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The World 2030: your prediction

Posted: 2003-09-05 11:38am
by FBHthelizardmage
what do you think the world is going to be like in 27 years, In terms of technology, politics, and whatever else you can think of?

Posted: 2003-09-05 11:55am
by TrailerParkJawa
The Bad:

California's population should be around 50 million by then. Most of that population will be added in the Central Valley, but enough will move to the Bay Area to make it a even more crowded.

I think many of the world' fisheries will collapse as they are under too much pressure.

The Good:

Im going to assume several diseases or disorders will have been either cured or have vaccinations. It is safe to assume that at least in the West.

I heard they are working on a vacinne for cavities. That would be really cool if the research comes to reality.

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:00pm
by Peregrin Toker
I've heard that if the USA don't pay their national debt, there won't go long time before China usurps their position as superpower...

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:02pm
by Col. Crackpot
the middle east is downgraded from shithole to useless shithole as hydrogen fuel cells and hybred cars dominate the world.

lots of dead people in Korea

China becomes the number 2 superpower ahead of the beauraucraic mess that is the EU

Japan learns a lesson from Korean War 2 and becomes a major military power in an attempt to deter potential Chinese agression.

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:03pm
by Joe
Simon H.Johansen wrote:I've heard that if the USA don't pay their national debt, there won't go long time before China usurps their position as superpower...
Probably, since our politicians care more about getting votes from bluehairs than the long-term welfare of this country. I would take a dictatorship in a heartbeat if I felt it could fix the problems with Social Security and Medicare.

Although, I have heard it suggested that tax revenue from pensions, IRAs, and such may be enough to offset the Social Security and Medicare deficits that are causing the problem. What an ironic twist that would be; money from legitimate, wealth-generating investments ends up saving us from Social Security!

Although our politicians will probably just spend it and get us into even more debt.

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:12pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Durran Korr wrote: Although, I have heard it suggested that tax revenue from pensions, IRAs, and such may be enough to offset the Social Security and Medicare deficits that are causing the problem. What an ironic twist that would be; money from legitimate, wealth-generating investments ends up saving us from Social Security!

Although our politicians will probably just spend it and get us into even more debt.
I would not be surprised if they completely change the rules concerning retirement accounts in the future to futher fund Soc Security. My of my money for retirement ( not nearly enough at this point ) is in a Rollover IRA. That money will be taxed as normal income when I take it out , I would not be surprised if in the future the want to tax at least part of it while it is in the IRA.

If the US does not get a handle on growth, debt, and spending it will catch up to us.

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:25pm
by Zac Naloen

and... and... we will all have genetically enhanced bodies and look like models cos thats really cool... and then some virus will appear that will kill everyone............ what? :lol:

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:43pm
by Howedar
Simon H.Johansen wrote:I've heard that if the USA don't pay their national debt, there won't go long time before China usurps their position as superpower...
*giggles like a schoolgirl*

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:48pm
by Joe
Howedar wrote:
Simon H.Johansen wrote:I've heard that if the USA don't pay their national debt, there won't go long time before China usurps their position as superpower...
*giggles like a schoolgirl*
Yuk it up. If we don't take care of our shit at some point we're in for a world of shit in the future.

Posted: 2003-09-05 12:56pm
by Howedar
By all means. However, I like the "I've heard" logic.

Posted: 2003-09-05 01:02pm
by Peregrin Toker
Durran Korr wrote:I would take a dictatorship in a heartbeat if I felt it could fix the problems with Social Security and Medicare.
I'm surprised to see these words written by a guy who calls himself the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy's "Libertarian Auxiliary"... I thought that no libertarian would ever prefer an efficient dictatorship over an inefficient democracy.

Posted: 2003-09-05 01:04pm
by Joe


Posted: 2003-09-05 01:07pm
by Joe
Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Durran Korr wrote:I would take a dictatorship in a heartbeat if I felt it could fix the problems with Social Security and Medicare.
I'm surprised to see these words written by a guy who calls himself the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy's "Libertarian Auxiliary"... I thought that no libertarian would ever prefer an efficient dictatorship over an inefficient democracy.
Liberty is the first priority of libertarianism. And liberty and democracy are not always concurrent goals.

I would take a libertarian, benevolent dictatorship over the current government anyday. But that's pie-in-the-sky bullshit, since dictatorships have no real check on their power, unlike democracies.

Posted: 2003-09-05 01:14pm
by Joe
Hmm, can this go to N&P?

Posted: 2003-09-05 01:15pm
by Col. Crackpot
Durran Korr wrote: I would take a libertarian, benevolent dictatorship over the current government anyday. But that's pie-in-the-sky bullshit, since dictatorships have no real check on their power, unlike democracies.
it's sad to say the philosopher-king existed only, and will only ever exist, in Plato's mind.

Posted: 2003-09-05 01:23pm
by SirNitram
Highwire will complete it's first space elevator a mere ten years after the deadline, ushering in an era when lots of cheap satellites are in orbit. And when more crap falls down.

Posted: 2003-09-05 01:33pm
by Col. Crackpot
SirNitram wrote:Highwire will complete it's first space elevator a mere ten years after the deadline, ushering in an era when lots of cheap satellites are in orbit. And when more crap falls down.
just another thing to add to the weather forecast. :wink:

Posted: 2003-09-05 01:48pm
by Zoink
Remnants of humanity see sun for the first time since 2014 asteroid collision.


Posted: 2003-09-05 03:15pm
by Shogoki
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Durran Korr wrote: I would take a libertarian, benevolent dictatorship over the current government anyday. But that's pie-in-the-sky bullshit, since dictatorships have no real check on their power, unlike democracies.
it's sad to say the philosopher-king existed only, and will only ever exist, in Plato's mind.
Maybe we should genetically engineer a philosopher-king : )

Posted: 2003-09-05 03:47pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
2004: A Russian scientist finds the long sought after remains of Adolf Hitler. Later that year, it is stolen by a secret underground movement.

2006: Cloning and age acceleration experiments are performed. Baby Hitler is born. Within two years time he will be a young man ready to lead.

2007: The underground movement CLONE HITLER FOR GOVERNOR goes global.

2008: Hitler is elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSE in the 2008 Govenatorial Race for Ohio.

2009-2030: After four world wars, two worldwide plauges, and a fatal asteroid collision, humans are reborn as radioactive mutants. Mankind begins anew.

This is the future that the Gnome has seen. Learn from it, and steel yourself for the apocalypse.

Posted: 2003-09-05 04:45pm
by greenmm
Zac Naloen wrote:FLYING CARS!!!!

and... and... we will all have genetically enhanced bodies and look like models cos thats really cool... and then some virus will appear that will kill everyone............ what? :lol:
We already have flying cars, although they're not being mass-produced and are expensive. Payload is crappy (800 lbs/363 kg max, IIRC counting passengers), but it has decent speed (375 mph/604 kph max, 300 mph/483 kph cruise), decent range (800 miles/1287 km, enough to travel one-way from Chicago to DC), and decent fuel economy (20+ miles/gallon, or about as much as my car gets on the freeway, and much better than an SUV). It needs a 35ft/10.7m diameter takeoff/landing pad, but is supposed to use automotive gasoline, and they're hoping to have FAA certification by end of 2005. Still kind of expensive, though (first few are expected to list for nearly $1 million USD, with later ones dropping down to $500k USD), but the only kink they have left seems to be the vertical takeoff and landing part...

Posted: 2003-09-05 05:26pm
by Howedar
Don't make me laugh about that Moller piece of shit.

Posted: 2003-09-05 05:32pm
by Zac Naloen
that looks sweet!!!


but does it actually work?

Posted: 2003-09-05 05:41pm
by Howedar
Iffy at best.

Posted: 2003-09-05 06:14pm
by Sea Skimmer
Piece of utter crap comes to mind. It might fly 800 miles in clear blue skies, but even the slightest but of bad weather or wind would swat it out of the sky. Course I don't believe a single word of the specifications anyway.