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Am I the only one who....
Posted: 2002-09-22 03:17pm
by RayCav of ASVS
...thinks its humorous an entire group of Nazi scum got defeated by a loose collection of sci-fi fans?
Posted: 2002-09-22 03:18pm
by Cpt_Frank
Well Nazis usually don't have much brains so there ya go.
Posted: 2002-09-22 03:31pm
by Sea Skimmer
That’s really not a surprising thing. I kill more brain cells each weekend skateboarding then the entire WCOTC board has combined, to the tenth power.
Posted: 2002-09-22 03:35pm
by 2000AD
Well it's not that strange. Funny, but not to be unexpected.
Posted: 2002-09-22 03:51pm
by Cal Wright
Well, nothing beats the well placed impact of a large foot in one's ass.
Posted: 2002-09-22 04:14pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
They lost because when they tried to burn the website they destroyed their own computers.
Posted: 2002-09-22 04:16pm
by Virgil Caine
Considering that in all likelihood that your loose collection of sci-fi fans has more members than the World Church of the Crackheads? Or that, collectively, they have a negative IQ?
Yeah, humourous. Not surprising, though:)
Posted: 2002-09-22 04:18pm
by RayCav of ASVS
Virgil Caine wrote:Considering that in all likelihood that your loose collection of sci-fi fans has more members than the World Church of the Crackheads? Or that, collectively, they have a negative IQ?
Yeah, humourous. Not surprising, though:)
Actually it's World Church of The (Donkey) Cocksuckers
Posted: 2002-09-22 04:22pm
by Virgil Caine
Alright. But I don't have any evidence of that; any number of things is indicative of a heavy reliance of mind-altering drugs on their part. That their site has a children's section--with racist word scramble and a colouring book, no less--ought to speak to that.
But whatever you say, Chief.
Posted: 2002-09-22 04:44pm
by RayCav of ASVS
Virgil Caine wrote:
But whatever you say, Chief.
Hear that, everyone? I'm the new Chief in town
Posted: 2002-09-22 05:17pm
by Mr Bean
Time to abuse my new-found powers
Oh Ray forgot to mention I just got made Mod of these Forums too
Thusly I'll abuse my powers and close yet another pointless Ray thread