'm Goddamned sick of each minority grouping thinking they need their own special version of everything.

I'm sure "coloreds" want their own bathrooms and fountains again. Fucking rediculous. Assimilate people.

This is segregation under a new umbrella, and its damn unhealthy.

Posted: 2003-08-04 11:21am
by BoredShirtless
This venture into stupidity may be excused if the holiday destinations are gay beaches, gay tourist attractions [I hope I'm making that up], and anything that is gay. But African country would set up an all-gay safari.

Posted: 2003-08-04 11:28am
by Darth Garden Gnome
BoredShirtless wrote:This venture into stupidity may be excused if the holiday destinations are gay beaches, gay tourist attractions [I hope I'm making that up], and anything that is gay. But African country would set up an all-gay safari.
Why should gays need their own beaches and what is a gay tourist attraction (gay cities? :shock: )? Its all dumb crap. Gays don't need their own cruises; how are they different from "non-gay" cruises? Why do we seperate people like this?

If we had all white or black cruises people would be screaming discrimination and such. But an all gay cruise? Sure, seems like a great idea. :roll:

Posted: 2003-08-04 11:30am
by Col. Crackpot
BoredShirtless wrote:This venture into stupidity may be excused if the holiday destinations are gay beaches, gay tourist attractions [I hope I'm making that up], and anything that is gay. But African country would set up an all-gay safari.

so many offensive jokes fighting to srface...must resist.....

Posted: 2003-08-04 11:40am
by BoredShirtless
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Why should gays need their own beaches and what is a gay tourist attraction (gay cities? :shock: )? Its all dumb crap. Gays don't need their own cruises; how are they different from "non-gay" cruises? Why do we seperate people like this?

If we had all white or black cruises people would be screaming discrimination and such. But an all gay cruise? Sure, seems like a great idea. :roll:
I hear you Dwarf.

Posted: 2003-08-04 11:41am
by Iceberg
BoredShirtless wrote:This venture into stupidity may be excused if the holiday destinations are gay beaches, gay tourist attractions [I hope I'm making that up], and anything that is gay. But African country would set up an all-gay safari.
No, but Big Gay Al might...


Posted: 2003-08-04 04:42pm
by otter
Maybe they could strap pontoons to Rosie's fat ass and thighs and use her as a gay cruise liner.........preferably sailing over Niagra Falls on her maiden voyage

Posted: 2003-08-04 05:00pm
by Gil Hamilton
otter wrote:Maybe they could strap pontoons to Rosie's fat ass and thighs and use her as a gay cruise liner.........preferably sailing over Niagra Falls on her maiden voyage
I don't suppose you saw the episode of the Man Show where Jimmy and Doug went to a gay and lesbian gathering and were polling the lesbians there to see if any one of them would have sex with Rosie O'Donnell. The answer was unanimously "no!", even when they were posing questions like "Say you and Rosie were stuck on a desert island and the only way to get home is to hop on her and sex her to safety... would you do it?". No one would board that ship, I'm afraid. :)

Posted: 2003-08-04 05:32pm
by Dalton
I agree with you IP...

Posted: 2003-08-04 06:20pm
by Howedar
What a fucking moronic idea.

Posted: 2003-08-04 06:33pm
by Frank Hipper
Gay cruises were originally set up as meat-market orgies on the high seas. Segregation in that case, I believe, everyone supports. :D

But Family-Friendly gay travel agencies? The only rational reason I see to support this would be to support a gay business. But that's stretching it.

I expect more of this sort of foolishness in the next couple years, with the recent inroads involving the SCOTUS decision and our friends to the north. Stupidity crosses all barriers, after all, and those rulings will be all the excuse some people need to go as far overboard as they can possibly go.

Posted: 2003-08-04 06:33pm
by Montcalm
It could be worse MJ could start an airline company for pedophiles.

Posted: 2003-08-05 08:09am
by otter
Gil Hamilton wrote:
otter wrote:Maybe they could strap pontoons to Rosie's fat ass and thighs and use her as a gay cruise liner.........preferably sailing over Niagra Falls on her maiden voyage
I don't suppose you saw the episode of the Man Show where Jimmy and Doug went to a gay and lesbian gathering and were polling the lesbians there to see if any one of them would have sex with Rosie O'Donnell. The answer was unanimously "no!", even when they were posing questions like "Say you and Rosie were stuck on a desert island and the only way to get home is to hop on her and sex her to safety... would you do it?". No one would board that ship, I'm afraid. :)
He-heh :lol: Nope, didn't catch that episode, but its the truth. I don't think I'd wish sex with Rosie on my worst enemy :twisted:

Posted: 2003-08-05 03:16pm
by Miss Grim
Wow... so much hostility.

I'm surprised that a group of people that seems to be so observant about other things (did you notice that that Storm Trooper hit his head as he was running by in that 5-second scene?) fails to see the benefit of sharing a group vacation with people who share a common interest, which would be a certain style of parenting. Cruises are set up with all kinds of interest groups in mind... I've seen singles cruises, pet owners cruises (usually fund raising for animal shelters), and even comic book artist cruises. It's a well-known fact that a large number of parents are very interested in their children and how they raise their children, and these parents like to share and discuss this topic with similar parents. It's also a well-known fact that children of gay or lesbian parents can sometimes feel alienated because their family is different from the families of their peers. I see nothing wrong at all with organizing a cruise (or other group vacations) for gay and lesbian families... it's probably a nice change for them to share a common form of family entertainment with similar families, and at the same time it gives them a good opportunity to meet similar parents and share ideas and opinions about the problems and benefits involved with raising children when there are only two mothers or two fathers.

If any group that has a common interest wants to get together and organize fun group activities and vacations, I'm certainly not going to have a problem with it.