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Kynes on Photoshop Phriday

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:01pm
by Dalton
For all you SA fans out there, ASVS legend Kynes is featured on page 5 of the latest Photoshop Phriday!

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:03pm
by StarshipTitanic
Meh, there were better telegrams. Still, it's funny. :D

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:05pm
by Dalton
No better one if you're a Nintendonerd :)

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:11pm
by StarshipTitanic
I like Nintendo muchly, but the third one down on the third page is just perfect.

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:14pm
by Dalton
StarshipTitanic wrote:I like Nintendo muchly, but the third one down on the third page is just perfect.
That is indeed one of the best ones :lol:

Re: Kynes on Photoshop Phriday

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:23pm
by MKSheppard
Dalton wrote:For all you SA fans out there, ASVS legend Kynes is featured on page 5 of the latest Photoshop Phriday!
Wheee! BTW, how is he?

Re: Kynes on Photoshop Phriday

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:32pm
by seanrobertson
Dalton wrote:For all you SA fans out there, ASVS legend Kynes is featured on page 5 of the latest Photoshop Phriday!
LOL. It's a good one; the "Mushroom Kingdom" is even in the font used by SMB. Send him my regards.

Re: Kynes on Photoshop Phriday

Posted: 2003-08-11 05:36pm
by Dalton
MKSheppard wrote:Wheee! BTW, how is he?
Busy, I'd imagine.
seanrobertson wrote:LOL. It's a good one; the "Mushroom Kingdom" is even in the font used by SMB. Send him my regards.
Next time I see him online I shall be sure to do that :)

Posted: 2003-08-11 06:11pm
by Enigma
On Page 6, is "Wee Mad Arthur" the same guy as "WeeMadAndo"??

Posted: 2003-08-11 06:24pm
by Dalton
Enigma wrote:On Page 6, is "Wee Mad Arthur" the same guy as "WeeMadAndo"??
No. They probably drew their names from the same source (Discworld).

Posted: 2003-08-11 06:35pm
by Demiurge

