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Posted: 2002-09-30 07:37pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Let's assume for whatever reasons Earth decides to colonize Mars and vent off its population there. If you had the chance to be the first ones to go, which would mean to endure many hardships in establishing a whole new society and/or civilization, would you?
Posted: 2002-09-30 07:38pm
by Colonel Olrik
Where do I sign?
Posted: 2002-09-30 07:58pm
by Stormbringer
Yeah, I would. It's a chance to go to and colonize another world. Where do I sign up?
Posted: 2002-09-30 08:19pm
by Joe
Well, you wouldn't exactly be starting a new civilization, wouldn't it just be an extension of Earth's civilization?
Re: Mars
Posted: 2002-09-30 08:34pm
by Stuart Mackey
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Let's assume for whatever reasons Earth decides to colonize Mars and vent off its population there. If you had the chance to be the first ones to go, which would mean to endure many hardships in establishing a whole new society and/or civilization, would you?
Sure, so long as the local government will allow the slaughter of the native Martians so I can steal their land.
Posted: 2002-09-30 08:49pm
by Admiral Drason
Cool that gives me a chance to rule a planet of my vary own.

Posted: 2002-09-30 08:51pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Why would it be merely an extension of Earth's civilization? It could be labeled as an entirely new one. They'd pick an elite crew that are intelligent people that are open-minded and wouldn't practice Earth's stupidity that was forced upon us for all of the generations of humankind. Sending our best millions of miles away will let them form their own civilization that would be nothing like our own. Sure, the form of government would be similar to our current democratic ones, but it wouldn't be bogged down by all people's dumbass racist/sexist/homophobic/nationalistic/radical/extreme left/extreme right/fundamentalist/etc. views that hold us back from real accomplishments. It'd be an entirely new civilization, unlike anything the world has ever saw. There would be no disease, no war, very little crime, no hate, no prejudice, no tyranny, nothing. I'd also like to go there to ensure no jackasses screw it up.
Posted: 2002-09-30 08:57pm
by Shadow WarChief
Actually it'd be better to put our worst up in the space ship to mars. Give the barren desolate planet to those that have earned it and keep earth for the those of us which actually deserve it.
Posted: 2002-09-30 09:04pm
by Stuart Mackey
Shadow WarChief wrote:Actually it'd be better to put our worst up in the space ship to mars. Give the barren desolate planet to those that have earned it and keep earth for the those of us which actually deserve it.
So you would rename Mars New Australia then?

Posted: 2002-09-30 09:05pm
by Joe
Well, unless you are wealthy enough to 1) fund the expedition and colonization all by yourself and 2) secure exclusive rights to Mars for yourself and your group, chances are that someone on Earth is going to be funding you, be it the government or a corporation, and is going to make sure you act in it's interests when you colonize the planet.
By the way, your new civilization is sounding dangerously close to the Trekkie view of the Federation. Just a friendly warning...
Re: Mars
Posted: 2002-09-30 09:25pm
by ArmorPierce
ummm... how should I put this... HELL NO! I'm not going to put up with shit like that to get some barren waste land. And your view of Mars seems to be a bit Utopian to actually ever happen, like durran korr put it, very trek like
Posted: 2002-09-30 09:28pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I say we put all the smart people on Mars. I'd go if I was chosen, and we had good supplies. But then, stupidity would come out after a few generations. It would be better to exile all the morons there. And besides, I don't think they'll be a Mars colony in my lifetime. There may be many landings, scientific expeditions, but nothing for a civilian community.
Posted: 2002-09-30 09:38pm
by Azeron
Hmm Establish a firm American Grip on Mars. Sounds tempting. Keep all those foriengers from spreading thier filthy seed to outerspace. SIGN ME UP.
All we have to do then is set up a satalite based planetary defense system, in case any euros or chinese get any bright ideas about spreading 3rd way economics on to mars. I can't wait until McDonalds establishes its first store there, irrefutalbe Americanizing mars.
The first step in the get the hell off of earth planet so we can bombard earth with asteroids.
Posted: 2002-09-30 09:45pm
by Stuart Mackey
Azeron wrote:Hmm Establish a firm American Grip on Mars. snip
Ya know, the more I read of your posts the more I am convinced that you are just playing silly buggers with the SD.Net forums.
Posted: 2002-09-30 10:06pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
By the way, your new civilization is sounding dangerously close to the Trekkie view of the Federation. Just a friendly warning...
No, this view on civilization actually makes sense. I'm eliminating all of the stupid people by realistic means....simply not sending them to Mars. I'm just going to send the elite people there. I admit I wouldn't be considered elite and wouldn't get to go. But just to see a better form of humanity that could actually be considered to join the Intergalactic Council of Civilization whenever it finds us. When the Intergalactic Council of Civilization asks us why we think we are worthy enough to join them, we can just point to Mars and say, "There, look at them. See how great it works if we eliminate stupidity?" Well, there you go.

Posted: 2002-09-30 10:07pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Oh yes, and we have to clone Einstein just to see what happens.

Posted: 2002-09-30 10:09pm
by Kuja
Send both smart and stupid people....but the stupid peoples' rockets 'mysteriously' explode during launches

Posted: 2002-09-30 10:11pm
by IRG CommandoJoe Sooner or later dumbasses will learn about this by paying off smarter but greedier people to tell them this and will hold us back yet again, thus undermining the whole point of the expedition. And also contradicting our views of non-violence, peace, etc.
Posted: 2002-09-30 11:04pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Would I go to Mars? Heck no! You would have to live your life in a protected environment. Im happy here.
As to relieving population, thats a big fantasy. There are far too many people born on Earth each year, to make any appreciable dent in population growth with colonization of other worlds.
Even if the Earths growth rate was 0% you still could not make a dent. Not when the population is 6 Billion +.
Posted: 2002-09-30 11:07pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I realize that, but I just made up a bullshit excuse to get some people over there and terra-form it to be like Earth. I think this idea was touched upon in the Aliens movies. I think it was the backdrop for why they were in space.
Posted: 2002-09-30 11:22pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I realize that, but I just made up a bullshit excuse to get some people over there and terra-form it to be like Earth. I think this idea was touched upon in the Aliens movies. I think it was the backdrop for why they were in space.
I kinda realized thats what you meant. Its just that I have met people who honestly think we should colonize other worlds to relieve population.
Now, I might go to Mars if it was something like a 2 year term. But, I would not ever live there for the rest of my life.
The aliens ideas of a shake and bake colony is interesting. I think Mars is different from what was it LV246 ? That planet had a thick atmosphere that needed "processing". Mars just needs an (thicker) atmosphere period.
Re: Mars
Posted: 2002-09-30 11:28pm
by Raoul Duke, Jr.
Stuart Mackey wrote:IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Let's assume for whatever reasons Earth decides to colonize Mars and vent off its population there. If you had the chance to be the first ones to go, which would mean to endure many hardships in establishing a whole new society and/or civilization, would you?
Sure, so long as the local government will allow the slaughter of the native Martians so I can steal their land.
Well, you're out of luck there, unless your idea of "conquest" involves Pine-Sol...
Posted: 2002-09-30 11:30pm
by Solid Snake
I can safely assume that everyone here would go to Mars to start a colony. Including me.
Posted: 2002-09-30 11:31pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I don't know the details about what they do in Aliens, but all I know is that they make planets livable. So lets assume we make Mars livable. Put adequate amounts of water and oxygen and all of that nice livable breathable stuff on the planet.

Then we put lots of trees and all of that just to make it like Earth. We make no swamps, no deserts, no icy tundras, etc. Perfect weather all the time. The major differences are that you have the latest technologies and all of the people are intelligent and accomplish things.
Posted: 2002-09-30 11:34pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont think you can make a perfect climate. Thats just too Trekish. Besides, Id want to ski Mons Olympus in a foot of fresh powder!