Save yourself from the mind rays!
Posted: 2003-08-26 03:30am
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Canadian coins should also be considered as they are high in nickel content. Nickel, while not having the psychotronic deflecting properties of aluminum (or even tin), can act to refract psychotronic beams, thereby helping to scrambling the mind control signals as they are deflected off of the underlying aluminum surface of the AFDB. This will result in a lowered chance of retransmission of the signal.
However, you should avoid American and European coins at all costs as they contain aluminum based mind control circuitry. Canadian coins are free of this threat mainly due to the Canadian government's choice of neglecting psychotronic research in favor of research into giant robotics.
Warning: Do not stick your head in the microwave to test this product. Boy, do the sparks fly!! I nearly burned my whole house down!!
- "Hot Cranium" [2002-12-06]
It are important that we not misunderestimate the power of Alimony Dereliction Beans to stop evildoers from subliminably hurting the minds of those who is having them."
- g.w.b. [2001-10-15]