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Every guy has that one girl ...

Posted: 2003-08-19 12:12am
by Durandal
Would you agree with this? I think that every guy has that one girl in high school that he first fell in love with and just never completely got over. Sure, we all move on, date other girls and even fall in love with them, but there's always that first one who's still got that little piece of your heart. Would you agree? Describe your One That Got Away if so.

Posted: 2003-08-19 12:20am
by Enforcer Talen
a playful godess with more passion for life then I ever could muster.

I still hope Ill get a call from her, someday.

Posted: 2003-08-19 12:30am
by Laird
I concur.

Posted: 2003-08-19 12:34am
by Agent Fisher
There was this one girl that wasn't the best looking but I thought that she was the most beautifil and wondorous looking thing that I had ever seen.

She was that one that we first fall in love with.

Posted: 2003-08-19 12:50am
by phongn
A rather sweet girl who probably much of the rest of my HS was also in love with at some point or another. Also probably one of the most religious I knew, but she never shoved it anyone's face or tried to convert someone [unlike some others I knew]. We still keep in contact online, tho.

Posted: 2003-08-19 12:52am
by Durandal
phongn wrote:A rather sweet girl who probably much of the rest of my HS was also in love with at some point or another. Also probably one of the most religious I knew, but she never shoved it anyone's face or tried to convert someone [unlike some others I knew]. We still keep in contact online, tho.

Posted: 2003-08-19 12:59am
by Dalton
There was this rather sweet southern belle from a summer weight-loss camp...

Re: Every guy has that one girl ...

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:03am
by Crown
Durandal wrote:Would you agree with this? I think that every guy has that one girl in high school that he first fell in love with and just never completely got over. Sure, we all move on, date other girls and even fall in love with them, but there's always that first one who's still got that little piece of your heart. Would you agree? Describe your One That Got Away if so.
Yes I would. She smiled in this certain way that would make my hear melt each time, we could be 'geeky' with each other, and we could be 'sporty' aswell. She loved Soccer, to watch it and play it, and it kept her in great shape.

She had the most soulfull brown eyes, that I could disappear into for hours at a time, and the most wicked sense of humour.

She was intelligent but not 'brainy', she was flirtive but not 'sluty', she was easy going but not an 'air head'.

Damn you Durandal, I was repressing this.

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:03am
by kojikun
well, i dont know about girl, but theres a few guys that im completely nuts for and havent spoken to in a very long time.

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:08am
by Darth Fanboy
no not really, every girl at my high school was either a bitch, boring, or unattractive.

however there will always be a place in my heart for one of my high school teachers, holy shite...

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:10am
by TrailerParkJawa
No, my biggest crush/obsession from Junior High / High School was all a fantasy. I never even dated her, and refused to see that she was a bad character.

I ran into her in my early 20's at work. She got hired into the dept I supported. A few days later they arrested her for stealing money. Sad thing is she had a little kid.

Anyway, Im a long way from the person I was for those first crushes. They dont bother me anymore.

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:13am
by Coyote
Actually, no... I was much more entranced by the real women I met outside of High School, in the Real World. I was such a different person in HS I could not really see any long lost flame with the eyes I have today.

I wonder what might have happened if I had taken Sarit up on her offer. Sigh....

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:13am
by Gil Hamilton
Well, there was my First Girlfriend (the one before the current one). She was awesome; cute, athletic, sweet... unfortunately she was a bit of an airhead, but we did have a great time together. I never got entirely over her, even after we broke up due to her father really not wanting her to date someone who wasn't jewish.

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:19am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Ah, memories.


Re: Every guy has that one girl ...

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:31am
by Enforcer Talen
Crown wrote: Damn you Durandal, I was repressing this.
quite so.

now Im going to be melancholy for a day or two.

-runs off to keep busy, plays politics-

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:39am
by TrailerParkJawa
I would like to add though that I do think about a couple of "Missed" oppurtunities for sex. When I was 25ish, a co-worker mumbled she would sleep with me if I wanted to. I thought she was joking at first and sorta ignored it. I wonder to this day what it would have been like.

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:42am
by Master of Ossus
There was one girl in HS. She was really smart; reserved; pretty but not hot. I really liked her for the longest time. But oh well.... Life goes on.

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:43am
by EmperorMing
BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:Ah, memories.

You can say that again... :wink:

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:58am
by SpacedTeddyBear
Mine had blond hair, blue eyes, and was one of the most naturally beautiful looking girls I ever saw . You could literally throw dirt in her face after waking her up at 2:00AM, and she would still look beautiful. On top of that, she was smart, sweet, but was a bit on the religeous side. Although you would never know that just by talking to her.

When I first met her, I was a bit of a loner. I never really talked to anyone for an extended period of time, let alone a girl. My time was usually spent in the Library reading in a corner, until I met her. Seeing her radiant beauty literally pulled me out of my shell that have been dug into a hole. I forced myself to learn how to communicate with people more often, and how to hold conversations with the opposite sex without making an ass out of myself. Although I stumbled a few times along the way ( and managed to probably annoy her on a few occasions), I was able to eventually talk to her confortably without making myself look too stupid. Of course, by the time that happened, I learned that she was moving far away. Even then, I was still never able to spend a lot of time with her. She had her own group of friends that she was spending the rest of her time with before she moved away, and I was neither part of her group nor was I ever particularly close to her. At best I was on the border line of an good aquantance (sp?) and a friend. Although I'll probably never see or hear from her again, she'll always be special to me.

Posted: 2003-08-19 02:03am
by haas mark
My first boyfriend, actually. :oops:


Posted: 2003-08-19 02:42am
by Macross
Yes, her name was Kristina, she wasthe sweetest girl in the world. Her smile could brighten up a whole room, her laugh was infectious. We were in a lot of classes together, but I never got the courage to ask her out.

I met her in tenth grade, but it wasnt until senior year that I got enough courage to ask her out. I was going to ask her to senior prom, I had saved up a lot of money to spend on what was to be a great evening... but then one day in physics class, I overheard her talking to her friend about her date for the prom. I was devestated. A few days later, I recieved a phone call from another one of her friends who wanted to go to the prom with me, It was friday night and the X-Files was on, so I politely declined. The next week, I overheard her talking to her friend in physics about asking me to the prom, but her friend never did. Which I am glad, I would have declined her invitation also.

I went out the next day and blew all the money I had saved up on anime, model kits and computer games.

From that time to graducation, High School was pure HELL.

Last time I saw her was the day of the physics final exam. I didnt go to graduation, I was so fed up with High School at that point, I just didnt care anymore. That fall, I started college in Florida, and tried to move on, but always in the back of mind was the idea that we would still one day get together.

She, one the other hand, stayed in state, and went to a local college with some of my friends... She caught mono the first semester she was there...

Then two years ago, after yet another devestating relationship failure, I returned home and learned that my friend had caught up with her... He told me that she was single, with a son, and didnt know who the father was. That was the moment when the last lingering feelings I had for her died away.

Now I am just a bitter, resentful bastard who wants no part of love.

Posted: 2003-08-19 03:21am
by RedImperator
Funny, I was just thinking about her a few days ago. Girl I knew for years in school; I'm convinced to this day we would have been perfect together, but alas, she was never interested in dating in high school and I lost touch with her since graduation. I've been toying with the idea of seeing if her old e-mail address is still active.

Posted: 2003-08-19 03:45am
by JodoForce
I went to a boys' school. :roll:

I met an equivalent to what you describe in university though.

Posted: 2003-08-19 04:21am
by The Yosemite Bear
there was that Computer Science/RPG Club math teachers assisstant that put the T&A into TA..... *Shivvers remembering Mr. Ito's class while his assisstant would walk in with those too tight sweaters and that black mini, chewing on that pencil that way....

erm where where we?

Posted: 2003-08-19 04:43am
by Hethrir
Macross wrote:snip sad story of love
I had a similar one. This chick who was really really nice and quite pretty. We got along well and used to talk every afternoon while waiting for parents to pick us up. Asked her out to the Formal (prom in AU) and she said yes. A few days later asked a mate who he was going with....guess the rest. Not happy Jan.

Damn, that was repressed as well :(

EDIT: And she liked Starcraft as well!!!1!