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I just found my cat dead

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:03pm
by FaxModem1
My cat, Cookie, who I have had for 12 years, I just found dead next to my front door. When I saw her, I thought she might be sleeping, but she did not breathe or move, and my father and I dug a hole for her, talked about all the things we loved about her, and buried her.

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:05pm
by FaxModem1
And for those who remember, my dog died earlier this year, two lifelong pets dead in one year.

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:05pm
by Ghost Rider
Losing a pet hurts.

My condolences :cry:

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:11pm
by Frank Hipper
I'm very sorry to hear that. :(

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:14pm
by Shadowhawk
Always sucks. I lost both my cats within a year of each other (they were about 14 years old) last year. I still miss 'em.

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:16pm
by Stravo
I found my cat dead a few years ago as well, 10 years old, he crawled to my parents bedside back home and they woke me up when they found him sprawled at the foot of the bed. He must have wanted to be by them when he died. It still tears me up thinking about it. I'm sorry.

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:37pm
by Damaramu
I'm sorry for your loss. You have my condolences. :(

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:42pm
by Baron Scarpia
My condolences. Losing a pet is never easy.

My family cat died three years ago. She was almost 19, so had lived a pretty long, comfortable life. She had been in kidney failure for a little while. When I went home for the holidays that year, she was mostly blind and didn't seem to hear too well. She mostly just sat around near anybody she could find. My mom was beside herself, because she knew she should have the cat put to sleep, but she just couldn't bear to do it. Fortunately, the cat saved her the choice, and shortly after Christmas--right after my parents had taken my grandparents to the airport--my dad found the cat dead in the dining room.

My mom was relieved she didn't have to make the call with putting her to sleep, and she went pretty peacefully. Still, losing a pet after knowing it for 19 years is hard. When my mom called to tell me, we both got pretty upset about it. In fact, I still often dream about the cat. I wish I could get one here, but both my roommates are allergic. Curses!

Posted: 2003-09-24 11:53pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Wow, sorry man. I know how much it hurts. Almost two years ago my dog Max died. We had him for about 15 years. I was right there with him when he died. That kinda sucked having to watch that, and not being able to do anything, but on the other hand I'm glad I was with him at the end.

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:09am
by Chardok
It is so hard I know...I miss my Lacey.
I found her in the middle of the road. Run over. When I drove by I thought, Aww man, some poor bastard's dog got run ov-Then it hit me...The liver and white...It couldn't be. I literally went cold with horror. I felt the blood drain from my head. It was like I was in another world. I literally jumped out of my car, it was still moving (albeit slowly.) It stalled out about 20 feet up the road. I wasn't thinking at ALL. I went to her body in the middle of the road, completely dumbfounded.
I fell down to me knees, feeling the emotions, the hatred for whomever did this (It was a 10 miles an hour street. Whomever hit her...they could have stopped...slowed down...10 MILES A FUCKING HOUR) then...I don't know, I couldn't describe it..I still can't. It all came out. I was screaming, I couldn't help it. Here she was, My best friend, I raised her from a puppy, she slept with me in my bed, was my friend when I didn't have any (Army Brat) My protector, she brought us MOLES..MOLES FROM THE YARD! She killed them everytime they came and brought them to the porch! She always thought she was in trouble when she got caught killing a mole...she would come up to the porch with her little pug tail as in between her legs as she could get it...and I would say in a low, menacing voice...."What did you do?" Then she would kind of just....Bluugh Let the mole fall out her mouth. When I saw what it was, I would always praise her, and she would act like a goofy retard who just got what he always wanted for christmas, bouncing around and acting like a puppy...

She was gone. I played with her not 15 minutes before. My brother let her out to go pee...he still blames himself... I picked her broken body up, and she was still warm....She almost looked alive but no breathing...I still cry about it..I was wailing. I'd read in books about people losing loved ones and wailing at the funeral or something, I thought it was bullshit, but it's not....there are times when it just...comes out. This was one of them. I was wailing carrying her body up to the front porch...I got blood on me from her mouth..I walked into the It was like someone had hit me in the head with a bat just Scremaing SHE'S Dead! Oh My God! No! No! Please NO! My mom was hysterical "WHAT?! DANNY?! WHO?! IS YOUR SISTER OKAY?!"
I just kept repeating She's Gone! She got run over! Please! No!
Then it FINALLY sank was lacey...My mom broke brother was jumping up and down, screaming that it couldn't be sister just cried. just fell down on her knees and cried.
My mom and dad were separated at the time. and he had alot of land. He was going to pick her up, and bury her in his field. She always loved to play in that field, chasing birds (AND ROLLING IN COWSHIT Ugh....Hated those baths...) When he first saw her...He grimaced. I never saw my dad express anything before, except the odd laughing at a Movie or something, no pain, though...then HE cried for a tear, I saw, I couldn't believe it. Here was the man that raised me, Crying just like me! It was the first time I realized that my Dad is human just like me. but yeah, he cried.
We buried her with one item from each of us that represented her time with us..I buried her with this old sock I stuffed with other old socks that we played tug-o-war with. My sister wrote a letter and drew a picture. My brother sent her off with her squeekymoose, a toy she would often chew on..the bane of all ears in the house. We put them all in a plastice bag and my Dad took her out and buried her in the pasture, with her favorite things. We were all wrecks for weeks. Funny how an animal gets into your heart like that, huh? :cry: Still makes me cry even to write all this....but I hope it helps you to know that you are not alone in grieving for a pet...they are so much more, too. You'll never forget her, I hope, Perhaps one day, you'll end up seeing her again.
I see lacey alot. Symbolically of course, in a bird, a squeekytoy, in the pet aisle at winn dixie, and anytime I'm near a pasture, I almost see her white coloring that clashed so much with the green grass peeking up every now and then, as she pounces on one of those nefarious moles!

Take care.

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:48am
by TrailerParkJawa
When my last cat died, she curled up in her favorite sleeping place in the back yard and evidently never woke up. I still miss her. I would look out my back patio door looking for those two green eyes at the door waiting to be let in for the night. ( She was jet black, at night all you could see in the window were her eyes. )

Im sorry you had to lose a cat. It is never easy to lose a pet.

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:49am
by Superman
That's too bad. You know, I am an animal lover myself and I know how hard it is to lose your friend. My cat, Jag, was my best friend when I was a child. I went through some shit growing up but she was always there for me. She was finally put to sleep at about 20. I'll always miss her. Sorry to hear about your loss, dude.

As of now, however, I have 2 guinea pigs, a hamster, a cat, 4 Emperor scorpions, and an Emerald Tree Boa. I hope you can get a new friend soon and give her a good home. :wink:

Posted: 2003-09-25 12:49am
by LordShaithis
I had a kitten die of leukemia once. :?

Posted: 2003-09-25 02:36am
by Howedar
I'm afraid my cat is nearing the end of its life. This is not a good thing. I love my cat.

Posted: 2003-09-25 02:56am
by Edi
I'm sorry for your loss, losing pets sucks. :(


Posted: 2003-09-25 05:13am
by Robert Treder
Cats and dogs are extremely special creatures; rare is the girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, sibling, or best friend who will remain quite as loyal and loving to you as your pet. I dread the inevitable days when my pets will die, and sitting here with my favorite cat on my lap, I truly sympathize with you.

Posted: 2003-09-25 05:14am
by Macross
Sorry to hear about your loss. I am sure you made each other very happy.

Posted: 2003-09-25 08:35am
by Dalton
I miss my aunt's dog, Max. He'd bark his head off every time we came to the back gate.

Posted: 2003-09-25 10:08am
by Chardok
LOL I just feel the need to bring this up. All over the board, I see various flames and whatnot, debates, things like that I associated with real tough guys, (and gals) highly educated, grounded and down to earth people (Except for a poclivity to argue about fiction, and don't worry, i'm with you on that) but when we start talking about losing pets, we all just melt into gooey, emotional messes :) (Well, Many of us)

Y'all take it easy! :)

Re: I just found my cat dead

Posted: 2003-09-25 11:08am
by seanrobertson
You have my sincerest condolences.

Posted: 2003-09-25 03:17pm
by Kintaro
Yes, losing a pet is always hard. About a year and a half ago, our cat of 16 years died of cancer. One month before she died, she became bone skinny. We took her to the vet to find out what was going on, and we found out. We were going to have her put to sleep, but she died before we expected.

Posted: 2003-09-25 03:22pm
by Captain Cyran
My condolences.

I lost a cat a few years back, best cat ever. A tough guy (Came back with lots of scars) yet he was SUCH a lovey. He had a stroke, lost control of his back legs and dragged himself all the way home, we found him right outside the door, he was still alive. We had him put to sleep. :cry: :cry:

I loved that cat...

Posted: 2003-09-25 05:06pm
by Icehawk
My Sincerest Condolences. That must have been very difficult for you.

We just lost our cat earlier this year, she was 13 and was otherwise perfectly healthy except for a fucking tumor that slowly grew in her intestine which eventually got so bad she was vomiting her own feces several times per day and she was very skinny. It was so heartwrenching on the final night when we took her too the clinic to have her put her down. I was staring into her eyes as she died when the poison was put into her...

However, after a while of grieving and cool off we eventually got two hilarious new cats and while no knew pet can ever replace a lost one, they will help you to build all new memories and expieriences.

Posted: 2003-09-25 05:33pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I'm sorry for your loss. My last cat was an old one and died after being hit by a car on my Mum's birthday. My pet Labrador, aged 14, was put to sleep the day after Christmas Day because it was too hard on him living much longer.

My brother got more upset over my Nan's pet Retriever dying than his grandpa or uncle.

Posted: 2003-09-25 08:09pm
by Shadowhawk
Kintaro wrote:Yes, losing a pet is always hard. About a year and a half ago, our cat of 16 years died of cancer. One month before she died, she became bone skinny. We took her to the vet to find out what was going on, and and we found out. We were going to have her put to sleep, but she died before we expected.
That basically happened to the first of my cats to die. He got a big tumor-type thing on his jaw, and found it difficult to eat. He probably lost a third of his bodyweight.
The day before my dad was gonna take him into the vet to be put down, he vanished. A guy who lives down the street came by a couple days later and asked if we had a gray cat. He had died along the side of their house. He's buried in the backyard, now.
I'm guilty as hell that I didn't convince my parents to take him in earlier (and I'm angry that my parents didn't do anything sooner). That tumor shouldn't have been left alone (he had had abcesses before, and that's what we thought it was at first).

Our other cat, a female who was runt of her litter, was put to sleep. About two weeks prior, she had what can only be described as a stroke. It was awful. She could barely walk; she kept her head pointed straight down. It broke your heart to see it. Then, a couple days later, she gets better. Not back to normal, but she can walk well again. We pamper her for a while--heating pad on her bed, that Catsip milk-like stuff, food we knew she loved...but then she crashed about a week later. She was on her bed, and barely reacted to us. My dad took her to the vet (I cried after he left). She apparently went to sleep almost immediately after she was injected. They wouldn't give the body, back, though, so she isn't buried next to her antagonized companion (she really was a bitch to him for a long time) of 14 years.
I miss her the most, since she was basically 'my' cat. She followed me around, loved laying on my lap while I was in my recliner or computer chair, and particularly liked following me into the bathroom (she'd usually get a drink out of a paper cup we kept filled, or, if I was in there a while for whatever reason, lay on the folded towels on top of the toilet tank).

We still have a couple of their toys. He liked these cheap little mice that were covered with (fake?) fur, had a stiff canvas body, and a leather tail. She liked, of all things, those little plastic spider-rings you can buy around halloween. Her absolute favorite was a small, relatively soft, orange-colored one. I've got a great picture of her leaping after the thing in mid-air. I need to find and scan it.

I still have dreams where they're still alive, and always wake up disappointed as hell. "Oh yeah. Fuck."