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Question Authority.

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:16am
by The Yosemite Bear
what is the most subversive/anti authoritarian thing you did in High School/College.

We know you did something

Me: Bringing "Adults" books to high school. (and defending my right to under first amendment)

Re: Question Authority.

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:45am
by Joe
The Yosemite Bear wrote:what is the most subversive/anti authoritarian thing you did in High School/College.

We know you did something

Me: Bringing "Adults" books to high school. (and defending my right to under first amendment)
Fed a teacher's praying mantis to his turtle (thought he was just a stray bug).

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:58am
by DPDarkPrimus
I choose to question your authority when you say "Question Authority", thereby not questioning authority. Well, except for your authority... but that has to happen.

Damn logic.

Posted: 2003-08-31 07:32am
by Robert Treder
I just always argued with teachers in class, but my intent wasn't so much rebellion as it was keeping them from teaching, so that the class would go by quicker.
One time I decided to start calling my AP Civics teacher, Mr. Caserta, by his first name, Dominic. He told me, "Until you graduate, I'm 'Mr. Caserta' to you," so I told him, "Well, until you graduate, I'm 'Mr. Treder' to you." He yelled out, "You're full of shit, Treder!!!" The whole class started laughing, but he was pretty pissed. That guy was a retarded, lecherous, jackass. And he didn't believe me when I told him that Boston was the capitol of Massachussets. I told him to look it up, and he did, and I was right, and I told him he was an idiot.
Also, for extra credit in that class, we worked on this politician's campaign for city council. We had to walk these neighborhoods and hand out flyers or something. I'm not sure of the details of what we were supposed to do, because me and my friends just went to a park, filled out all the survey stuff at random, and marked a bunch of houses as requesting lawn signs for the politician. Then we played on the playground.

In tenth grade, in Mrs. Stoffal's Honors English class, I wrote every other essay explaining why the given essay prompt sucked ass. I hated Mrs. Stoffal, but I don't think she hated me. I wish she did, that would have made my hatred so much more satisfying.

That's about all I can think of. Unless you count not doing homework as questioning authority, because if you do, I was the king of questioning authority.

Posted: 2003-08-31 07:37am
by El Moose Monstero
I suppose, the most anti-authoritarian stuff I did was pretty tame, the teachers of sixth form were really too canny to fight too much - we occassionally gave a few teachers a bit of back talk, but the last day of school was probably the best - we drove our cars to outside the sixthform building on campus, got everyone out there, sprawled across them - and then went and set off one of those giant party popper firework things (about 2 ft high thing) in the middle of the school grounds.

So, as the large bang from the launcher resounded around the campus, and an 8m plus shower of confetti, sparkly bits and streamers showered around us, we noticed that it was the middle of an exam in the adjacent hall, and everyone was looking our way.

We buggered off in as much of a rebellious fashion as we could manage. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-08-31 08:58am
by Lord Pounder
Called the chairman of the European Central Bank a fat capitalist pig to his face. I was on a school trip to Belgium. One of our days required us to drag ourselves away from the chocolate factories and bars and actually visit Brussles. We visited the European Parliment and then the Bank. The Chairman had been trying to brain wash us on the benefits of the Euro. I asked why i should be forced to support a bad economy he basically said he didn't care because he'd be richer than me. So i called him a fat capitalist pig. All my teachers but one where fuming.

Posted: 2003-08-31 12:29pm
by Rye
Probably... when i had a humourous and long war-of-words with the headmastyer's son, the infamous "Al Baumber"...went on for a long time and i eventually got him to say please.

Posted: 2003-08-31 12:32pm
by Trytostaydead
I bring guns to school.

Posted: 2003-08-31 01:41pm
by Raptor 597
Arguing with the teacher mostly because they brain wash the kids in history class with Pro-American history bullshit.

Posted: 2003-08-31 02:01pm
by Xenophobe3691
Openly yelled at a bunch of Haredim Anti-Palestinian asshats about their treatment of "foreigners in the land", then quoted a passage from Leviticus about treating foreigners like their own. Let's say that they stopped trying to get me to be more orthodox after that...

Posted: 2003-08-31 02:32pm
by Zac Naloen
I don't do homework, and in order to prevent classes from continuing we distract our Computer Science teacher about his latest gadget... he proceeds to tell us about while we proceed to take the piss out of him... he hasn't realised yet. :D

Im looking forward to my last day of sixth form though :twisted:

only one year to go

Posted: 2003-08-31 02:58pm
by Exonerate
I, uh, played around with the settings on a computer...

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:03pm
by El Moose Monstero
Oh, yeah, I forgot, we supported a student owned banned satire site, and tried everything to get around the blocks they eventually put on Planetarion. Ahh... those were the days... men were real men, women were real women, and the horde of asteroid stealers showing up in the middle of your independant-study maths work were real asteroid stealers showing up in the middle of your independant maths work. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:09pm
by kojikun
I argue with teachers all the time, cause theyre usually wrong. I also at one point refused to go to school because it was stupid. I was young during that one. Bah.

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:21pm
by HemlockGrey
Arguing with the teacher mostly because they brain wash the kids in history class with Pro-American history bullshit
Like what?

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:24pm
by Demiurge
None. My permanent record is clean. And no, I'm not referring to the record you're thinking of. I'm talking about the other record.

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:33pm
by Hyperion
Attacked the principal and vice-principal on several occasions, smashed the office entry twice, destroyed part of the principal's office completely, went literally thru an MDF-core steel-clad door, shearing the main support beam above it and causing the office to be closed for repairs for nearly 6 weeks. Nevermind all the times I simply said "fuck you" when the teachers gave me orders like "don't hack the server" or "don't eat in class". Also single-handedly made the student body government "officials" lives miserable at the last community college I went to, and at the same college I also made the IT department's life miserable.

Posted: 2003-08-31 03:36pm
by kojikun
Hyperion, you really ARE psycho..

Posted: 2003-08-31 04:42pm
by Enforcer Talen
run a search on the antiprotest I did before the iraq war.

very amusing.

Posted: 2003-08-31 05:37pm
by Hyperion
Just so everyone knows, outside of the community college stuff, all that happened over a decade ago. (the community college stuff ended about 18 months ago, but it won't happen again dispite my being in another college, which is like 1000x better than the old one, which is probably why I am not having issues)

Posted: 2003-08-31 05:41pm
by Darth Wong
I used to wear a Walkman and listen to music during high-school math class. It pissed off my math teacher but whenever he tried to surprise me with a question, I would always have the answer. So he eventually just got used to me listening to my Walkman in class.

Posted: 2003-08-31 05:56pm
by DocHorror
I sprayed myself with deoderant and lit it.
My class gave two teachers nervous breakdowns.
Came into college drunk.
Hacked into another students account and changed a story he wrote about himself and his twin into a incestous confession.
Openly mocked many a teacher.
Openly mocked a college cleanliness drive with flyers, noting in said flyer that School inspectors where comming the next week, strange coincedence that.

Smashed, broke and vandalised many a desk.

Sneakily covered supply teachers backs with chewing gun and pencil shaving.

General havok.

Posted: 2003-08-31 06:54pm
by RogueIce
Darth Wong wrote:I used to wear a Walkman and listen to music during high-school math class. It pissed off my math teacher but whenever he tried to surprise me with a question, I would always have the answer. So he eventually just got used to me listening to my Walkman in class.
:shock: No, not that! Anything but that, you rebel you!

As for me... I was always the good student. I tried to set the example, or whatever.

Of course, it made my life Hell amongst my peers, but oh well. I did the right thing, I think.

Posted: 2003-08-31 07:07pm
by Howedar
All I did was argue with people in authority.

Posted: 2003-08-31 07:10pm
by Hyperion
Howedar wrote:All I did was argue with people in authority.
Hehe, I still tend to argue with people in authority, just not as bad as I used to, though I used to make it a point to take down anyone in power who had moral views counter to my own, and usually I was successful to some extent in wrecking the reputations (and on some occations careers) of administrators and other people in power. I still ignore most of the traffic laws, nothing like the feeling of the windows down, stereo at full, and screaming down the highway at 90+.