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Dub me

Posted: 2003-09-07 12:49am
by Shrykull
Finally got a Jedi knight after a long time, well, I've got 4 stars though. Can't talk about absolutely everything on these boards though, what about in the secret forums, I know in the brotherhood forum you can post porn, can in any of them you talk about file sharing, emulation, etc?

Re: Dub me

Posted: 2003-09-07 12:52am
by RedImperator
Shrykull wrote:Finally got a Jedi knight after a long time, well, I've got 4 stars though. Can't talk about absolutely everything on these boards though, what about in the secret forums, I know in the brotherhood forum you can post porn, can in any of them you talk about file sharing, emulation, etc?
Discussion of illegal activities is prohibited in all forums. It's Mike's ass if somebody tells somebody else how to break the law on his forums.

Posted: 2003-09-07 01:01am
by Dalton

Thread locked.