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thr shit haas hit the fan

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:04am
by Kuja
I hsd am argimebt wuth my mim today amd i Endef uo blirtung out that im bisecual. SHe is a catholiv, nit a funeie but cose, amd she didnt lik that (shr thins that gayd are ok buy shr wasny happu that i am bisexual. we hsd a big fiht and i emded up gettnig dunj tonigt (wjy mt typnig is so bad rihjt now0

i sm updet becase i lovr mt mom snd i kno sje lovs mt but i wsg i had handled thi sbeteer ans i needef to grt tjis off mt chest ,so i;m posting it here ik?

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:06am
by Companion Cube
Ouch, :( You have my sympathy.

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:07am
by Darth Wong
Sorry to hear about that. Hope you can patch things up somehow.

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:09am
by Stormbringer
Sorry to hear that but you need to sober up. Drinking won't help things any.

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:11am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Indeed. Alcohol is nothing but a road to death.

Hang in there, man.

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:12am
by Dalton
Sorry about that, man, real sorry. But I'm going to have to temporarily ban you before you do or say something you regret. I'm only deactivating your account, so you can post in testing if need be, OK bud?

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:17am
by Gandalf
Shit, I'm sorry to hear that man. Hope it all gets better somehow.

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:20am
by fgalkin
Sorry to hear that, man. :( But like the others said, alcohol won't solve your problems (and, that was the worst spelling I've ever seen).

I hope it gets better.

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:26am
by Hamel

Get yourself a hearty dinner at Red Lobster or something. Anything rather than getting drunk.

Posted: 2003-09-24 02:03am
by Kintaro
You have my sympathy also, Kuja. Please, if you get drunk, say home and be safe. Don't go out and get hurt or something.

Re: thr shit haas hit the fan

Posted: 2003-09-24 02:12am
by David
Kuja wrote:I hsd am argimebt wuth my mim today amd i Endef uo blirtung out that im bisecual. SHe is a catholiv, nit a funeie but cose, amd she didnt lik that (shr thins that gayd are ok buy shr wasny happu that i am bisexual. we hsd a big fiht and i emded up gettnig dunj tonigt (wjy mt typnig is so bad rihjt now0

i sm updet becase i lovr mt mom snd i kno sje lovs mt but i wsg i had handled thi sbeteer ans i needef to grt tjis off mt chest ,so i;m posting it here ik?

Damn, I hope she can accept you if that is your choice. You are gonna have some wicked hangover.

Posted: 2003-09-24 04:45am
by beyond hope
From what you said, it sounds like not telling her was bothering you. Sometimes there's just no good way to say something that you know someone won't want to hear and all you can do is just blurt it out, like you said, so it's out in the open and not eating at you anymore. She'll cool off before long and then you'll be able to discuss things a little more rationally: at least for now you know you got it off your chest.

...and I know pretty much everyone else has said it, but don't drink anymore. Alcohol is a depressant, and drinking when you're already upset will only make it worse.

Posted: 2003-09-24 07:07am
by haas mark
[hugs to Kuja] I really hope things get better.. I know how it is to be in a Catholic family, and close to fundy-type.. [sighs] I'm still waiting for the day I come out to my dad (who also happens to be in the Navy), let alone tell them I'm pagan.. Anywho.. know that there are people here who do care about you.. please take care of yourself, ok?


Posted: 2003-09-24 07:24am
by Solauren
First Kuja, I must say I'm impressed with your typing abilities while drunk. I was actually able to read that.

Now that my attempt at a quick 'feel better chuckle' has finished.


I hope you can smooth things over with your mother.

Here are a few suggestions a friend of mine used when he came out of the closet with his relatives. Please note, one of them is his 'Fundie Grandma' and she came to accept it

1- Point out that it's not a reflection on her. She didn't make you bi-sexual. When you get down to it, God did.
2- Point out that there are studies showing sexual orientation is not a choice. Try to find the recent research about sheep brain sizes and gay sheep to show this.
3- Tell her (if you do) that this doesn't change your faith and you still believe in God, etc.
4- Point out there are gay priests.
5- Tell her that this doesn't change anything about you. You still like girls, and you can still provide her with grandkids one day. You just don't want her dying of a heart attack if she walks in on you and a guy.
6- Apologize for not telling her in a more, sensitive, manner. Some times the 'negative impact' stuff like this has a on a person is just how you told them.

She should come around if you have patience, and maybe use a little humor.

One trick that worked for my gay-friend (not on his father unfortunately. Then again, he never got along with his father) with a few of his female relatives that were uncomfortable with it:
I know that your supposed to not repeat the mistakes of your parents, in this case, mom's mistake of dating and liking men, but what can I say besides 'meh'

Posted: 2003-09-24 07:28am
by InnerBrat
*hugs* - You fell better, OK sweetie.


Posted: 2003-09-24 10:22am
by 2000AD
Here's hoping everything turns out OK and you don't have to go back on the meds again.

Posted: 2003-09-24 10:30am
by Ghost Rider
Ouch...hope things get better and you work them out betwen your mother and you.

And getting drunk isn't too long as you just lay down afterwards.

Posted: 2003-09-24 01:27pm
by SirNitram
Poor Kuja. :cry:

My friend.. This too, shall pass. That is all I can think to say without repeating what others have. Yes, it is hard now, I know. But it will pass with time, and your mother will still love you. You're her son, after all.

Just hang in there, friend.

Posted: 2003-09-24 02:28pm
by Admiral Valdemar
That's nasty, but you may have done the right thing, infact, yes, you have.

Keeping the real you locked up and away from those you know and love isn't going to make living easier, sooner or later it is best they know. It may seem bad at first, but if your Mother really loves you she'll understand.

Posted: 2003-09-24 02:45pm
by LT.Hit-Man
Ahh shit :(
Hang n there pal there's aways hope that you and your mom can work things out after all she gave brith to you and raised beacuse she loves you and I am fairly cretan that her love for you will see the two of you thoughts this.
Word of advice my friend lay off the drinking I know what drinking can do to you when your in bad way it almost killed me when I was going though some of the worse shit in my life.
If you need to talk I'll try to be around for you and I'm sure that all your friends here will also be here for you if you need to talk.

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:47am
by Kuja
Jesus Christ tap-dancing like a little girl at a recital, I'm never getting that fucking tanked again.

I passed out (can't really say I fell asleep) at about 2:30. Woke up ten minutes later feeling like shit, belched, and fell asleep again. (glad I didn't puke)

Sometime during the night, I pissed myself. (Jesus fucking Christ)

Woke up at seven AM from shivering because I had the window wide open on a cold September night and I forgot to crawl under the sheets. (I'm lucky I didn't fucking catch pnumonia)

Rolled out of bed with a splitting headache, took about four or five asprin. (Didn't fucking help)

Cleaned my bed, my clothes, myself, took a shower. (Still had the worst fucking headache)

Went to work in a bad mood, just hoping to get into a fight. (Good fucking thing I ended up working alone)

Came home dirty and exhausted. (Fucking line kept acting up; had me running all over the fucking warehouse)

STILL haven't worked shit out with my mom. (She was asleep by the time I got the fuck home)

This has been a horrible fucking day, starting from last night to now. In fact, I'd say this has been the third worst day of my entire fucking life, just after the days my girlfriend and my best friend died.

The only high point was screaming my lungs out at a telemarketer:

HIM: Hello, this is Omaha Steaks-
ME: What the fuck do you want?
HIM: Well, uh, sir, we were wondering if you would be interested in helping with a survey-
ME: Listen, fuckhead. You fuckers have been calling my fucking house for over a fucking month, and I'm fucking getting tired of it! On top of that, I've got a fucking shower to take and I've got the worst fucking headache in the fucking history of the fucking universe! Now if fucking calls like this are what I fucking get after you fuckheads sent me a free fucking sample without my fucking asking for it, you can go fuck yourselves up the ass, because I ain't fucking buying any fucking thing you make! Do you fucking understand me?!
HIM: Uh, yeah, I guess-
ME: Then fuck off, and don't fucking call me again! *click*

EDIT: Spelling

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:50am
by David
Kuja wrote:Jesus Christ tap-dancing like a little girl at a recital, I'm never getting that fucking tanked again.

I passed out (can't really say I fell asleep) at about 2:30. Woke up ten minutes later feeling like shit, belched, and fell asleep again. (glad I didn't puke)

Sometime during the night, I pissed myself. (Jesus fucking Christ)

Woke up at seven AM from shivering because I had the window wide open on a cold September night and I forgot to crawl under the sheets. (I'm lucky I didn't fucking catch pnumonia)

Rolled out of bed with a splitting headache, took about four or five asprin. (Didn't fucking help)

Cleaned my bed, my clothes, myself, took a shower. (Still had the worst fucking headache)

Went to work in a bad mood, just hoping to get into a fight. (Good fucking thing I ended up working alone)

Came home dirty and exhausted. (Fucking line kept acting up; had me running all over the fucking warehouse)

STILL haven't worked shit out with my mom. (She was asleep by the time I got the fuck home)

This has been a horrible fucking day, starting from last night to now. In fact, I'd say this has been the third worst day of my entire fucking life, jsut after the days my girlfriend and my best friend died.

The only high point was screaming my lungs out at a telemarketer:

HIM: Hello, this is Omaha Steaks-
ME: What the fuck do you want?
HIM: Well, uh, sir, we were wondering if you would be interested in helping with a survey-
ME: Listen, fuckhead. You fuckers have been calling my fucking house for over a fucking month, and I'm fucking getting tired of it! On top of that, I've got a fucking shower to take and I've got the worst fucking headache in the fucking history of the fucking universe! Now if fucking calls like this are what I fucking get after you fuckheads sent me a free fucking sample without my fucking asking for it, you can go fuck yourselves up the ass, because I ain't fucking buying any fucking this you make! Do you fucking understand me?!
HIM: Uh, yeah, I guess-
ME: Then fuck off, and don't fucking call me again! *click*


Posted: 2003-09-25 02:32am
by Dark Hellion
Lay off the alchohol for a while. When you can tell how piss drunk you were from you typing, you are far too drunk. Its just not healthy.
As for your mother situation, I wish, like most of the board, that I could help. Hopefully she can see your side. If not... well lets not discuss it. Family problems like that can cause nasty things.
Stay off the booze though. Don't go all alchoholic on us. We need you too.

Posted: 2003-09-25 05:41am
by InnerBrat
I'm certain you'll sort this out, babe. She loves you, after all

By the time you read this, I'm hoping your hangover will have passed.
You've come through so much, you're strong, you can get through anything.

We're all here for you. love.

(PS, there's a pressie for you in GALE, and you haven't commented on it yet. Just ignore the boys.)

Posted: 2003-09-25 02:21pm
by Ace Pace
I hope you get better, as the others said, drinking ISN'T an answer.