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If someone would be as so kind as to catch me up.......

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:09pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
If I were Han, I'd probably say something like: "I leave for a couple a weeks and everyone starts getting delusions of grandeur!" or "Bean a mod on like every forum! Can hardly take care of himself let alone control 3 (4?) forums at once!" or "I know that laugh, DarkStar you slimy piece of worm ridden filth! I shouda known you'd start some crap with the big boss man sooner or later!"

Alas, I've been burnt out on school for the last couple of weeks now, and have been on hiatus from SD.NET for a considerable amount of time (in my book, anyways). But I've finally regained my balance, and will agian be regularly posting again soon.

So now I've come back and behold, I find all sorts of crazy crap-escpecially on the SW vs ST where thers FIVE stickys. And apparently Wong and DarkStar have been locking horns for some time now, and I'm really lost here.

So to reiterate, could somebody PLEASE catch me up on the current events of this forum, cause I am WAAAAAAAAYYYYY behind.

And I'm gonn ahave a hell of a time catching up with all the fanfics! ARGH!

So uh......did anyone miss me?

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:16pm
by Master of Ossus
Basically, DarkStar pissed Wong off by flaming everyone and high-jacking thread after thread after thread. Wong decided that he had had enough and challenged him to a debate. DarkStar initially refused because he said that Mike would flame him and that he would take any flames by Mike as a concession on the whole point. Mike told him to fuck off and insisted on a no-holds-barred fight to the finish. DarkStar refused, again saying that Mike was afraid to debate him without being able to use flames to cover up for his own inadequacy in debating :roll: . Mike laid down the law, saying that DarkStar could either debate him or be banned. DarkStar chose banning. Mike banned him. DarkStar took the thing to ASVS and SB and started spin-doctoring what had happened. He kept saying that Mike had chickened out. Mike then went to ASVS and started negotiating with DumbShit. The negotiations went nowhere, to everyone's annoyance. Mike then just sent the first round of the debate, and then the battle began.

In the meantime, some people on the Science, Logic, and Morality forum invaded a neo-nazi, racist site. The Nazis then found out where they were coming from and followed us back to here. We appear to have repelled their counter-invasion for the moment, which consisted of almost nothing but flames and (to my knowledge) none of the racists came up with even one point that was remotely valid. So, after much abuse, the Nazis kind of just decided to pack up and leave. And all is as it should be.

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:24pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
BANNING! NAZIS! *shakes MoO* This isn't Indiana Jones man!

Seriously though, that is weird. Too bad I missed it. Well thanks anyways, I guess I'll have to start reading the debate (as soon as I have time, its late after all). I guess its a mixed blessing DS is gone (for now....) he made an ass outta himself on numerous occasions, but he provided us with such good entertainment he did!

Oh well, I guess I've got some postin to do, later all.

And I understand this is an off-topic thread, I was simply freaking out too much to realize I was posting on the incorrect forum, really. Do with it as you please.

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:45pm
by Mr Bean
I'll flex my new found powers and move the thread

And yes I Mod nearly every forum now :D

Posted: 2002-09-22 08:54pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
As you sid, there's a lot of new fanfics, more SW discussions, and recently, we've been invaded by white supremacists, from the WCOTC. They're no problem, though. When we shoot their arguments into hell, they'll go sane again, and their "church" will suffer a minor kick in the balls.

Posted: 2002-09-22 09:39pm
by Raxmei
God came in briefly to debate for Creationism. Darth Wong shredded His arguments. God was so ashamed he gave his position over to Wong. Lord Wong's first act was to smite Darkstar. That's the reason why you don't see him around here lately.

Posted: 2002-09-22 11:17pm
by consequences
hmm, if God proved his existence, wouldn't that instantly destroy him anyway?(ref Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

Posted: 2002-09-22 11:31pm
by Cal Wright
Dalton had this really kick ass arangutang avatar then took it down. He said he would be putting it back up. Until then all of my posts, starting with this one, will mention it and beg him to bring it back.

Dalton, bring him back!