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Have You Ever Fired a Gun?

Posted: 2003-10-02 02:22am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I've had this thread idea kicking around in my head for a while now, and decided to post it before I got back to my homework.

So basically, have you ever fired a gun? If you answer yes, listing the basic types (ex: revolver, semi-auto handgun, rifle, muzzel-loader, shotgun, SMG, etc...), is optional. (Please note that I'm not an expert on gun type classification.)

Additionally, if the country of your current residence has a ban on civilian gun ownership, please indicate such.

Note that this thread is not intended as the setting for any sort of gun control/ownership debate or discussion, just a survey and related discussion.

I'll go first.

Yes. Revolver, semi-auto handgun, pump shotgun, bolt-action rifle, and whatever a Mauser 98 rifle is (drawing a blank on the class).

Posted: 2003-10-02 02:25am
by Shinova

Revolver, semi-auto pistol, bolt-action rifle, pump shotgun.

Posted: 2003-10-02 02:26am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
No... not yet, at least. Just a bow, no firearms.

Posted: 2003-10-02 02:26am
by Darth Wong
I've never fired a gun. But I would like to do it someday, just to know what it's like. Ideally, I'd like to practice a few times and be able to hit targets. I don't like the idea of being completely unpractised in this skill, even if I don't feel like I have a regular need for it.

However, there are time and money constraints which keep me from doing this in the near future.

Posted: 2003-10-02 02:49am
by Hyperion
Ported 12ga
30-06 (sniper/hunting)

I can't hit a damn thing with the 30-06 or the ported 12ga (too light, the gun was majorly modified, really sweet too, just no kick and not enough weight for me to work with)

AK-47, spray and pray with the typical semi-auto (the only kind you can buy of course) will hit the target unless you are way off in the boonies with your aim. That, however did not mean I had good hit patterns...

.22, no kick, fairly heavy (the one I was firing at least), and I had about a 50% hit rate.

Now that 20ga... ~80-90% hit rate on both trap and skeet. heavy as fuck, and kicked, but not too badly.

Anyway, if you are going to learn how to fire a gun, and you are constrained for money, get a standard Remington 12ga or 20ga from Wal-Mart for around $99 (they had a sale last summer here, they're probably higher now), or a .22. Those are all pretty fun to mess around with, also decent for hunting small shit, the shotguns also can be used against larger stuff by getting slugs.

Posted: 2003-10-02 02:53am
by Darth Wong
Money and time. I need to get a firearms license to buy a gun in this country, and then I need to find somewhere to shoot it, because you don't just go firing shotguns in the middle of the city unless you want to find yourself in the back of a police car. That's far too much hassle.

Posted: 2003-10-02 03:01am
by Shinova
Darth Wong wrote:Money and time. I need to get a firearms license to buy a gun in this country, and then I need to find somewhere to shoot it, because you don't just go firing shotguns in the middle of the city unless you want to find yourself in the back of a police car. That's far too much hassle.
The next time you go on a camping trip you could go to one with a shooting range or find some rather isolated spot on a two-lane highway and shoot up some rocks or something.

But I live in California, where a 3-hour drive can take you to an almost-flat middle of nowhere place with a two-lane highway and a road or two as your only signs of civilization so, yeah.

Posted: 2003-10-02 03:03am
by EmperorMing
For ex-military this is obvious... :P

M-2 (ma duce, .50 cal)
Mauser 8mm (wwII bolt action)
Smith & Wesson 9mm

Posted: 2003-10-02 03:10am
by Dalton
.22LR. That's it.

I plan to eventually get a handgun license so I can practice with my father's .38s.

Posted: 2003-10-02 03:10am
by TrailerParkJawa

- .22 Bolt Action Rifle. I think it was from Sears or Money Wards.
- M-16 chambered with .22 rounds for the underground shooting range at the San Jose State University ROTC unit.
- some sort of small semi auto skeet shotgun designed for women or children
- 9mm Beretta
- Some caliber Glock pistol

Posted: 2003-10-02 03:23am
by Faram
Hmm yes

Some of stuff I played with in the Army:

HK G3 , AK4
Submachinegun M45/B
Glock 19
Carl Gustav grg/48 , Recoilless Rifle Model 48
Pskott 86 , Bofors AT-4

Posted: 2003-10-02 03:47am
by haas mark
Yes, I have, when my dad was teaching me how to, and the last time was when I was with a friend in another city. But that's about 4 years gone, so it's been a while.


Posted: 2003-10-02 04:08am
by Hamel
.22 (I think I got that right)
Glock 18
Glock 17C

I think that's all

I would like to take a firearms course sometime

Posted: 2003-10-02 04:56am
by Dargos
I've shot everything from .22 shorts to .50Cal.

My favorite was my friends .45 Cal Thompson submachine gun(refited to be only semi automatic) Loved listening to the rounds tumble in the air to strike the target THWIP THWIP THWIP SMACK!!!

M-2 .50Cal Machine gun was also a trip.

Favorite Handgun was Colt 45
9mm Beretta is for shooting a BB gun.
M-16 is accurate but it is/was a very touchy biatch if you didn't service it regulary.
Mk-19 Automatic Grenade Launcher. Only fired a belt of 6 rounds in Iraq back in 1991 for practice/weapon familiarzation...but BOY WAZ DAT FUN YEAHAAA. The trainer showing off how durable the weapon was, dumped a ammo can full of sand into the chamber, tipped it over to get rid of the sand from the weapon, then fired off a full ammo can of rounds down range without a hitch. That was interesting.
and BTW... Claymore Mines are your fired one in Grafenwhoer Training Area. The targets were SHREADED. Please always read the mine before placeing FRONT TOWARD ENEMY!!!

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:05am
by Robert Treder
Never fired a real gun. I've fired compressed-air pellet guns, and I own a pellet gun replica of a Sig P229 handgun, and a Daisy air rifle.

I'd like to fire some real weapons, but I'm not itching to do it any time soon.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:06am
by The Yosemite Bear
Jacked off- Yes

Civil War Reinactment- Yes
Student Made bad action movie-yes
Target Shooting-Yes
Rattlesnakes w. 22 long-Yes
Deer-No (actually the 3 deer I have killed have all been with Chevy's)
Wild Turkey-Yes

Been Shot at!
Crazy Ex-Co-worker-Yes
L.A. Gang Members-Yes (white boy working for state government during 1992 riots, ok I shot the other gun too, ducking behind that wall of concrete)

Re: Have You Ever Fired a Gun?

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:11am
by MKSheppard
Yes. Semi-Automatic Pistol. Semi-automatic Rifle, Semi Automatic Shotgun,
bolt action rifle.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:11am
by MKSheppard
Darth Wong wrote: However, there are time and money constraints which keep me from doing this in the near future.
Mike, just go to a shooting range and rent one of their range guns and try it out.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:16am
by The Yosemite Bear
As for fire arms...

BB gun
9mm luger (1st Stepdad was a fucking bastard and a french canadian neo-nazi)
30.06 Rifle
Winchester Pump (targets/Clay)
.68Cal Ball Rifle (Erm which side am I on this year?)
.44 Cal Ball Pistol (YeeeHaaaw, Ok I'm a bad guy AGAIN!)
.38 Cal Pistol
.45 Cal M1911
Sharps Trapdoor fun, but the first time it knocked me on my ass, of course I was 10 at the time....

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:22am
by The Yosemite Bear
And of course I also had to make the distinction of the Firearm vs. The GUN (Dick), sorry it was there.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:26am
by Grand Moff Yenchin
M1903 Rifle
T-57 Rifle (Made in TW M-14)
T-65 K1, K2 Rifle (MiT M-16 A1, A2)
T-74 Machine Gun (FN MAG M240)
T-75 Machine Gun (Minimi M249)

And yes, my country (Taiwan) bans the use of civilian guns.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:29am
by The Kernel
Yes, I've personally owned a .22 semi-auto rifle, .357 magnum revolver, .44 magnum revolver, 12-gauge over/under double-barreled shotgun, 30-06, 9mm Barreta and a 9mm Smith and Wesson.

I've fired dozens of guns before but a few notables are a Tango-51, AK-47, AR-15 and an M1 Garand. My personal favorite was a revolutionary war era musket that my roommates grandfather owns. We got to shoot it only once (and as far as I know, it hasn't been fired since) but it was a hell of an experience even though we couldn't hit a damn thing and it took forever to load.

I've also gotten some hands on time with several working 50-calibur machine guns, but I never got a chance to fire them.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:31am
by The Kernel
Dalton wrote:.22LR. That's it.

I plan to eventually get a handgun license so I can practice with my father's .38s.
Dalton, where are you from that you need a handgun license to use your father's gun? I thought we in California had the strictest gun laws and I never needed one to shoot my dad's pistols.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:38am
by The Kernel
Darth Wong wrote:Money and time. I need to get a firearms license to buy a gun in this country, and then I need to find somewhere to shoot it, because you don't just go firing shotguns in the middle of the city unless you want to find yourself in the back of a police car. That's far too much hassle.
Is your oldest boy old enough for paintball? That's a good way to get in to target shooting while getting to do a family activity. If not your son, then perhaps your wife might like it as well; my girlfriend LOVES it and she took a liking to shooting real guns very soon after paintballing. It's not exactly the same, but it gives you an idea of what it is like and is a whole lot of fun to boot.

Posted: 2003-10-02 05:38am
by The Yosemite Bear
New York STATE, the real strictest and oldest gun laws.