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Posted: 2003-10-21 12:48am
by LT.Hit-Man
Sorry but I realy need to rant right now.

Guess what the fuck happened today?
My folks where heading into town to take care of some things where they came across an old lady who as it turns out has lupus(I know that's not the right spelling) who had colapps in the middile of the road as she was trying to cross it, the light turned gree and cars where zooming right by her and the people that where walking along that part of the road and walked by like she was not there, my step dad jumps out of the van and he nearly get's wiped out but at lest the traffic stoped while he grabed the old up and then he and my mom took her to the local hospital.
Anyways they come home and tell me about this and I just about had a fucking fit!

Like I always say 99.99% of the human race should be put to death.
Wish I had been there with a shotgun or something, fucking christ of a resiprcating dilldo the human race is realy starting to piss me off!
* goes into lurk mode *
:banghead: :kill: * the low life scum bags of the human race *

Posted: 2003-10-21 12:53am
by Kuja
People in groups are stupid. Everyone assumes that somebody else is going to take action, so they do nothing instead of trying to help. It's absolute idiocy.

Posted: 2003-10-21 12:57am
by Gandalf
Also, I understand some apprehension is due to fear of litigation.

Posted: 2003-10-21 01:12am
by Death from the Sea
Gandalf wrote:Also, I understand some apprehension is due to fear of litigation.
Um... in the US there are laws to protect good samaratins from being sued by someone they are aiding. Lots of people may not know this but, they should.

Posted: 2003-10-21 01:27am
by Darth Wong
Kuja wrote:People in groups are stupid. Everyone assumes that somebody else is going to take action, so they do nothing instead of trying to help. It's absolute idiocy.
That's why the police say that if you need to tell somebody to call the police (say you're applying pressure to a stab victim's wound in a shopping mall and there's a crowd of onlookers), you should always point to one specific person and say "YOU! Call 911!"

That puts him on the spot, and you're far more likely to get a response than if you say "somebody call the police!"

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:55am
by Lord Poe
You definitely need to be careful when you come upon someone in distress. I've worked for companies that BAR you from rendering aid, or be fired. Right now, I work with the elderly and disabled, and you have to curb you immediate thought for helping someone up who has fallen.

Not for litigious reasons, though (at least not for me personally) I usually ask an older person how I can help them, and then offer an arm for them to pull themselves up. NEVER pull a senior up when they've fallen. Let them do it. And if they can't, let them lie there until an ambulance is called.

Same goes for disabled. If you see someone turned ovr in a wheelchair, you do not pull them back into their chair. They could have rods in theirback orother similar medical conditions like a catheter that could cause damage if you move them the wrong way. You can offer comfort (get the wheelchair off their head!) but definitely wait for proper aid. Put your car in the middle of the street and block traffic if you have to.

Posted: 2003-10-21 04:47pm
by Vertigo1
Desmond Morris did a study on this. He layed down on a sidewalk in a major city and only like one or two people asked if he was OK. He did this again in a smaller town and he got badgered left and right if he was alright.

Posted: 2003-10-22 02:48am
by LT.Hit-Man
I know that but WTF I mean has the world going so fucking ape shit over getting sued for trying to help someone who have a damm good chance of being killed if action is not take that people are willing to let someone in distress die for fear of being sued?
If so then the world can kiss my ass! :evil:

Posted: 2003-10-22 02:55am
by Crayz9000
Actually, you did spell lupus correctly...

But yeah, the sheer complacency today is sickening.

Posted: 2003-10-22 02:58am
by LT.Hit-Man
Crayz9000 wrote:Actually, you did spell lupus correctly...

But yeah, the sheer complacency today is sickening.
I know what the hell is wrong with people today?