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For those in the Boy Scouts of America...
Posted: 2003-08-09 01:56pm
by RogueIce
What rank are/were you? If you're 18+, what rank did you get up to? And were you in the OA, and if so, what level?
I'm just suddenly curious since I gotta go to a friend's Eagle Court of Honor next weekend.
Me, I got to Life before I hit 18, was in OA as a Brotherhood member, and I finished out as a JASM (Junior Assistant Scout Master).
I might go back as an adult leader (possibly), if I decide it's worth it, and the last bunch of assholes I left behind have gotten any better since then.
Posted: 2003-08-09 02:17pm
by Tsyroc
I am/was an Eagle Scout. I put it on a few months after my 14th birthday. I think I only completed one more merit badge after then, so no palms for me.
I was made a JASM some time after I made Eagle but by the time I was 16 I was doing too many other things to do much with Boy Scouts.
I was a brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, which meant I memorized a lot of crap real quick to pass up from the basic level. There was no way I was ever going to be involved enough to make Vigil. All the people in our council who made that were very heavilly involved in scouting related activities all the time.
Posted: 2003-08-09 02:34pm
by RogueIce
Tsyroc wrote:I was a brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow, which meant I memorized a lot of crap real quick to pass up from the basic level. There was no way I was ever going to be involved enough to make Vigil. All the people in our council who made that were very heavilly involved in scouting related activities all the time.
My Brotherhood "Ordeal" was pretty funny.
While everyone else was moving around logs and stuff (this was shortly after a fire at FASR), I just washed a few pots and pans (not even that was lunch, and obviously, the Ordealies weren't getting any, so not a big crowd) and that was enough for it.
I got JASM between 16-17 and wasn't around much then either. I just showed up every now and again.
I was just too lazy (and had lost most interest in Scouts) to do the Family Life and Communications merit badges I needed for Eagle. I made Life at 14 and there I stayed until 18.
Posted: 2003-08-09 02:36pm
by SirNitram
Life Scout, Order Of The Arrow.
This is where I got into AD&D. Every night, after everything was finished, we'd sit around the campfires and hunt ghosts and other undead.
Posted: 2003-08-09 02:37pm
by Tsyroc
SirNitram wrote:Life Scout, Order Of The Arrow.
This is where I got into AD&D. Every night, after everything was finished, we'd sit around the campfires and hunt ghosts and other undead.
One of the guys in our troop liked to bring all of his Gamma World stuff along.
Posted: 2003-08-09 02:42pm
by Thirdfain
I made Star and 16, and called it quits. I've been active in Boy Scouts till today, (I work as camp staff at a Boy Camp,) but I hated doing merit badges.
Posted: 2003-08-09 03:09pm
by Captain Cyran
I am currently 17 and Life scout. I just finished my last required badge and should be Eagle in at least 3 months.
I am also in the Order of the Arrow and I am Ordeal level.
Also, I am the SPL of my troop. A tiring job, wouldn't take it again, but it was a rewarding experiance. I just got back from a week at Scout camp where my troop won a lot of awards.
All in all it was a fun experiance, shame that it'll be over in less then a year.
Posted: 2003-08-09 05:45pm
by RogueIce
Captain_Cyran wrote:I am currently 17 and Life scout. I just finished my last required badge and should be Eagle in at least 3 months.
You get a card with that! Or so I heard.
I am also in the Order of the Arrow and I am Ordeal level.
[Nelson]Haw haw![/Nelson] The Brotherhood sash with the bars on it looks SO much cooler (I have two for some reason
Also, I am the SPL of my troop. A tiring job, wouldn't take it again, but it was a rewarding experiance. I just got back from a week at Scout camp where my troop won a lot of awards.
Never did that. I was Troop Guide for an UnGodly amount of time. But that was because I liked the red Scout sign on it so much! JASM wasn't fun though. Dealing with the new scouts mostly... *sigh* Like Troop Guide, only I had to deal with everyone else, too.
All in all it was a fun experiance, shame that it'll be over in less then a year.
Be an Asst Scoutmaster! Adult Leadership, baby!
How long you been Life for?
*recalls the old joke he heard about why Life Scout was called Life Scout, and grins*
Posted: 2003-08-09 06:16pm
by Captain Cyran
I could be in brotherhood, but I really didn't feel like bothering with it as I haven't even done anything as an Ordeal member.
I am actually planning on becoming an Asst Scoutmaster. Which would be a lot of fun.
I was Life for...hmmm, probably around two years, maybe longer as I've been really busy and haven't gotten around to Scouting.
And what is this joke you heard about?
Posted: 2003-08-09 06:20pm
by RogueIce
Captain_Cyran wrote:And what is this joke you heard about?
They call it Life Scout because you stay at that for (seemingly) a lifetime.
It's hardly a great joke, but hey, it's the Boy Scouts. What'd you expect?
Posted: 2003-08-09 06:25pm
by Captain Cyran
RogueIce wrote:Captain_Cyran wrote:And what is this joke you heard about?
They call it Life Scout because you stay at that for (seemingly) a lifetime.
It's hardly a great joke, but hey, it's the Boy Scouts. What'd you expect?
That's not a joke...
It's the truth.
Posted: 2003-08-09 07:03pm
by Majin Gojira
Made it to Life Scout...then stopped.
still do scout stuff every now and then (Camping, Fishing, etc), just not with the scouts...
Posted: 2003-08-09 07:15pm
by RogueIce
Captain_Cyran wrote:That's not a joke...
It's the truth.
Tell me about it. I spent four years there (then I hit 18, which meant it didn't matter).
I did Tenderfoot-1st Class in the course of a summer camp, for all intents and purposes. Then 1st class to Life in a couple years (was getting lazy then), then Life for four years.
Odd, eh?
That laziness is a bitch.
Posted: 2003-08-09 07:43pm
by Alyrium Denryle
The only troops in my area are... you guessed it... elitist mormons.
Because I was not a meber of the rlittle club, they tormented me.... taking down my tent as I slept, threw rocks at me, and because I have a softspot for animals.. ruthlessly killed them for pleasure... And because the scout master was one of their dads... my complaints fell on deaf ears... So I made it to first class before I quit. Besides, my troup activities were things like working on the golfing merit badge...As opposed to something usefull like archery...
Posted: 2003-08-09 07:51pm
by RogueIce
Alyrium Denryle wrote:The only troups in my area are... you guessed it... elitist mormons.
Because I was not a meber of the rlittle club, they tormented me.... taking down my tent as I slept, threw rocks at me, and because I have a softspot for animals.. ruthlessly killed them for pleasure... And because the scout master was one of their dads... my complaints fell on deaf ears... So I made it to first class before I quit. Besides, my troup activities were things like working on the golfing merit badge...As opposed to something usefull like archery...
You mean Troops?
Anyway, I had the rich-kid troop too, and they were general assholes. Luckily, I was either a) older than them or b) knew enough of the ones in my peer group that they never gave me too much shit.
And as for Merit Badges, the most pointless I had was Enviro Science...
*points proudly to his Shotgun and Rifle Shooting merit badges*
Posted: 2003-08-09 08:19pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Sorry I was thinking of monkeys... which isnt that far off if ther intellect is any indicator...
I would have enjoyed enviro science, that is actually usefull... for me at least... but golfing???
Posted: 2003-08-09 08:20pm
by RogueIce
Alyrium Denryle wrote:I would have enjoyed enviro science, that is actually usefull... for me at least... but golfing???
Well, if you're gonna make your way through Coporate America...
Posted: 2003-08-09 08:25pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Or as a biologist, or general steward of the environment(the outdoor code comes to mind)
Posted: 2003-08-09 08:26pm
by Superman
I won't denounce my atheism so I cannot join.
Posted: 2003-08-10 01:25am
by Howedar
Alyrium Denryle wrote:The only troops in my area are... you guessed it... elitist mormons.
Because I was not a meber of the rlittle club, they tormented me.... taking down my tent as I slept, threw rocks at me, and because I have a softspot for animals.. ruthlessly killed them for pleasure... And because the scout master was one of their dads... my complaints fell on deaf ears... So I made it to first class before I quit. Besides, my troup activities were things like working on the golfing merit badge...As opposed to something usefull like archery...
I was in a mormon troop because my friend who got me into the BSA was a mormon. Never had the slightest problem with it. All the mormons were entirely respectful of my non-mormon-ness. But then, I didn't hastle them either.
I made Life (and brotherhood in the OA) before I got a car and real life took priority. I never really felt like doing the family life merit badge and shit. I think I needed like 3 merit badges.
Oh well, it was fun anyway.
Posted: 2003-08-10 02:08am
by Alyrium Denryle
I was in a mormon troop because my friend who got me into the BSA was a mormon. Never had the slightest problem with it. All the mormons were entirely respectful of my non-mormon-ness. But then, I didn't hastle them either.
I didnt hassle them either, this was back in my liberal christian days...(After the fundyness, before the atheism)
Posted: 2003-08-10 08:22am
by Tsyroc
RogueIce wrote:Captain_Cyran wrote:I am currently 17 and Life scout. I just finished my last required badge and should be Eagle in at least 3 months.
You get a card with that! Or so I heard.
You sure do. Mine was signed by Ronald Reagan.
Posted: 2003-08-10 10:24am
by Andrew J.
I was in the Scouts for a couple years when I was in elementary sschool. I can honestly say that it was some of the most boring crap I've ever done. We mostly just stayed in the school gym and listened to lectures. I quit after I managed to convince my parents that it wasn't really worth the time. I don't remember anything about my rank or badges, and frankly I don't want to remember.
Posted: 2003-08-10 10:42am
by Tsyroc
Andrew J. wrote:I was in the Scouts for a couple years when I was in elementary sschool. I can honestly say that it was some of the most boring crap I've ever done. We mostly just stayed in the school gym and listened to lectures. I quit after I managed to convince my parents that it wasn't really worth the time. I don't remember anything about my rank or badges, and frankly I don't want to remember.
It sounds like Cub Scouts which is major league boring. I liked the uniforms and you could earn all kinds of stuff to put on them, especially when you moved up to Webelos, but still pretty boring.
Actually most scout meetings were boring. The cool thing was that my troop tried to have at least one campout a month. We had longer trips during school breaks and during the summer we usually did a two week deal where we left the state.
Posted: 2003-08-10 03:58pm
by RogueIce
Tsyroc wrote:Actually most scout meetings were boring. The cool thing was that my troop tried to have at least one campout a month. We had longer trips during school breaks and during the summer we usually did a two week deal where we left the state.
Yeah. I might've stayed longer (and thus gotten Eagle) except that they kept repeating the damn trips. Same places, with little variation, which isn't so bad if you're just in, but after a good four years of it...