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"The Prop Palace" trustworthy ?

Posted: 2003-08-19 01:51pm
by Crix Dorius
Did someone make already experiences there?
Are the trustworthy ?

Posted: 2003-08-19 02:58pm
by Dalton
I distrust them merely on the poor design of their website.

Posted: 2003-08-19 11:00pm
by Shadowhawk
Considering they're all just resin replicas of props, and not actually movie props, they're probably no more or less trustworthy than other places that sell the same things.

It's really sad, though, that even I could make a better collage for their logo, though. It's like they didn't even try.

Oh, and the site crashed Opera when I closed the window. So fuck 'em.

Posted: 2003-08-20 09:27pm
by Jadeite
:wtf: That is one shitty image.