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World's most powerful diesel engine

Posted: 2003-10-20 06:49am
by Warspite
Man, gotta love the marine industry! :twisted:

Just look at the size of that bitch!

D'oh! ---- Probrem corected :oops:

Posted: 2003-10-20 06:57am
by MKSheppard
link no worky fool

you have a comma instead of a dot

Posted: 2003-10-20 07:05am
by Boba Fett
This would perfectly fit into my little Alfa Romeo... :roll:


Posted: 2003-10-20 07:58am
by Montcalm
Captain...Gilligan`s dead....he fell in the engine. :lol:

Posted: 2003-10-20 08:03am
by Chardok
....And on the pole today is Jeff gordon in the 24 chevy, complete with a new engine the Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C!
...Well, you know, we're really happy with the new car, and chevy's done a great job, we're still trying to get the tooling just right you know, but, other than that, the car's feeling real, real, strong, and I think we got a real shot today...[/spam off]

Posted: 2003-10-20 09:32am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Holy shit...

That thing is the size of a (large) House!!!

Posted: 2003-10-20 09:40am
by Majin Gojira
Wow, that is one hellava engine!

Posted: 2003-10-20 10:05am
by Sir Sirius
[Cpt. Janeway]Ah, I see that the engine for my new Sybian Machine has been completed. Good, good...[/Cpt. Janeway]

Posted: 2003-10-20 07:10pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Will the engine be going into the new line of SUVs, known as the ILUV (Inexcusably Large Utility Vehicle)?

Posted: 2003-10-20 07:45pm
by Frank Hipper
The thing's crankshaft weighs as much as an entire destroyer of 100 years ago.

I find it sexy, very sexy.

Posted: 2003-10-20 08:38pm
by Sea Skimmer
Frank Hipper wrote:The thing's crankshaft weighs as much as an entire destroyer of 100 years ago.
And each cylinder produces more HP then the entire steam plant on HMS Minotaur, the largest of the broadside ironclads. But the triple expansion engines on a high end liner are more impressive. So many man crushing exposed moving parts..

What I really want is for someone to build a gas turbine the size of this mere diesel engine. The thing would probably put out millions of HP, in the unlikely event it doesn't explode when switched on.

Anyway big marine diesel's are only good when you only concern is fuel economy. They suck on everything else.

Posted: 2003-10-20 09:27pm
by The Kernel
Sea Skimmer wrote: What I really want is for someone to build a gas turbine the size of this mere diesel engine. The thing would probably put out millions of HP, in the unlikely event it doesn't explode when switched on.
*snort* not likely. I assume you are being sarcastic, but gas turbine engines aren't nearly as powerful as that. My old man's King Air B300 has two large turbines (larger than realistic car-size) that pump out around 2000 bhp a piece. Powerful yes, but hardly millions of bhp.

EDIT: Ahhh, I see you are refering to the disel here, my bad. I think the largest example of a gas turbine is the ones used on board the most massive cruisliners, although I'm not sure how many naval vessels still use turbines and how big they get. Still, millions of bhp seems excessive given that turbines aren't that much more powerful then regular gasoline combustion engines, they are just more efficeient in larger sizes. The nuclear/electric reactors on Nimitz-aircraft carriers don't even make nearly that much power. I believe all four steam turbines only come out to 280,000 bhp.

Posted: 2003-10-20 09:38pm
by Sriad
That rules. I wonder how much it would cost me?

Posted: 2003-10-20 09:55pm
by darthdavid
Pffft... My small engines theacher showed that up on the television as a joke a few days ago (get it, the class is small engines so he shows an unfeasably massive engine). So i've already seen it.

Posted: 2003-10-20 10:27pm
by Sea Skimmer
The Kernel wrote: EDIT: Ahhh, I see you are refering to the disel here, my bad. I think the largest example of a gas turbine is the ones used on board the most massive cruisliners, although I'm not sure how many naval vessels still use turbines and how big they get. Still, millions of bhp seems excessive given that turbines aren't that much more powerful then regular gasoline combustion engines, they are just more efficeient in larger sizes.
An LM2500 puts out 30,000hp and is about the size of a moderate sedan. Scale that up to the size of the diesel in question and you would indeed but looking at millions of HP. It just seems unlikely that any investment in money could let us craft turbine blades that fucking huge. But If Ive ever got a couple spare billion, well the fun is really going to start.
The nuclear/electric reactors on Nimitz-aircraft carriers don't even make nearly that much power. I believe all four steam turbines only come out to 280,000 bhp.
There also much much smaller then what I envision, and of course they don't need a shuttle of quarter million ton supertankers to bring in more fuel.

Posted: 2003-10-20 10:45pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Bah, Gas Turbines are just for over-glorified FACs. *looks to the Nimitz* Steam is still King.

Posted: 2003-10-20 11:31pm
by Howedar
That is indeed very sexy.

Posted: 2003-10-21 12:21am
by Sea Skimmer
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Bah, Gas Turbines are just for over-glorified FACs. *looks to the Nimitz* Steam is still King.
I'd like to see you remove a steam turbine from a major warship in 72 hours, without cutting the deck at any point. The USN is considering them for future major carriers anyway, and its already decided that all the new gators are going to be gas driven.

Posted: 2003-10-21 12:25am
by The Kernel
Sea Skimmer wrote:
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Bah, Gas Turbines are just for over-glorified FACs. *looks to the Nimitz* Steam is still King.
I'd like to see you remove a steam turbine from a major warship in 72 hours, without cutting the deck at any point. The USN is considering them for future major carriers anyway, and its already decided that all the new gators are going to be gas driven.
Show me a gas turbine that can run on a fuel rod the size of a brick and we'll talk ;)

Posted: 2003-10-21 12:25am
by Gandalf
Now we need a really big muscle car.

Posted: 2003-10-21 03:22am
by Crayz9000
It's the perfect engine for the Boxer Monstrosity.

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:03am
by phongn
Sea Skimmer wrote:I'd like to see you remove a steam turbine from a major warship in 72 hours, without cutting the deck at any point. The USN is considering them for future major carriers anyway, and its already decided that all the new gators are going to be gas driven.
Aren't they also considering nuclear-turboelectric drive now?