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Which are wierder?

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:13am
by Anarchist Bunny
After having my title in a couple other places(it's the same as the first line of my sig) called into question several times, I decided to put it up to a vote. Which are wierder, penises or vaginas?

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:26am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Penis. And it's not a happy thing, either. It's a bizzare growth sticking out from the human body!


Posted: 2003-08-10 10:29am
by Joe
There officially is no "rock bottom" on SD.Net anymore. We're already well-below it.

The vagina. The wang is pretty straightforward, the vagina is a little more mysterious.

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:33am
by Rye
Looks-wise i'd say vagina. Lol, as Koji said it's like someone's cut a guy's penis off and started to pull some guts out of the hole. I replied with "It's more like a meaty flower"....still, they're a weird organ.

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:40am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Durran Korr wrote:There officially is no "rock bottom" on SD.Net anymore. We're already well-below it.
This from the Che Guevara Mouseketeer, too.

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:48am
by Solamnus
Not only is the vagina weirder, it is far too complicated for a sexual organ. Far too many things can go wrong with it. You don't see us men going to penalologists and having cold, metallic instruments going up our pee hole!

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:51am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Solamnus wrote:Not only is the vagina weirder, it is far too complicated for a sexual organ. Far too many things can go wrong with it. You don't see us men going to penalologists and having cold, metallic instruments going up our pee hole!
I didn't know you could have a baby out of your penis.

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:51am
This poll is clearly biased towards people advocating sexual reproduction.

Posted: 2003-08-10 10:56am
by InnerBrat
At least it's neat, tidy, and tucked out of the way.

Why you need to have your gentilalia hanign out and flopping around for all to see is beyond me.

And you pee out of it! That's just gross.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:05am
by theski
I use mine to hang wet towels on..... :lol:

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:08am
by Anarchist Bunny
The vagina is the modern day equivalent of the one ring, it drives it's bearer absolutely insane, it give the beareer influence over others(guys), and it has the power to destroy the world of men.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:09am
by Solamnus
innerbrat wrote:At least it's neat, tidy, and tucked out of the way.

Why you need to have your gentilalia hanign out and flopping around for all to see is beyond me.

And you pee out of it! That's just gross.
No. I am sorry, that answer is incorrect! Penises are so much easier to take care of IMHO. All you need is some soap and water. Vagina's need a medical check up, they stink, they bleed, they are made wrong (the most sensitive spot is NOT in the vagina), and there is no penis cancer. A penis has one hole fit for both jobs <----There is evidence for intelligent design!

Penises >> Vaginas

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:12am
by The Duchess of Zeon
anarchistbunny wrote:The vagina is the modern day equivalent of the one ring, it drives it's bearer absolutely insane, it give the beareer influence over others(guys), and it has the power to destroy the world of men.
Well, that's worthy of Freud.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:17am
by theski
Solamnus wrote: Vagina's need a medical check up, they stink, they bleed, they are made wrong (the most sensitive spot is NOT in the vagina), and there is no penis cancer. A penis has one hole fit for both jobs [quote]

IMHO almost all do not Stink... and it is a nice place to visit.. :wink:

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:17am
by InnerBrat
Solamnus wrote:they stink,
When was the last time you had a good whiff of your knobcheese, mate?
they bleed,
Mine doesn't :)
they are made wrong (the most sensitive spot is NOT in the vagina),
This from a gender whose G-Spot is in the anus? So we have a clitoris as well. That's just a free gift.
and there is no penis cancer.
There's no vagina cancer either.
Oh, but there's testicular cancer, prostate cancer etc etc etc. That's not an argument.
A penis has one hole fit for both jobs <----There is evidence for intelligent design!
So why don't you go fuck a platypus then?

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:18am
by Next of Kin
innerbrat wrote: Why you need to have your gentilalia hanign out and flopping around for all to see is beyond me.
Most guys normally don't walk around and do that in public unless its in a game of golf where if you don't hit the ball past the woman's tee off then you have to play the hole with your dick hanging out...hence dickout!

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:20am
by The Duchess of Zeon
innerbrat wrote: So why don't you go fuck a platypus then?
That would definitely be on his evolutionary level.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:20am
by InnerBrat
Next of Kin wrote:
innerbrat wrote: Why you need to have your gentilalia hanign out and flopping around for all to see is beyond me.
Most guys normally don't walk around and do that in public
Must be a London thing, then

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:25am
by Solamnus
Penises do not stink and practically all vagina's bleed every month. There is cervical cancer and the head of the penis is fine for a G-spot. Finally, the penis has a superior, yet simple design.

This is why vaginas are weirder.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:34am
by InnerBrat
Solamnus wrote:Penises do not stink
How many penises you been sniffing? At least girly musk is a sexy smell! Knobcheese is the most disgusting smell this side of a man's ankles.
the head of the penis is fine for a G-spot.
That's just a bunch of nerve endings, albeit only a fraction of the number found in the clit. Wanna know about your G Spot? Ask one of my collegues in GALE. The female G spot, is howevr, positioned nealty inside the vagina, thank you very much

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:36am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Solamnus wrote:Penises do not stink
The same for vaginas if you bathe regularly and avoid getting infections/diseases, which is true for about every part of the human body. Perhaps you've had a bad experience there. Though of course there's an obvious smell no matter how much you bathe, really. Unless you're french. Then it's just a heavy cheap perfume odor.
and practically all vagina's bleed every month.
Which is part of that baby thing again, which can be turned off due to the power of modern medicine.
There is cervical cancer
You do realize that the cervix is the lower part of the womb and is rather seperated from the vagina?
and the head of the penis is fine for a G-spot.
If you think that's your G-spot, you'll be missing out on a lot for a long, long time.
Finally, the penis has a superior, yet simple design.
Because it only has to perform one instead of two functions, and that function is the simpler of the two. Yes. Certainly. *nods* We all.. No, actually, we don't believe you, because you're wrong.

P.S. I would really be careful having sex with someone who's vagina "stinks". Really.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:37am
by Solamnus
Still incorrect. The vagina sit and marinates all day with oozing mucus. That is not sexy IMHO. Penises do not ooze nasty mucus. The clit sits right behind a wall of flesh that a man must unravel and clean off to have any fun with. :roll:

I am now disgusted by my own post. :!:

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:39am
by The Duchess of Zeon
innerbrat wrote: How many penises you been sniffing? At least girly musk is a sexy smell! Knobcheese is the most disgusting smell this side of a man's ankles.
*shudders* Stop harming my innocent mind.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:39am
by InnerBrat
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:P.S. I would really be careful having sex with someone who's vagina "stinks". Really.
that's the man's fault, anyway. they wander around carrying all this crap on the end of that thing, just waiting to infect some unsuspecting vagina.

Posted: 2003-08-10 11:41am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Solamnus wrote:Still incorrect. The vagina sit and marinates all day with oozing mucus. That is not sexy IMHO. Penises do not ooze nasty mucus. The clit sits right behind a wall of flesh that a man must unravel and clean off to have any fun with. :roll:

I am now disgusted by my own post. :!:
Fascinating. I did not know that I "oozed mucus" all day long. Perhaps I should get a new job as a shoggoth.