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Short shrift

Posted: 2003-09-23 05:16am
by BoredShirtless
Gimli: Toss me!
Aragorn: What!
Gimli: I cannot jump the distance. You'll have to toss me.
Gimli: Don't tell the elf!
Short shrift
September 23, 2003 - 12:45PM

A New Zealander who stands just 1.37 metres tall and lets people hurl him along a slippery slide as bar entertainment has defended himself against charges the act is demeaning to little people.

"I love putting smiles on people's faces, making people happy," Andrew Roigard, who calls himself the leprechaun of the Mount Mellick bar at Mount Maunganui, a North Island port and coastal resort, told the Bay of Plenty Times.

Roigard dons boxer shorts and a crash helmet and covers himself in vegetable oil as bar patrons hurl him head first and full length along a six-metre long polythene sheet, vying to land his navel inside a red square at the end.

The bar advertises the event as "leprechaun curling" after the Irish winter sport of curling, in which large flat stones are thrown across an ice-covered lake towards a mark.

Roigard, who was born with achondroplasia, or short-limbed dwarfism, told the paper he loved every minute of the action and saw himself as an entertainer.

Roigard responded to criticism by telling the newspaper: "Everybody who knows me knows I'm happy about it. It was my idea."

Posted: 2003-09-23 08:49am
by Montcalm
Its his choice so they should STFU

Posted: 2003-09-23 09:39am
by Sarevok
Montcalm wrote:Its his choice so they should STFU
Agreed. There is a fine line between personal choice and humaliating certain groups of people. In this case the line has not been crossed.

Posted: 2003-09-23 10:16am
by InnerBrat
Hooray for dwarf tossing!

(when consensual, of course)

Posted: 2003-09-23 11:30am
by Frank Hipper
Reminds me in a way of how side show Freaks were deprived of making a living when Freak Shows went the way of the dinosaur in the 60's and 70's due to popular concerns about their dignity.

Posted: 2003-09-23 01:17pm
by Lord Poe
Frank Hipper wrote:Reminds me in a way of how side show Freaks were deprived of making a living when Freak Shows went the way of the dinosaur in the 60's and 70's due to popular concerns about their dignity.
And the same can be said for the "Amos and Andy" TV show. Those actors are now stuffed in a dark Hollywood corner, with nothing to show for their work because of concerns of "dignity" from self-righteous do-gooders who wouldn't hesitate to laugh at the "Three Stooges" or "Glligan's Island".