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! (We think Coyote is saying*)

Posted: 2003-08-30 03:11am
by Coyote
I mentioned the word "Juche" to Lilith, who is Korean and I find myself saying "yes dear" to her frequently these days. So when I used the word in the sense that we have come to understand it, meaning "Cult of Personality for the Great Leader; heroic worship thereof" she corrected me and backed it up with the "Minjung Essense Korean-English Dictionary".

"Juche" means "sovereignty, independence, and self-reliance" and is an philosophy that Kim Jong-Il espouses for all North Koreans, to be independent and self-reliant from the rest of the world. It is not a worship centered own his own cult of personality.

I am also instructed to inform everone that Lilith is in no way related to "that little munchkin in the North"; and that while I do say "yes dear": to her frequently I don't actually mean it in the browbeaten, henpecked sense of the word. I just do it to tease here, that's all. See? I wrote it! I wrote it! Stop hitting me!

---editted for folks that want to open this thread without undo difficulty---
Colin Again...

Posted: 2003-08-30 03:24am
by Utsanomiko
Err....what's this thread's subject again? :?

And I think it bears the shortest title ever.

Posted: 2003-08-30 03:31am
by Howedar
Nope, some board errors have left threads with no title at all.

Posted: 2003-08-30 04:50am
by LordShaithis
Coyote, nobody knows WTF you're talking about, or cares enough to find out. I think I'll just play until someone comes along and locks the thread.

:? :? :P :P :oops: :arrow: :arrow:
:idea: :?: :twisted: :evil: :x :shock: :? 8) :shock: :shock: :!: :!: :evil: :twisted:
:cry: :cry: :( :D :o :lol: :cry: :arrow: :wink:
:idea: :idea: :?: :P :P :? :!: :lol:


Thread Moved...

Posted: 2003-08-30 05:04am
by The Yosemite Bear
He's been corrected on a political phrase by a Korean female. She is also apparently getting involved with him so I think I will move this to off topic.

Co-incidentally the phrase of self relieance has been co-opted for other groups on a nationalist binge, or wanting seperation before. Basque, Northern Ireland & Qubec use simular meaning phrases.

Oh and Hi again to Lillith....

Posted: 2003-08-30 05:33am
by Tosho
What's this about?

Posted: 2003-08-30 05:46am
by InnerBrat
I had great difficulty opening this thread with my old fashioned ball mouse, you know.


At least I can pronounce it (anthropology classes at work again)

Re: ! (We think Coyote is saying*)

Posted: 2003-08-30 05:53am
by The Yosemite Bear
Coyote wrote:I mentioned the word "Juche" to Lilith, who is Korean and I find myself saying "yes dear" to her frequently these days. So when I used the word in the sense that we have come to understand it, meaning "Cult of Personality for the Great Leader; heroic worship thereof" she corrected me and backed it up with the "Minjung Essense Korean-English Dictionary".
So I think he's saying he's appologizing for using a Korean word in the wrong context to a naturalized South Korean whom he is having relations with....
Coyte wrote: "Juche" means "sovereignty, independence, and self-reliance" and is an philosophy that Kim Jong-Il espouses for all North Koreans, to be independent and self-reliant from the rest of the world. It is not a worship centered own his own cult of personality.

I am also instructed to inform everone that Lilith is in no way related to "that little munchkin in the North"; and that while I do say "yes dear": to her frequently I don't actually mean it in the browbeaten, henpecked sense of the word. I just do it to tease here, that's all. See? I wrote it! I wrote it! Stop hitting me!
Now it seems that he is slaiming that he definatly is having sexual relations with our newest female poster....

So I guess It belongs in Off Topic where I sent it....

Posted: 2003-08-30 02:38pm
by Coyote
Well... uhh... yeah...

So in general Western parlance, "Juche" has been translated as "cult of personality" for the "Great Leader", Kim Jong-Il. That is how I have seen it used, and I used it in that respect in front of someone who knows better, so I , uh, apologised and stuff. We'd also used it that way in reference to our own Great Leader of the HAB, one Sea Skimmer, so the correction was of some interest to general political topics and to some members of the board.

Look, we'd already polished off the Cuba Libres and the White Russians, and a bottle of white wine and half a bottle of red, so gimme some slack, huh? Pleeze? :oops:

Posted: 2003-08-30 04:29pm
by Frank Hipper
Mixing milk with booze is a crime against nature, Mr. Coyote, sir. And then you put wine on top of it? This made you ill, correct? :D

White Russians.....*vomits* :x

Posted: 2003-08-31 02:55am
by LordShaithis
swivel chair goes round and roundandround wheeeEEE

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:02am
by Zaia
Maybe it's the fact that it's after 3am, or the fact that I worked all day and then came home to slave away in the kitchen for a friend and only just now (yes, that's 3am again, for all you ADD people) finished, and perhaps because of all of this my brain is just slightly off, but my reaction to this thread is still :wtf:.

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:21am
by The Yosemite Bear
Thread is hurting my brain still

sorry, good night IRENE

Warning: Hallucinagenic

This thread will leave you going WTF!!!
or cause headaches