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Need a Critique

Posted: 2003-08-04 09:55am
by Soontir C'boath
I have just started flexing my debating skills with this guy I met on a forum. We're discussing about the US and what we're doing and etc. And a couple range of other topics.. I think I let him get away with a couple things though. So I'm wondering if you can tell what I'm doing wrong or out of character of a debater. Or I have my info wrong.
Thx in advance for reading.

This is the last reply I gave him...
2. US gave money and training to talibans and other 'extremist' groups in afghanistan, which didn't go that well for you in 2001. Would have been better for you if the democratically elected Afghanistan president had been supported instead of the talibans, no?
Another Red Herring. This was during the time when the Soviets were invading Afganistan to get more control of the Middle East. We were supporting such groups as the Taliban so the Soviets does not gain a direct route to oil.
Different Time Period Different circumstances. RED HERRING NEXT!!!
3. George Bush I was head of CIA. Later president. His son, George II, heavily influenced by his father, is now leading the country. Thus the past is relevant. Karzai has very little power outside the capital. The Afghanistan Army is less than 10k men strong, while a warlord controlling the area along the border to Iran has about 50 k men in his personal security force (and makes a lot more money by taxing the flow of goods over the border). And Karzai has to beg him for money from him, it's fairly clear that Karzai doesn't have much power. Great job done there.. Remember that you helped Saddam and CIA even provided help with maps when knowing saddam would use them to nail the kurds. Interesting how you are afraid of the wrong people winning elections..
Before that the Taliban didn't have much power either against those Warlords. Afgansistan HAS ALWAYS BEEN a nation in WAR with the warlords about. But I guess you never knew that.
4. Yeah and CIA used to help him. Pinochet killed thousands too, you helped him and never removed him (he left the post when he felt he was too old to bother). Fear and might are good tools for puppetregimes to control throguh. What was your point?
My point is it is a red herring. It is not occuring now in Iraq and it sure as hell hasn't in Afgansistan.
Stop referring to the old and out with the new.
5. Conservatives rule the country atm, maybe you missed that?
Maybe you also missed that Congress, House of Rep, and the Senate can veto the Pres.
6. Go read up on the law of Florida.
Why should I? Why should I do the work you are suppose to do to provide me info. THe burden of proof is on you to show me that people cannot vote b/c criminals have the same last names.
7. Not really, go read the UN charter.
Again Burden of Proof is on you. It is not my job to prove myself wrong it is your job to yourself RIGHT.
8. Eh, have you missed them testing their fully functional medium range missiles that can carry those warheads?
They test their nuclear weapons underground. It specifically doesn't tell what the range of these missles hold if they have have ballistic missles. Might I remind you that India and Pakistan are poor countries.
11. Not quite, you have them there because nobody else in the region would accept bribes to have bases on their land.
LOL. False claim.
If you had remember from the first Gulf War. Iraq tried to invade Saudi Arabia thus we the US brought protection to SA to prevent that from happening again.