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What are some things that really bug you?
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:17pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I don't lke it when narrow-minded people know someone else with my sme last name, and then ask if I'm related to them. I'ts even worse when they insist I am.
Another one of my pet peeves is babies in church. It's really annoying when you're about to doze off while the priest's giving his sermon on what happened to him last week in the boy's locker room and how it relates to Jesus, and then, some baby's crying wakes you up. I believe some churches have "cry rooms" for such children. I think parents should call a babysitter. I mean, two-thirds of all Americans don't attend church regularly, so, it sohuldn't be so hard. I was being sarcastic on that last comment. I know it's a very narrow-minded thought, and these devout parents don't have much of a choice, but I find it annoying.
Another one of my pet peeves are questions about what my pet peeves are.
What annoys you in life?
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:19pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:21pm
by Master of Ossus
I really don't like stupid people. That's part of why I really don't like DarkStar.
I also hate the new reporters we get who have absolutely no idea how to write an article, and I have to hold them by the hand for the first few weeks (and even a month and a half, in one jerk's case).
And I hate people who think that they have tons more knowledge than I do about something because they have incredibly limited first hand knowledge of it whereas my knowledge comes from careful study of the subject. It gets old after they dismiss everything I know as being irrelevent.
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:39pm
by aerius
Stupid people, ignorant people, criminal scumbags, and those dumbasses who try to pickup my girlfriend from right under my nose thinking that I'm too ugly to be her boyfriend or something (inter-racial relationship thing?). It's happened enough times that I have a ready response for it, "hey Jeanie, you wanna smack the idiot first before I kill him?" Unfortunately it's illegal to kill these people and harvest their organs to donate or help medical research along.
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:43pm
by Dalton
People who assume that life experience equals accumulated wisdom. My father pulls this shit all the time. Every time I argue with him, he falls back on the life experience defense, with his "ratting out the liberals/Republicans/gays" bullshit and the infamous "kids won't listen" defense.
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:54pm
by Master of Ossus
Dalton wrote:People who assume that life experience equals accumulated wisdom. My father pulls this shit all the time. Every time I argue with him, he falls back on the life experience defense, with his "ratting out the liberals/Republicans/gays" bullshit and the infamous "kids won't listen" defense.
That's really just an "appeal to authority," except he's appealing to himself.
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:59pm
by Raptor 597
anarchistbunny wrote:PREPPIES
Yes, death too Preps. I could be one, but I have a brain and can think for myself. I like my mid social ladder position.
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:59pm
by Wicked Pilot
Circus folk bug me
Posted: 2002-09-26 08:59pm
by Colonel Olrik
anarchistbunny wrote:PREPPIES
What's that?
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:01pm
by HemlockGrey
Laser-sights on sniper rifles in the movies. God, I hate that.
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:09pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
How about flashlights and lasers in the movies where you can actually see the beams of light? You never see beams of light in real life.
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:14pm
by Kuja
Teachers and counselsors who say "take this course becasue you should" I took a bunch of BS courses in high school and all I learned was how to sleep on a desk.
rabid trektards
people who walk in the room while you're trying to concentrate on something and start playing music REALLY LOUD. Pain in the ass (and ears).
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:16pm
by Raptor 597
Colonel Olrik wrote:anarchistbunny wrote:PREPPIES
What's that?
Slang in the US for the snobs, obnoxious people at school. Basically the stuck ups and fucked up. They control the meager high school"social ladder" which I have been monitoring during early lunch while my friends eat lunch.
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:22pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I thought the ones that controlled the school were the trouble-makers that most likely have criminal records?
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:29pm
by Raptor 597
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:I thought the ones that controlled the school were the trouble-makers that most likely have criminal records?
I thought those were he "gangsters" we don't have much of that down here. Yeah, they are sort of trouble makers though you confront them they're pussies. Preps has different meanings across the country.
Posted: 2002-09-26 09:50pm
by Mr Bean
And Idiots too
Posted: 2002-09-27 12:22am
by TrailerParkJawa
Flat soda.
People who want favors but give none in return.
Posted: 2002-09-27 12:43am
by Stormbringer
Preppies and gansta wannabes (black, white or whatever)
People who try to shove their religion down my throat
People with Cell Phones glued to their ears. I hate it, they don't pay attention to the world around them. Even worse when it in the car. And when they go off in places like class, movies, and such. It's fucking annoying, you can live with out them people!
Children who can't behave in public. Obnoxious children don't belong in public. If they can't behave, don't bring them.
Posted: 2002-09-27 12:45am
by Enlightenment
Loud people
Loud music
Loud anything
Christian fanatics
Muslim fanatics (aka terrorists)
Jewish fanatics
Capitalist fanatics
Copyright fanatics
Nationalist fanatics
Stupid fiction
Cliched fiction
Fictional characters who can't hate and don't hold grudges
Heroic fiction
'reality' TV
Sensationalist news
American nationalists (Azeron et el)
People who post to the net while intoxicated
The Associations of America
Posted: 2002-09-27 12:45am
by Rathark
Dalton wrote:People who assume that life experience equals accumulated wisdom.
You have a point. Who's going to write the better novel:
1. The obnoxious guy at the video store who tells everyone "I'm gunna be the next Stephen King! Screw that, I'm gunna BE Stephen King!" Then he goes backpacking across Europe and Asia for a few months, comes back with his massive photo collection of himself standing in front of famous tourist sites with a stupid grin on his face, then continues business as usual while still waffling on about the same bullshit (except he would add a sprinkling of "Hey I'm the dude who's been places, y'know?")
2. The guy who actually sits down and writes the damn novel, doing any research that's necessary and travelling when he has the time and money, but most importantly following his instincts and curiousity rather than some cliched definition of coolness.
I know where I'd place my money.
Posted: 2002-09-27 01:34am
by Cal Wright
Pink Bunnies, funny names, and hmm, British comedy.
LoL. No, seriously, there's only two things that bother me. Those that are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
LoL. Holy shit, I could go on.
I'm bothered by everything. That's why I'm a crabby asshole.
Posted: 2002-09-27 08:42am
by salm
cell phones in general. everytime one of those annoying little plastic buggers goes of i want to go berserk and punt it 50 yards.
Posted: 2002-09-27 08:45am
by salm
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Pink Bunnies, funny names, and hmm, British comedy.
LoL. No, seriously, there's only two things that bother me. Those that are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.
LoL. Holy shit, I could go on.
I'm bothered by everything. That's why I'm a crabby asshole.

Posted: 2002-09-27 08:51am
by Stormbringer
salm wrote:cell phones in general. everytime one of those annoying little plastic buggers goes of i want to go berserk and punt it 50 yards.
Nah, epoxy it to the inconsiderate asshole's head. A far more fitting and memorable punishment.
Posted: 2002-09-27 08:58am
by salm
Stormbringer wrote:salm wrote:cell phones in general. everytime one of those annoying little plastic buggers goes of i want to go berserk and punt it 50 yards.
Nah, epoxy it to the inconsiderate asshole's head. A far more fitting and memorable punishment.
aaahh, and then punt it 50 yards