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Age of Consent

Posted: 2003-08-09 09:55am
by His Divine Shadow
Age of consent, we had a similar debate on spacebattles recently, anyway what do you think it should be?
In Sweden and France it's 15, and they have one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates there is, the US has four times more teen pregnancies and it's age of consent is apparently 18, though it seems to vary from state to state.
It's 16 in Finland.

What do you think the age of consent should be?

Posted: 2003-08-09 09:56am
by Peregrin Toker
In Denmark it's 15, but it appears though that very few Danes lose their virginity at such a young age.

Posted: 2003-08-09 10:04am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
I believe there should be none at all. If two people want to have sex, no matter what their age, they shouldn't get punished for it. Forcing someone to have sex with you would still be rape, so pedophiles couldn't run around trying to seduce 5 year olds and get away with it.

Posted: 2003-08-09 10:06am
by Alyeska
Crazy as the hodgepodge US system is, I think that full sexual rights at age 18 and semi restricted rights at age 16 more or less works. However, I think that underage teens both capable and willing to have sex shouldn't be denied and one charged with rape (right now a 16 year old can be charged for screwing a 15 year old). Basicaly teens are still young and immature to a degree and they should be fucking each other, not some 40 year old still living with their parrents. However, once your 18 your legal to do any fucking you want so long as its with consent.

Posted: 2003-08-09 10:18am
by His Divine Shadow
Alyeska wrote:Crazy as the hodgepodge US system is, I think that full sexual rights at age 18 and semi restricted rights at age 16 more or less works.
I don't really think it does work, teen pregnancy rates are through the roof and lots of complications are created because of the 18 year old barrier because couples easily span those age differences, I mean, 16-21, illegal in the US, maybe even socially unacceptable, perfectly normal and acceptable here.

Posted: 2003-08-09 10:32am
by Solamnus
I did not vote because I do not think this is a black and white question. There should be an age of consent depending on the ages of the people involved. Saying that people should have sex with no age of consent screams at me that there would be perverts walking around trying to have sex with young wouldn't have to be forced at all. Children are easily coerced. I don't think I would like to see some 35 year old humping my 13 year old daughter. <---Example, I do not have a daughter.

However, sex among peers I think can be considered a separate issue. Peers being highschool kids. 14~18 years of age and other similar circumstances.

Posted: 2003-08-09 12:17pm
by InnerBrat
I think the age of 16 we have here is probably the best situation, but with a leniency in the eyes of the prosecuaters in situaions such as peer-to-peer sex. It's not there to punish the early sexually mature, but to protect the emotionally immature. Like the drinking age, many teens know what they're doing by the time it becoems legal, and can do so safely.

Allowing kids to have sex before the school age for sex ed is just stupid.

If your going to say that any child is repsonsible enough to have sex, then tyou might as well grant full adult rights and responsibilities to all children. Why not give them the vote, let them dirnk alcohol etc?
Because children below a certain age are not repsonible enough to handle it

Re: Age of Consent

Posted: 2003-08-09 12:33pm
by Darth Wong
His Divine Shadow wrote:Age of consent, we had a similar debate on spacebattles recently, anyway what do you think it should be?
In Sweden and France it's 15, and they have one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates there is, the US has four times more teen pregnancies and it's age of consent is apparently 18, though it seems to vary from state to state.
It's 16 in Finland.

What do you think the age of consent should be?
The high rate of teen pregnancies in the US has nothing to do with the age of consent, which I think is fine at 16 (although I believe leniency is in order when both partners are below 16, as opposed to a 15 year old and a mature adult). It's their abysmal attitude toward sex education.

Posted: 2003-08-09 12:38pm
by Enigma
In Ontario, the age of consent is 14.

Posted: 2003-08-09 12:43pm
by kojikun
I was desperate for cock at the age of 13, so I can attest that there is atleast one person on earth that was sexually mature that early. A few friends of mine have been sexually active since atleast half that age. :shock:

Posted: 2003-08-09 12:44pm
by The Duchess of Zeon

Posted: 2003-08-09 01:14pm
by Wicked Pilot
Do whatever Chef says.

Posted: 2003-08-09 01:17pm
by Lord Pounder
I think 16 is about right, a year lower than the law in Northern Ireland allows. At 16 a person is a young adult. He or she is old enough to leave school, at least in the UK. At 16 a person is old enough to handle the responcibilities of adulthood. I also agree with more lenient penalties for people withing the same age group who have sex underage. For instance i remember a hypothetical situation i saw in a movie. A man aged 19 has sex with his girlfriend who is aged just a few months under the limit. Her parents who don't approve of the relationship find out and have him charged with rape of a minor. Is that fair?

Re: Age of Consent

Posted: 2003-08-09 01:27pm
by Lt. Dan
His Divine Shadow wrote:Age of consent, we had a similar debate on spacebattles recently, anyway what do you think it should be?
In Sweden and France it's 15, and they have one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates there is, the US has four times more teen pregnancies and it's age of consent is apparently 18, though it seems to vary from state to state.
It's 16 in Finland.

What do you think the age of consent should be?
In other countrys, sex isn't such a big deal. I the U.S., it's the BIG thing. In other words it's taboo. Kids are more likely to go out and do something you are told not to.(How many of you drank while under age, I did) Then the whole T.V. cencership deal adds to the problem. You start getting 12 and 13 year old boys looking at the style channel or scabled porn(cought my best friend' lil nephew doning this) just to see a "boobie".(his word) The age, I think should stay at 18. It's everything else that needs to change.

Posted: 2003-08-09 01:52pm
by RogueIce
16 works about right for me. Really, are the people involved even developed enough for it at 14 and such? :?

Anyway, the way it is now, me being 18, I'd be afraid to have sex with a consenting 16 or 17 year old, even though the Age of Consent in FL is 16. It's because of the whole "18 you're now an adult" thing, makes me wonder if some asshole parent (or for that matter an asshole schoolmate) wouldn't be able to report me and I'd be fucked over, even if it was consenting.

I think anywhere between 16-21 is fine enough, but when you hit 22 and if they're not 18, you gotta wait (which is a good four year age difference anyway, so if they're not pretty damn close to 18 as it is, it's quite a gap).

Just my thoughts.

Posted: 2003-08-09 02:09pm
by Solauren
I think Ontario's system of 14 is good, with adjustments.

Both are under 14, not a problem, unless there is a serious age difference (i.e 13 year old and a 11 year old). If the younger one says 'but I wanted to' then, just have the older one go under some psych eval

If between 14 - 16, and the older partner is over 24 and in a position of authority over the teenager, that would be on a case by case basis.

Sexual consent is a very iffy issue in some cases. I mean, if a 10 year old knows and thinks they understand what sex is and does and wants to try it, they are going to try it. (No one can say they truely understand sex until they have had it) The same as smoking, and stuff that isn't bad either (i.e Hey, what does an adult hamburger really taste like, what's this movie really like)

The problem is, some people mature faster then others, depending on the individual and there upbringing and what has happend to them in there life.

I know a 24 year old lady who has no idea about dating and sex and all that, because she was had a very sheltered life until she turned 19, and her rather strict and nutty religious upbringing stuck. (As an example, she was 16 and wanted to spend the night at my families place. Her father refused to let her because my dad and I were going to be in the house. He also refused to let them into there own family pool if he was swimming in it, and they had to wear full length skirts in the middle of summer regardless of the heat to hide there figures, etc). She has tried dating a few times, but each time is in way over her head and ends up panicing and taking off from the date.

On the other hand, when I was in Grade 7 (in a Behaviour Class), one of the girls bragged how her first time having sex was when she was 10 and got a college guy drunk and had sex with him when he was nearly to the point of passing out.

Some people are royally mentally fucked (above two examples), and some just 'grow up' faster then others.

Posted: 2003-08-09 02:10pm
by lux
I'm afraid to have sex at almost any age. If a girl plays it well enough, you could be screwed for life. At least this is some stuff that I've been hearing lately.

Personally I don't understand why there is an age of consent. Hasn't everyone realized that when they set nice big restrictions on teens/young adults that they get a nice big rebelion back? I think drinking was our biggest mistake of all. I used to live in Holland where the drinking age is 16. I knew about two people who actually got drunk as much as the kids here do. Problem is we can't really change anything now, because that would simply result in a giant party.

What we really need is a time machine. That way we can fix all this shit before it happens. :?

Posted: 2003-08-09 02:17pm
by Illuminatus Primus
His Divine Shadow wrote:
Alyeska wrote:Crazy as the hodgepodge US system is, I think that full sexual rights at age 18 and semi restricted rights at age 16 more or less works.
I don't really think it does work, teen pregnancy rates are through the roof and lots of complications are created because of the 18 year old barrier because couples easily span those age differences, I mean, 16-21, illegal in the US, maybe even socially unacceptable, perfectly normal and acceptable here.
Actually, that's exactly how it works here.

In this Florida once you're 16 you can have sex with anyone 16-21. Once you're 18, you can have sex with anyone 16-to anything, and once you're 21 you can't have sex with anyone younger than 18.

Seems to work ok.

Though the "turn 16 and partner hasn't yet" making it statutory is a retarded law.

Posted: 2003-08-09 02:22pm
by kojikun
I'm 17 and I wanna fuck this guy I know whos 29. you can kiss my ass for telling me I'm not allowed to. :evil:

Posted: 2003-08-09 02:25pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I think it's more a question of education then anything else.

Of course I wanted to beat the fucking shit out of one of my "Aquantances" from high school when we were in college because picked up a "Wife" while he was stationed overseas (She was 14)

Posted: 2003-08-09 02:39pm
by RogueIce
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Actually, that's exactly how it works here.

In this Florida once you're 16 you can have sex with anyone 16-21. Once you're 18, you can have sex with anyone 16-to anything, and once you're 21 you can't have sex with anyone younger than 18.

Seems to work ok.

Though the "turn 16 and partner hasn't yet" making it statutory is a retarded law.
Really? Wasn't sure on the 16-21 thing. Makes me feel better.

Keeps options open. Some real nice girls I knew in HS. Should be turning 16 fairly soon.

And ditto on the last part. I know a friend who might've run afoul of that. Told them they needed to watch it until she hit 16. They broke up since then. *shrugs* Oh well, such is High School romance. :)

Posted: 2003-08-09 04:01pm
by Peregrin Toker
Enigma wrote:In Ontario, the age of consent is 14.
Am I the only one who for some reason find 14 as an age of consent to seem much lower than 15, even though the difference isn't that big factually?? And can anyone explain why it seems so??

Posted: 2003-08-09 04:39pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Age of Consent here in Louisiana is 17. I took full advantage of this and had sex with a 39-year-old guy a bunch of times. And if anyone tries to arrest the guy for that, I'll ask the charges be dropped!

Posted: 2003-08-09 04:39pm
by Admiral Valdemar
When cherries are red they're ready for plucking, when girls are sixteen they're ready for...

Posted: 2003-08-09 05:49pm
by RogueIce
Admiral Valdemar wrote:When cherries are red they're ready for plucking, when girls are sixteen they're ready for...


Sucking? Oh, wait... :oops: