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OW, Oh f***, Christ!

Posted: 2002-09-24 09:36pm
by oberon
Yesterday I stubbed my pinky toe, and now the nail is all black and getting ready to fall out.

Posted: 2002-09-24 09:39pm
by haas mark
Ewww!!!!! :shock:

Posted: 2002-09-24 09:43pm
by oberon
Well, it's not as bad as hitting a street sign with my bus mirror at 40 mph, I guess

Posted: 2002-09-24 09:45pm
by HemlockGrey
....or running into a telephone pole and needing stitches.

Posted: 2002-09-24 09:48pm
by haas mark
i know someone that did that...on a door...

Posted: 2002-09-24 09:49pm
by oberon
Or sticking your fist down a garbage disposal and finding out that, instead of blades, they use a heavy spinning disc with lugs that simply smash your knuckles and break your hand...

Posted: 2002-09-24 09:59pm
by RayCav of ASVS


Posted: 2002-09-24 10:02pm
by Kuja
Still got the scar from where I got slashed my arm slashed in don't want to know.

Posted: 2002-09-24 10:07pm
by haas mark

And why would you be sticking your hand in a garbage disposal, exactly??? The lack of blades must be a "safety" issue...modern disposals...?

Posted: 2002-09-24 10:21pm
by oberon
In-Sink-erator brand. They pbly use lugs bec they work better and last longer than blades.

Posted: 2002-09-24 10:25pm
by Kuja

No, not a lawnmower. Let's just say that in wasn't an accident, and leave it at that, unless you want to ask me privately.

Which you don't *evil glare* :evil:

Posted: 2002-09-24 10:56pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Well, now I feel it is my duty to insist you tell what happened, considering you're trying to hide something from us. So what's it gonna be? Huh? HUH?! (pokes IG-88E with a stick) :P

Posted: 2002-09-24 10:59pm
by haas mark

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:01pm
by Kuja
Verilion...Brother Monkey...please tell me that's all you're going to say.

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:02pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Twisted left middle finger (Amazing how many breaks you can get in just three falanges, and two joints) curtesy of a metal press.

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:04pm
by Azeron
why do people have the need to tell us these things

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:06pm
by The Yosemite Bear
So that you can share in our pain.

After all, you get anyone invovled in any sort of really stupid things and low ang behold they will start rolling up sleves and pants, and showing off all kinds of morbid momentoes.

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:10pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
The worst that ever happened to me was getting a car door slammed on two of my fingers...and I remember that I went to see Batman Returns with my that was really a long time ago....

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:13pm
by haas mark
I don't have any strange bodily injuries...wait, never mind!

When I was a kid, I was visiting my grandparents' house in Texas (evil Texas *hiss* :evil:), and was jumping on a footstool that was about two feet high. I jumped off and landed wrong and broke my arm. Other than that, let's just say that I am no stranger to head injuries... :D :twisted: 8)

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:16pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Well most of us have some form of Morbid injury or another.

Posted: 2002-09-24 11:20pm
by XPViking
One of the worst things that I've heard regarding injuries was when two guys wanted to trim a hedge using a lawnmower! Why they didn't use a hedge trimmer is beyond me. Needless to say, after hoisting up the lawnmower while it was running resulted in bits of fingers scattered all over.


Posted: 2002-09-24 11:42pm
by Dalton
Hmm. I have, in the past:

*Stuck a key into an outlet and shocked into the wall opposite;
*Been hit on the top of my skull with a flat rock;
*Been hit in the forehead with a pot;
*And, just recently, I kicked my chair by accident getting out of bed last night. Still hurts like a fuck.

Posted: 2002-09-25 12:59am
by Raxmei
I didn't actually get hurt doing this, but I had a little knife mishap when I was a kid. I wanted to slice an apple, so I got out the apple and a knife. I tried to cut it it, but the knife wouldn't go in. So I pressed down on the blade with my other hand to force it down, but it only went in a little bit. Then I looked down and found out I was holding it backwards. I sure felt silly after that.

As for the worst injury I've ever had, I suppose it would be that time I got hit by a car. I still have a scar on one of my toes from that.

Posted: 2002-09-25 01:01am
by weemadando
One night at a party...

*door opens briskly straight into my face*

me: "Shit!" [probably didn't sound at all like that due to the fact that a large door was buried halfway into my fucking mouth]

*I spin and go face first into a hardwood dining table behind me losing the better part of A (singular remarkably) tooth in the process*

[Guys on other side of the room doing some martial arts look over as I go down into a table (for some reason they though they were responsible)] Guy1: "Whoa! Cool!"
Guy2: "Jedi mind trick!""

*edit* Also I have done many other stupid things... Notably:
-Receiving a nice electrical shock while fixing a washing machine that resulted in my arm being numb for about 2 hours.
-Stacking my mountain bike on an absolutely perfectly flat bit of asphalt on the way back from a days riding, getting caught up in the clips and sliding along the road for 10m wearing my right knee down to the bone.
-Breaking each and every one of my fingers at least once.

I won't bore you with any more of my silliness.

Posted: 2002-09-25 01:15am
by Howedar
Jumped a chainlink fence that didn't have the tops bent over, got my finger caught, tore it open. Burned my knee on the exhaust manifold of a lawnmower. Stubbed my right big toe badly enough to break it once, and drive the nail into and then back out of the skin once. Nailed the top of my head on a steel doorjamb, requiring a fair number of stiches.

That is all.