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When Del Boy was young

Posted: 2003-09-07 04:13am
by InnerBrat
OF&H Spin off

And don't forget, there'll be another last ever episode this Christmas!

Posted: 2003-09-07 04:37am
by Drooling Iguana
I thought you were talking about the "Dude, you're getting a Dell" guy.

I have no idea who this guy is.

Posted: 2003-09-07 04:39am
by InnerBrat
Drooling Iguana wrote:I thought you were talking about the "Dude, you're getting a Dell" guy.

I have no idea who this guy is.

:shock: :shock:

Get ye to a video store...

Posted: 2003-09-07 04:46am
by Perinquus
I used to watch that show when I was living in Ireland. David Jason was funny as Dell Boy.