YT300000's Opinionated Opinion
Posted: 2003-08-22 08:25pm
Starting today, I will post three of my highly opinionated opinions every day or two. Then you can all respond.
YOO #1: Beer, politics and the kick-off.
1. There should be a beer made specifically for women who accidentally go into gay bars. They should call it something like "Oh, shit, I accidentally went into a gay bar, well, maybe if I order a beer and act like everything is normal, I won't get embarassed. Why is everyone staring at me?"
2. Political correctness sucks donkey cocks. But some people fail to realize this. To prove it to them, we should have a day where everything must be politically correct. Eg: Gays are referred to as "heterosexually challenged males," McDonalds will be called "A place with inexpensive food, which, while not particularly nourishing, does have good fried potatoe sticks," and if anyone refers to gender, in any context, the death penalty for them. After one day of this, everyone will hate political correctness.
3. YOO kicks ass. And so do I, for coming up with such a kick-ass concept, and posting it on such a kick-ass board with so many kick-ass people.
4. There are only supposed to be 3 opinions, but 'cause this is the first issue, I put in 4. [Maddox]You may now excersise your right to blow me.[/Maddox}
Well, there's the first edition. Second comes out tomorrow.
YOO #1: Beer, politics and the kick-off.
1. There should be a beer made specifically for women who accidentally go into gay bars. They should call it something like "Oh, shit, I accidentally went into a gay bar, well, maybe if I order a beer and act like everything is normal, I won't get embarassed. Why is everyone staring at me?"
2. Political correctness sucks donkey cocks. But some people fail to realize this. To prove it to them, we should have a day where everything must be politically correct. Eg: Gays are referred to as "heterosexually challenged males," McDonalds will be called "A place with inexpensive food, which, while not particularly nourishing, does have good fried potatoe sticks," and if anyone refers to gender, in any context, the death penalty for them. After one day of this, everyone will hate political correctness.
3. YOO kicks ass. And so do I, for coming up with such a kick-ass concept, and posting it on such a kick-ass board with so many kick-ass people.
4. There are only supposed to be 3 opinions, but 'cause this is the first issue, I put in 4. [Maddox]You may now excersise your right to blow me.[/Maddox}
Well, there's the first edition. Second comes out tomorrow.