A quick request...
Posted: 2003-10-17 11:49pm
Slightly dodgy of me, but something that I feel needs doing. We've been having problems with the show before us on the radio, specifically their abuse of us on air. The biggest problem is, the host of that show is a member of the board at the station, so I need some public support to kick their arse.
Would anyone who is willing to spend a couple of minutes fudging the truth hop onto the EDGE Radio website, click on the survey, fill it out and say words to the effect of:
-You listen to Chez Geek (over the internet)
-Are pleased that there is such a show on EDGE Radio
-Are unhappy with the show on before Chez Geek and their attitude towards Chez Geek and its listeners.
If you can be bothered, thankyou very much. If not, then thanks for looking at the thread anyway.
Would anyone who is willing to spend a couple of minutes fudging the truth hop onto the EDGE Radio website, click on the survey, fill it out and say words to the effect of:
-You listen to Chez Geek (over the internet)
-Are pleased that there is such a show on EDGE Radio
-Are unhappy with the show on before Chez Geek and their attitude towards Chez Geek and its listeners.
If you can be bothered, thankyou very much. If not, then thanks for looking at the thread anyway.