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Am I the Only Guy that thought this??
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:08pm
I thought the "Batmobile" Armor was the cheesiest Idea I've ever seen. It's seems like some sort of cop-out B&B created b/c they ran out of stupid technobabble 25th century tech concepts. I thought it was sooo bad anyone agree?
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:11pm
by Evil Jerk
I thought it was another one of B&B's silly little gimmicks, they're like a pair of children cramming in anything they think is cool just because they've seen it somewhere and said "ME TOO!".
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:15pm
by Kuja
this should be in 'Off Topic'
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:18pm
by Master of Ossus
That whole episode and its ridiculous Deus Ex Machina was nearly as contrived as the part in Enterprise's season premier when Hoshi rips off her shirt.
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:18pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
If you think about it, all they did was rip off
And if you think about it further, that means Federation ships don't have armour.

Posted: 2002-09-25 08:19pm
by Mr Bean
Moved to off-topic and yes it was a damn cop-out idiot idea
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:22pm
by Datana
The very concept of Endgame sickens me -- Voyager finally gets back with years of hard work and preserverence, then Janeway decides that's not good enough and invokes the spectre of time travel to make it all better. The Batmobile armour was only a small part of the crap that made up that episode, which was bad even by Voyager standards. It was representative of the entire series, sadly.
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:37pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Sickened me yes, it did, awful it was. I can't believe that Corina made Mike and Me tape the monstrosity, so she could see it when she got off work.
Posted: 2002-09-25 08:41pm
by Kuja
not as bad as Sacrifice of Angels, where the WH aliens suddenly showed up and saved the day
Posted: 2002-09-25 09:20pm
Endgame in general seemed Like a cop out to me. (after I let it sink in) I was gradually more and more dissappointed as time progressed. But I created a fan-fic concept about Voyager getting Home, another way. Anyone interested??
Posted: 2002-09-25 09:32pm
by Master of Ossus
IG-88E wrote:not as bad as Sacrifice of Angels, where the WH aliens suddenly showed up and saved the day
Whenever they have a really big episode hyped up they just cop out and don't do anything with it.
Posted: 2002-09-25 09:43pm
by RayCav of ASVS
The armor wasn't as bad as a cop-out as the torpedoes....
and I don't even wanna discuss time travel
Posted: 2002-09-25 10:03pm
by EmperorMing
Stupid-Time-Travel-Tricks seem to be a staple Trek cop-out.
Posted: 2002-09-25 10:04pm
by Mr Bean
Yep, it seems to be standered pratice in the 31st century

Posted: 2002-09-25 10:06pm
by neoolong
Yeah, but it's funny how they use time travel to screw over people. Like Lt. Carey. Damn. Janeway couldn't go back a month more to save his ass? That's pretty harsh. And imagine what she'll have to say to his family.
Posted: 2002-09-25 10:11pm
by Howedar
I said something to the effect of "Whoa, what a stupid but cool-looking idea"
Posted: 2002-09-25 10:11pm
by RayCav of ASVS
neoolong wrote:Yeah, but it's funny how they use time travel to screw over people. Like Lt. Carey. Damn. Janeway couldn't go back a month more to save his ass? That's pretty harsh. And imagine what she'll have to say to his family.
"Mr. and Ms. Carey. This is Captain Kathyrn Janeway on the USS Voyager. Your son, Lt. Carey, died because I'm a self-righteous jackass."
Posted: 2002-09-25 10:54pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mr Bean wrote:Yep, it seems to be standered pratice in the 31st century

Endgame sucked hard Rhino cock BTW.
Posted: 2002-09-25 11:18pm
by Solid Snake
As soon as i saw that armor, i screamed: Why is Voyager the fucking batmobile now??????? Why must they make the Borg seem like pussies with new oobie-doobie technobabble torpedoes? I suggest you go here It has the hilarious "Opinionated Voyager Episode Guide" I coulnt stop laughing.
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:15am
by Lagmonster
Master of Ossus wrote:That whole episode and its ridiculous Deus Ex Machina was nearly as contrived as the part in Enterprise's season premier when Hoshi rips off her shirt.
Question: You are opposed to the female cast members of Enterprise being topless? (Or in the case of the Vulcan, in silky half-tops as often as possible?)