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My new job

Posted: 2003-08-27 02:06am
by The Dark
Thanks to a combination of summer volunteer work and some connections made through school, I'm now working as a freelance sound technician for my college. Pay's decent (much better than the minimum wage of my normal job), and I may get to work with some relatively famous people. Coming we have:

Brian Brushwood (stage magician, currently touring with Brooks and Dunn)

Kivi Rogers (comedian: Blues Brothers, Pulp Fiction, SNL, Cosby Show)

Chinua Hawk (acoustic guitarist)

Buzz Sutherland (comedian: the "DuckJob" man, 5-time college comedian of the year)

and others. All I have to do is go through one training session on the board used on campus and not screw up :D . I don't know which events I'll be working, but any of them sound cool to me.

Posted: 2003-08-27 05:02am
by InnerBrat
Ooh... techie. I miss my techie days sometimes.
Just don't let the luvvies get to you and you'll be fine :)

Posted: 2003-08-28 12:45am
by The Dark
innerbrat wrote:Ooh... techie. I miss my techie days sometimes.
Just don't let the luvvies get to you and you'll be fine :)
The what? Je ne comprende pas :) .

And yeah, I'm a techie. Always have been. Used to run curtains for shows in high schools, because I had memorized the entire series of 40-odd ropes and could run them in the dark. I think my cousin's going to hurt me, though, because she's the theater tech major and she can't find a job right now (although we are in different cities).

Posted: 2003-08-28 05:09am
by Boba Fett
Congrats Dark!

The sad part is that now you're an important cogwheel in the system but nobody sees behind the person who stands in the spotlight. :cry:

At least it pays well. :wink: