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Got my ACT scores.

Posted: 2003-10-15 09:58pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Eniglish 29/36 94%
-Usage/Mechanics 15/18 91%
-Rhetoric Skills 16/18 98%
Math 31/36 98%
-Pre-Algerbra 18/18 99%
-Alg/Coord. Geom 16/18 98%
-Plane Geom/Trig 14/18 91%
Reading 35/36 99%
-Soc Studies/Sci 17/18 99%
-Arts/Literature 18/18 99%
Science 33/36 99%
Composite 32/36 99%


Edit:Grrrrrrr, made it more readable since spaces compile. Percent are those who scored lower than or the same as me.

Re: Got my ACT scores.

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:03pm
by haas mark
anarchistbunny wrote:Eniglish 29/36 94%
I did better than you. :P
Math 31/36 98%
I still did better than you. :P
Reading 35/36 99%
I HATE you.
Science 33/36 99%
I hate you more.
Composite 32/36 99%
You suck.

Edit:Grrrrrrr, made it more readable since spaces compile. Percent are those who scored lower than or the same as me.
In otherwords, percentiles. ;)


Re: Got my ACT scores.

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:06pm
by Anarchist Bunny
verilon wrote:
anarchistbunny wrote:Eniglish 29/36 94%
I did better than you. :P
English is my worst subject.
Math 31/36 98%
I still did better than you. :P
Yeah, I'm kinda disappointed here. Lot of Geometery problems fucked me up.
Reading 35/36 99%
I HATE you.
Science 33/36 99%
I hate you more.
Composite 32/36 99%
You suck.


Posted: 2003-10-15 10:15pm
by Exonerate
So, what college are you applying for now? :$

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:20pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Exonerate wrote:So, what college are you applying for now? :$
I'm hoping to get into Cornell University, but if I don't I'll probly get my shit together at A&M or UT and then go to Cornell for my masters.

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:21pm
by The Dark
Huh...we had the same composite, ab, though I think my math was 3 points lower, my science 1 or 2, English a bit higher, and reading a 36. Darn good scores, though. That's what, about a 1300 SAT equivalent? (or have they changed the conversion numbers again?)

Re: Got my ACT scores.

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:26pm
by haas mark
anarchistbunny wrote:English is my worst subject.
Eh, although I'm *good* at all of them, I care the least about science (probably why it was one of my lower scores).
Yeah, I'm kinda disappointed here. Lot of Geometery problems fucked me up.
The geom screwed you up"? Ouch. Though I can understand that one.

Meh.. I'd probably have a Composite of 30 if you took the best of the scores from both the ACTs I took. [shrugs]


Posted: 2003-10-15 10:27pm
by haas mark
The Dark wrote:Huh...we had the same composite, ab, though I think my math was 3 points lower, my science 1 or 2, English a bit higher, and reading a 36. Darn good scores, though. That's what, about a 1300 SAT equivalent? (or have they changed the conversion numbers again?)
That's actually about a 1400+ IIRC..


Posted: 2003-10-15 10:28pm
by Shinova
Never took the ACT on my side.

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:28pm
by El Moose Monstero
If anyone can tell me the relevance (ie - are ACT's the equivalent of A-levels, GCSE's or something in between that?) of these results, then I'd be grateful.

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:29pm
by Shinova
The_Lumberjack wrote:If anyone can tell me the relevance (ie - are ACT's the equivalent of A-levels, GCSE's or something in between that?) of these results, then I'd be grateful.
In all honesty, all they really do is show how well you study for that test. So in a way it could be a measure of how well one studies for something.

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:36pm
by Gil Hamilton
Bah, I didn't take the ACTs. I took the SATs like normal people. :D

Posted: 2003-10-15 10:54pm
by haas mark
Gil Hamilton wrote:Bah, I didn't take the ACTs. I took the SATs like normal people. :D
The schools in the West prefer the ACT. :P


Posted: 2003-10-16 01:40am
by Robert Treder
I never took the ACT, but I did well on the SAT, without studying. Well, I guess I didn't really do that well...I got a 1450, but my math sucked. I only did that good because I scored 800 in verbal.