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007 Strike Back

Posted: 2003-09-01 04:39pm
by Montcalm

Posted: 2003-09-01 04:42pm
by HemlockGrey
The U-fucking-N?

Posted: 2003-09-01 04:43pm
by Crayz9000
Who else is going to tell some A-hole in a random country to hand over a domain name?

Posted: 2003-09-01 05:32pm
by Vendetta
HemlockGrey wrote:The U-fucking-N?
The bit of it that's about arbitrating IP disputes, yes.

Posted: 2003-09-01 06:35pm
by Xenophobe3691
HemlockGrey wrote:The U-fucking-N?
Holy Shit, the UN actually did something?!? One second, I think I hear Hell freezing over and Heaven falling down...