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Why my friend didnt get sent to Iraq.

Posted: 2003-08-12 12:10am
by TrailerParkJawa
Guyver's return reminded me of something I wanted to share. I found out the the only reason one of my friends ( an E-7 in the USMCR ) didnt go to Iraq, was because the Turks closed the border and thus the 4th ID had to go around to Kuwait.

Im assuming either the shippined needed for his Marine unit was need to move the Army or plans to use the extra Marines were scrapped. Either way its possible that my friend is alive today because of the political will of Turks. It got me to thinking of how happy I am he didnt go. How happy I am that he didnt have to come home to a baby girl who didnt know who he was.

But I also realize that mabye cause his unit didnt go, someone else might have lost a son or daughter. I certainly hope not.

--- edit , sorry this was meant for OT. Could someone be so kind to move it. -- Thanks.