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Posted: 2003-10-03 05:49pm
by Pu-239 is sponsered by (borderline?)quacks?

Posted: 2003-10-03 05:50pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
uhm.... Interesting. I would like to know the reasons behind this, I think.

Posted: 2003-10-03 05:53pm
by Chardok
Oh, no WAY Mike knows about fucking way...I hope that's a photoshopped banner... :wtf:

Posted: 2003-10-03 05:54pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Chardok wrote:Oh, no WAY Mike knows about fucking way...I hope that's a photoshopped banner... :wtf:
Those were my first thoughts too, but ya never know... I guess we just have to wait for Mike to say something.

Posted: 2003-10-03 05:55pm
by Hamel
Since when did herbal peoples become quaks

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:05pm
by Dalton
Mike DOES believe that things like Chinese herbal remedies can be beneficial (I think, sorry if I'm speaking for you Mike), and he's mentioned in the past how that sort of stuff has helped him.

Remember, modern medicine comes from old-world herbology.

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:12pm
by haas mark
Dalton wrote:Mike DOES believe that things like Chinese herbal remedies can be beneficial (I think, sorry if I'm speaking for you Mike), and he's mentioned in the past how that sort of stuff has helped him.

Remember, modern medicine comes from old-world herbology.
Eastern health medicines are definitely a good thing, if/when you can afford them.


Posted: 2003-10-03 06:17pm
by Chardok
Really, Dalton? I dunno....Mike seems so...straightforward, if you catch my drift....but I'm with mitth...wait til Mike speaks...

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:25pm
by Hotfoot
Hamel wrote:Since when did herbal peoples become quaks
Usually if they suggest using the herbal stuff before going to see your doctor.

It's like when people see a chiropractor instead of a physician, and it can be very dangerous.

Also, some people who practice alternative medicine advocate the use of some quakery which I forget the name of, but claims to retain the "essence" of drugs which have been diluted down to levels where each bottle would have less than a fraction of one atom of the orignal active substance, to say nothing of the full chemical compound.

However, the site listed doesn't seem to go nearly that far...though the whole "no drugs" thing is somewhat misleading, since they do suggest the use of herbs.

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:27pm
by Montcalm
Hotfoot wrote:
Hamel wrote:Since when did herbal peoples become quaks
Usually if they suggest using the herbal stuff before going to see your doctor.

It's like when people see a chiropractor instead of a physician, and it can be very dangerous.

Also, some people who practice alternative medicine advocate the use of some quakery which I forget the name of, but claims to retain the "essence" of drugs which have been diluted down to levels where each bottle would have less than a fraction of one atom of the orignal active substance, to say nothing of the full chemical compound.

However, the site listed doesn't seem to go nearly that far...though the whole "no drugs" thing is somewhat misleading, since they do suggest the use of herbs.
I think the word you`re looking for is Homeopathic

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:28pm
by haas mark
The word would be "all-natural." At least, that is what is being tried to attain.

-wonders if that's grammatically correct... ponders...-


Posted: 2003-10-03 06:32pm
by Hotfoot
Montcalm wrote:I think the word you`re looking for is Homeopathic
Yes, that's it.

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:35pm
by The Dark
Herbal medicines can be very useful. A friend of mine's husband had gone through chemotherapy four times, and his cancer returned every time. He decided to try homeopathic medicine instead, and for the last four years he's been in remission (which is about 4 times as long as any of the chemo kept it in remission). Most medicines still come from plants anyway.

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:36pm
by Hotfoot
verilon wrote:The word would be "all-natural." At least, that is what is being tried to attain.

-wonders if that's grammatically correct... ponders...-

All-natural medicinal herbs would be a very good description of it, actually. Organic would also work, I think. The whole "no drugs/no chemicals" mentality just bugs me because it distorts the truth. The site, while perhaps not of great interest to me, does not reek of quackery. Poor word choice, maybe, but that's a pretty minor complaint.

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:40pm
by Hotfoot
The Dark wrote:Herbal medicines can be very useful. A friend of mine's husband had gone through chemotherapy four times, and his cancer returned every time. He decided to try homeopathic medicine instead, and for the last four years he's been in remission (which is about 4 times as long as any of the chemo kept it in remission). Most medicines still come from plants anyway.
Homeopathic != herbal medicine, however. Homeopathic medicine is no better than taking sugar pills, because the active agents of the drugs used in homeopathic medicine simply cannot exist (well, maybe one molecule every couple thousand bottles) once they've been diluted that much.

Posted: 2003-10-03 07:01pm
by The Dark
*grumble* OK, replace homeopathic with herbal wherever I used it. I know it was stuff that was actually useful (he's an RN, so I doubt he'd be taken in by the homeopathic that you said what it is, I do remember that it's the highly diluted crap, and I know he's fairly bright). My understanding of that stuff is poor, and I improperly used a word.

Posted: 2003-10-03 07:23pm
by Hotfoot
The Dark wrote:*grumble* OK, replace homeopathic with herbal wherever I used it. I know it was stuff that was actually useful (he's an RN, so I doubt he'd be taken in by the homeopathic that you said what it is, I do remember that it's the highly diluted crap, and I know he's fairly bright). My understanding of that stuff is poor, and I improperly used a word.
I figured as much, no worries. ;)

In any case, being a RN doesn't mean you're immune to homeopathic claptrap or other bogus stuff. I once butted heads with a woman who was a RN (I think she had just recently completed her training, or was in the middle of it, or some shit, this was a long-running thing) who thought normal medicine was a load of shit. She refused to immunize her children, and repeatedly stated that immunizations and vaccines were not only completely worthless, but dangerous to boot. During one of her pregnancies, her midwife (or whatever it was) thought that the baby was getting to be late, and so tried to artificially induce pregnancy two and a half months EARLY. Finally, after making her very sick, she and the midwife decided that maybe it was time to go to the hospital. When the doctor found out what happened, he had the midwife removed and demanded she not be allowed to interfere, calling her on her gross negligence and irresponsibility in trying to induce labor this early. Of course the Nurse can't understand why the doctor is so mad, and despite the fact that this doctor saved both her and her baby's life, sees this as an example of how doctors are bad and shouldn't ever be trusted, and how they practice bad medicine. Of course, she goes right back to trusting the stupid bitch who nearly got her and her baby killed. :evil:

Posted: 2003-10-03 08:57pm
by The Cleric
Still waiting for Mike.

Posted: 2003-10-03 10:46pm
by Chardok
Probably he's spending time with his family tonight. Likely he'll be on tomorrow....
Just a guess, though. Guess we'll have to keep bumping this til her gets here :wink:

Posted: 2003-10-04 08:36am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
is the banner still there? yes, it is.....

Posted: 2003-10-04 10:54am
by 2000AD
The sites got sponsors now? Is it that popular?

Posted: 2003-10-04 11:06am
by Darth Wong
I don't agree with everything she says, but Rebecca has been using some of her stuff with good results. And do you know where an awful lot of medicines come from? They just extract and refine a substance from a natural source such as an herb, a vegetable, a part of an animal, etc. There are many known and experimentally confirmed effects of herbs.

The problem with "alternative" medicine is the lack of control. With no real self-regulating bodies, there's no way to differentiate the insanity (eg- little magnets you put on your joints to cure arthritis) from the more valid stuff, and there are a lot of quacks in the business. Also, people tend to apply a western mindset to it, and treating it as a replacement for western medicine, which it really is not. Western medicine is better for fixing serious problems, but it's not so good at just "making you healthy", which is more of a preventative thing.

However, that doesn't mean it's all crap. It's just unfortunate that there is so little formal research into the subject (although I believe the Europeans do more than we do), for the obvious reason that you can patent something you extract from an herb but you can't patent the herb itself, so no one has any incentive to fund such research.

Posted: 2003-10-04 11:52am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
so, how does she sponsor you?

Posted: 2003-10-04 07:21pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
uhm... *bump*

Posted: 2003-10-04 07:23pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:so, how does she sponsor you?
That's for Mike to know and you to worry about.