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My friends are idiots
Posted: 2003-10-12 03:20am
by Trogdor
They are now currently making "D. Viddy" the lingire wearing rapper version of Vader on Smackdown 3 create a character mode.
Posted: 2003-10-12 04:53am
by Hamel
Your friends are idiots?
No, they are creative little souls, and you should cherish that creativity for all time
Posted: 2003-10-12 04:57am
by DPDarkPrimus
Why don't you go burninate them?
Posted: 2003-10-12 06:45am
by Companion Cube
Your friends may be idiots, but your username rules.
Posted: 2003-10-12 12:04pm
by Ranman311
hey i'm one of his friends, and i definitely think of myself as a creative little soul more than an idiot!
anyhorse, to explain D Viddy, a group of us were explaining to trogdor over there whats going to happen in the next star wars. first of all, the name's going to be a drift from the norm and actually be Episode 3: Darth Vader. as silly as that seems at first glance, its actually quite impactful in its direct simplicity. its the tale of his rise to become a successful rap star in which he comes rollin in with his TIE on dubs, hydraulics, and neons underneath. we were also discussing the latest incarnation of the lightsaber and in ep 3: dv we're gonna have the ships shooting lightsabers. i think its genius. i'm sorry about telling you all about this because now the real episode 3 will end up disappointing you
Posted: 2003-10-12 01:37pm
by 2000AD
They are idiots! They're still playing Smackdown 3, for gods sake Smackdown 4 came out ages ago and is a helluva lot better!
Posted: 2003-10-12 01:43pm
by Ranman311
actually we were not idiots because we were playing 4 and trogdor typed in 3 for some reason. there's no way i would play that terrible michael cole announced version for any longer than i'd have to. and soon we will be simulating episode 3 with smackdown 5!
Posted: 2003-10-12 01:46pm
by 2000AD
OK i'll let you off, especially since you slagged off the commentry:
"What's he going to do from behind!"
Me and my mates used to laugh ourselves silly at all the other crap commentary phrases which for the life of me i can't remember, probably because i've managed to erase SD3 from my memory with SD4.
Posted: 2003-10-12 01:49pm
by Ranman311
Michael Cole: "Stone Cold is a master of the... singles match..."
Tazz: "Arm Bar!"
Posted: 2003-10-12 01:54pm
by 2000AD
It could have been worse, they could have had Paul Heyman commenting!
"No Paul that's a supplex"
"No Paul thats a power bomb!"
"Sorry. GORE!"
Posted: 2003-10-12 01:57pm
by Ranman311
wrestlemania 17 may have been my favorite wm, but it was also unfortunately the only one announced by mr. paul heyman
Posted: 2003-10-13 07:49am
by 2000AD
Smackdown 5 is looking pretty damn good too.
Posted: 2003-10-13 12:00pm
by Ranman311
overhauled graphics, deeper grappling system, elimination chamber, blood
looks amazing i cant wait
Posted: 2003-10-14 05:54am
by 2000AD
October 27th release apparently
I wonder if the UK will get it before the US like last time?