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I b3 d3@d
Posted: 2003-10-20 03:57pm
by darthdavid
My computer privilages at school and in all likely hood home hinge on a physcopath. I have an aquaintance who interns at the IT departmant of this school. He was doing an inventory of school computers and i showed him my forum avatar (i think the whol bump mapping thing is cool and wanted to show him). He's now threatening to report me to the IT department head for going to a non-school related site. I practically got kicked off the network earlier this year for issues with the same person framing me for tampering with settings.I promised all involved that though i'd done nothing wrong i'd be responsible on the network. Since no settings were changed last time they have no proof of it. Unfortunatly, they store every site accessed on tape, i've been here multiple times and even posted 4-5 times from school. If they find that out, and see some of the sleezier posts here it's ban city for me. Dumbass psuedo friend. I showed him the creation vs science site to prove that there's learning value here and he wrote down the url to it. As long as any admins he reports to stay there i'm safe (as that is a very educational site) but the second they stray into off topic...
![Banging my head :banghead:](./images/smilies/banghead.gif)
Why'd i have to show him the damned avatar???
Posted: 2003-10-20 04:00pm
by IndustrialNoise
I often go here during school too, but i don't think they record it on tape or anything. I always just delete the internet files, cookies, and history after im done. Hopefully, that's enough, becuase if i get caught, im also in huge trouble.
Posted: 2003-10-20 04:15pm
by Companion Cube
Wow, your pseudo-friend's a real bitch.
Posted: 2003-10-20 04:20pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
My school doesn't give a shit. They try to block most sites, but if one slips past, the network admin and the important computer-related people don't care.
The computers ARE for recreational use, just not during class time. Before and after school (and sometimes during classes, but shhhh, you didn't read that), SDNet is perfectly fine. Lucky me.
Posted: 2003-10-20 04:23pm
by IndustrialNoise
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:My school doesn't give a shit. They try to block most sites, but if one slips past, the network admin and the important computer-related people don't care.
The computers ARE for recreational use, just not during class time. Before and after school (and sometimes during classes, but shhhh, you didn't read that), SDNet is perfectly fine. Lucky me.
Yes, and his school does it Island Style.
On the bottom of it's webpage, it actually says "we're doing it island style!"
Posted: 2003-10-20 04:25pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Fighter of Foo wrote:Yes, and his school does it Island Style.
That's the other High School babe. Mine "seeks excellence" or some crap like that.
I don't know what your local school regulations and all that are, but here noone cares if you visit a non-educational website, as long as you don't do it on "their time"...
Posted: 2003-10-20 04:26pm
by Zoink
Fighter of Foo wrote:I often go here during school too, but i don't think they record it on tape or anything. I always just delete the internet files, cookies, and history after im done. Hopefully, that's enough, becuase if i get caught, im also in huge trouble.
You would be surprised at what's stored. History/cookies are stored on the individual computer, but if your internet connection is being rooted through a server, the server has its own log. The server at my work records every web site accessed by every employee.
They're usually ignored, but taking a peek through the logs one day (I'm the administrator) revealed a wealth of info. They even listed all the yahoo/google searches (eq. h t t p:/ / w w w One woman had been looking at job sites, and mysteriously quit a week later....
It seemed like an invasion of privacy so I haven't looked at them since. But, you should be aware that these logs are being kept.
Posted: 2003-10-20 04:44pm
by El Moose Monstero
I used to know someone like that, the kind of small weasel who reminds you of Randal from that Recess cartoon, he used to be the stooge of the Admin, although they disliked him as much as we did. Oh, we had a great time winding him up, he made the school sixth form site, and put the copyright symbol on, and all of that pretention to be official. We simply took his hit counter, and left many a keyboard with the F5 key stuck down, just to piss him off.
Generally, we ignored him, but I think in the end, we pitied him, for he had no friends, and I doubt he'll have made any at uni either.
Here's to you, you small minded bureacratic loner... I hope one day you get out of it.
Posted: 2003-10-20 05:05pm
by darthdavid
If i'm lucky i can use the Creation Vs Science section as proof that there's educational value to this site. And it was during a study hall. Ah, if it doesn't work out i'll just use my home computer. No biggy. And even if there is the occasional weird thread here i never go into those from school. If it doesn't work out favorably at all and i'm in real trouble then i'll just have to wrap him up in wet rawhide and find a desert to leave him in...
Posted: 2003-10-20 05:08pm
by Nathan F
Eh, at school, I was pretty good friends with the comp admin, and the librarian/comp lab lady didn't know jack sh!t about computers. I only got in trouble once for changing the screen saver my freshman year, although I had mIRC installed on most comps to get past the web chat block. As for that block, I don't think that SDnet was blocked, but,, and were all blocked....bastards....
Posted: 2003-10-20 05:15pm
by Montcalm
Try to spy on this so called friend when he`s on the net if you`re lucky you may catch the SOB visiting sites that are inapropriate,and then report the fucker.
Posted: 2003-10-20 05:24pm
by Rye
What an arse of a "friend", seriously, they suck donkey balls.
Heheh, i got banned from the school internet for coming on this site, and when i went to find out why i'd been banned (there were a few of us) there were reams and reams of porn and silly stuff on all the other people's files, then they miraculously couldn't find mine. So when i go to the IT guy to get myself put back on, i specifically ask why i've been banned (cos it logs stuff). And apparently i'd accessed the icqsite loads of times. I laughed and got the IT guy to click on it and it was a gif of the icq flower, nothing more.
Posted: 2003-10-20 05:25pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
At my school isn't blocked. A lot of other far more "appropriate" sites are, and for that we just go through proxies.
Posted: 2003-10-20 05:30pm
by darthdavid isn't blocked for if it was it would be an annoyance not worth bothering with and far to against the rules to see it. However they probably wouldn't like all the threads about anal sex too much... My "Friend" Is going to try and get this site websensed. Bastard.
Posted: 2003-10-20 06:13pm
by Enigma
darthdavid isn't blocked for if it was it would be an annoyance not worth bothering with and far to against the rules to see it. However they probably wouldn't like all the threads about anal sex too much... My "Friend" Is going to try and get this site websensed. Bastard.
My idea is to create a small batch file that's programmed to delete the hard drive and hide it in his hard drive. Then create an shortcut to that file. If he's an idiot then when he clicks on that shortcut then bye bye everything in the hard drive.
That is only an *idea*. It's not like you're going to do it or anything........
![Almost Angelic :angelic:](./images/smilies/angel.gif)
Posted: 2003-10-20 06:23pm
by Shinova
Which avatar was it?
Oh and what an uptight moron that guy is. Why did he get pissed off over some tiny picture?
Posted: 2003-10-20 07:02pm
by darthdavid
Not the picture. The web board, he was just looking for a way to bust me. Got this whole long standing idea of being stupid twoards me. I didn't take any of it seriously till now. (the Alpha + Omega , greenish bump mapped with drop shadow one.
Posted: 2003-10-20 07:20pm
by aerius
You poor suckers...I can do anything in our computer lab short of whacking off to hardcore pornography. Supposedly the only things we can't do is use chat and view or download offensive material, but nobody gives a shit anyways. I love it! Of course I am in university which does make a slight difference....
Posted: 2003-10-20 08:23pm
by zombie84
why dont you confront him and ask him why he's being such a dick? Seriously, if he did that to me i'd kick his fucking ass. I hate pricks like that.
Posted: 2003-10-20 08:26pm
by IndustrialNoise
zombie84 wrote:why dont you confront him and ask him why he's being such a dick? Seriously, if he did that to me i'd kick his fucking ass. I hate pricks like that.
Probably because then the kid will tell, and he'll get in trouble.
Posted: 2003-10-20 08:28pm
by Andrew J.
Just tell him he's no longer your friend and never speak to him again.
Posted: 2003-10-20 08:33pm
by Hamel
He's one of the many that look for any excuse to invoke the beast of drama.
Posted: 2003-10-20 09:31pm
by YT300000
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:My school doesn't give a shit. They try to block most sites, but if one slips past, the network admin and the important computer-related people don't care.
The computers ARE for recreational use, just not during class time. Before and after school (and sometimes during classes, but shhhh, you didn't read that), SDNet is perfectly fine. Lucky me.
Same here. Actually, my school's firewall blocks anything remotely useful, and leaves lots of porn sites and sites with warez, etc. unblocked. Once, someone set the homepage of a computer to, and the filter didn't block it.
Usually, if a website says sex anywhere on it-bam blocked. But not
Posted: 2003-10-21 04:49am
by InnerBrat
Zoink wrote:You would be surprised at what's stored. History/cookies are stored on the individual computer, but if your internet connection is being rooted through a server, the server has its own log. The server at my work records every web site accessed by every employee.
They're usually ignored, but taking a peek through the logs one day (I'm the administrator) revealed a wealth of info. They even listed all the yahoo/google searches (eq. h t t p:/ / w w w One woman had been looking at job sites, and mysteriously quit a week later....
It seemed like an invasion of privacy so I haven't looked at them since. But, you should be aware that these logs are being kept.
Uh oh .
No more porn at work for me...
*whistles innocenlty*
Re: I b3 d3@d
Posted: 2003-10-21 04:55am
by Boba Fett
darthdavid wrote:My computer privilages at school and in all likely hood home hinge on a physcopath. I have an aquaintance who interns at the IT departmant of this school. He was doing an inventory of school computers and i showed him my forum avatar (i think the whol bump mapping thing is cool and wanted to show him). He's now threatening to report me to the IT department head for going to a non-school related site. I practically got kicked off the network earlier this year for issues with the same person framing me for tampering with settings.I promised all involved that though i'd done nothing wrong i'd be responsible on the network. Since no settings were changed last time they have no proof of it. Unfortunatly, they store every site accessed on tape, i've been here multiple times and even posted 4-5 times from school. If they find that out, and see some of the sleezier posts here it's ban city for me. Dumbass psuedo friend. I showed him the creation vs science site to prove that there's learning value here and he wrote down the url to it. As long as any admins he reports to stay there i'm safe (as that is a very educational site) but the second they stray into off topic...
![Banging my head :banghead:](./images/smilies/banghead.gif)
Why'd i have to show him the damned avatar???
...and you call this democracy?
Man it's like back in the 70's in the USSR!
![Laughing :lol:](./images/smilies/icon_lol.gif)