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Scientific or Organizational Journals

Posted: 2003-09-26 01:56pm
by Nathan F
What, if any, journals of national organizations do you get?

I currently recieve:

Aerospace America (Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautcs)
National Geographic (If you don't know about that one, then you need hit)
Friends of the Air Force Museum (Journal of the AF Museum Member's Organziation)
Air and Space (Journal of the Air and Space Museum)
Smithsonian (Journal of the Smithsonian Institute)

Posted: 2003-09-26 02:41pm
by The Dark
I get National Geographic and an occasional Smithsonian (if it's something that interests me)

I also get the national Philosophy journal (whose name escapes me right now...I'll edit if I can remember it).

Posted: 2003-09-26 02:41pm
by InnerBrat
The Journal of the Geological Society
and whatever it is my brand new membership of the Palaeontological Association gets me.

And then I use institutional subscriptions for all sorts of journals (Gods Bless Athens!)

Posted: 2003-09-26 03:30pm
by Zoink
Every month I buy:
Scientific American
American Scientist

Occasionally (depends what's inside):

At work I get:
Rotor and Wing
Shepherd's Defence
Design Engineer
etc, etc.... its a big stack every month, I don't read 90% of it.

Posted: 2003-09-26 05:23pm
by Dalton
I currently have a subscription to Astronomy.

Posted: 2003-09-26 05:24pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Air & Space
Nat. Geographic
Some Navy-produced thing related to submarines. I get it through my grandfather, but I DO get it.

Posted: 2003-09-26 06:32pm
by Warspite
Air International.

Revista de Marinha (Portuguese magazine about Portugal's comercial, military and recreational navy.)

Mais Alto (Progutguese Air Force magazine.)

Posted: 2003-09-26 11:16pm
by lukexcom
National Geographic
Scientific American
AOPA Pilot
AOPA Flight Training

Oh, and they've been sending me Popular Science (crap) for almost TWO YEARS wihtout me paying a dime! :wtf:

Posted: 2003-09-27 10:25am
by aerius
None, I have a library that's 5 minutes from my house, why pay for something I can get for free?

I read:

Scientific American
Audio eXpress
National Geographic

I also checkout various car magazines for fun

At my work we get "Bicycle Retailer" which has all the latest industry news, and we also have subscriptions to about 4 different bike magazines.

Re: Scientific or Organizational Journals

Posted: 2003-09-27 12:53pm
by Trytostaydead
Nathan F wrote:What, if any, journals of national organizations do you get?

I currently recieve:

Aerospace America (Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautcs)
National Geographic (If you don't know about that one, then you need hit)
Friends of the Air Force Museum (Journal of the AF Museum Member's Organziation)
Air and Space (Journal of the Air and Space Museum)
Smithsonian (Journal of the Smithsonian Institute)
None.. I use our library's server to access full length articles through their respective archives.. otherwise too expensive for me

Posted: 2003-09-27 12:57pm
by kojikun
I get Scientific American, Popular Science, and I think thats it. lol I'd like to get some others but I'm gonna wait until I have an income.

Posted: 2003-09-27 01:52pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont subscribe to any magazines anymore but I pilfer on a regulur basis:

National Geograpic: My dad gets them from a co-worker who tosses them after he reads them. Then I read them after my dad.

Aviation Weekly: My dad rarely reads them anymore, so I usually intercept it before he even sees it in the mailbox.

Marine Corps Times: My buddy in the reserves saves all of his for me to read when I visit on the weekends.