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Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age

Posted: 2003-08-25 10:27pm
by Bob McDob
I Will Dress My Links

I borrowed this book a few weeks ago and, coincidently, read it just as the power grid over eastern north america was going to pieces. One of the first chapters has a reference to the blackout of 1977, and then uses it as an example of the interdependency of modern culture. It uses, among other things, references to Asimove books, economic crises (such as the Dutch Tulip debacle of the 1630s), the spread of viruses, both computer and otherwise, Kevin Bacon, and of course the Internet. Like the title says, the basic premise is that everyone on the planet knows each other through six people or less - "six degrees of seperation". Far more than just a simple allusion to Chaos Theory, it goes into mathematical detail that baffled me (the author's mentor is a mathmatician by trade), but should be right up the alley of some of you. I can't say I grasped it all, but it's certainly a worthy read.

Posted: 2003-08-26 12:36am
by TrailerParkJawa
When I was a kid I was connected to Mark Hamil through my mom, who worked at the same hospital. His brother is a doctor.

When I worked for a local concert venue I was connected to Bill Graham by 1 person. The general manager for the amphitheatre whom I reported too used to answer the phones for Bill back in the day.

When I was in college I found out I was connected to Dick Marcinko by 2 people. My boss at Circuit City, her sister was married to him.

Posted: 2003-08-26 04:14am
by InnerBrat
I'm connected to Orlando Bloom through four people or less through three different routes.

Shame I don't fancy him after Pirates, though. But it does make me five degrees away from Johnny Depp!

Posted: 2003-08-26 04:23am
by Robert Treder
If you can find a way from yourself to the president of the USA, you're usually only one or two steps away from most celebrities.

For myself, it's pretty easy. My dad used to be the Human Resources Manager for the entire western US for HP. He knows several higher-ups at HP who have met the president(s) of the USA on occasion. The president meets with all kinds of crazy-ass people, making me only 4-5 degrees away from said crazy-ass people.

Now, whether or not any of this matters is another question.

Posted: 2003-08-26 10:45am
by Zoink
What is the author's definition of "knowing" someone? It would seem to me it would require mutual name recognition.

Posted: 2003-08-26 10:47am
by InnerBrat
Zoink wrote:What is the author's definition of "knowing" someone? It would seem to me it would require mutual name recognition.
I would have thought so. That's what I mean, anyway.