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The Wonders of our Nations Capital

Posted: 2003-10-21 12:40pm
by Mr Bean
Hello all, sorry for my unexpected dissapearence but due to a rather fun command policy the fact my rotation date had come up and one or two other things I recived orders last week and had to ship out the door sometime the next day

Sufficet to say I'm safe and sound in my new place(Read Renovated school-house now Barracks) in our Great Nations Capitial

Three things I have found out

1. I have the greater Honor to be directly under the flightpath of the Chopper Mr Bush gets to ride around in when he feels like, AND happen to be under the apporch path of Air Force 1 when Mr Bush is comming home from whatever it is he does when not in Washington

So when my windows are rattling and the thunder of engies is passing overhead I know exactly where the President is, right overhead, waking me up at 3 in the morning

Oh well, Not like it matters I'm on shifts anyway(12-14 Hours a day what fun!)

2. Yes, Privates in the Army have just as much right to housing as second class petty officers of the Navy, Private(With a stripe meaing e-2) Snowball (Who I shall refer to him from now on) and I are getting along quite well, What him with his Country and his Gospel music tastes, easily woo me to sleep each night as he gets up when I go to sleep(Lucky I'm going to days soon)

3. If I would like Address for mail to reach me, I must fork up 50$ to go get a PO box out in town as the base here does not have any aviable and has abit of a waiting list to get one

Private Snowball of course already has one.

Needless to say the next week or so should be a ton of fun as everything gets sorted out, but at least I can look forward to the fact its a REAL PCS after a year and a half of TAD's

Having fun, at least my stocks are doing good

PS: Did you know that DC has three rocks stations one oldies(As in turn of the centry and classical music) two rap , two NPR stations, and five gospel stations?

Posted: 2003-10-21 12:58pm
by Ghost Rider
Have fun in my backyard...and yes...a PO box sucks(well allowed me to work my sorta business at one time but yeech)

As for the Radio...didn't know 5 Gospel. Learn something new and all that.

Re: The Wonders of our Nations Capital

Posted: 2003-10-21 02:38pm
by MKSheppard
Mr Bean wrote: Sufficet to say I'm safe and sound in my new place(Read Renovated school-house now Barracks) in our Great Nations Capitial
*prepares load of porno mags to give to Bean in his new Duty post*

Scary thought, Bean. You're only 30 minutes from Shep now :shock:

Posted: 2003-10-21 03:54pm
by Col. Crackpot
what amazes me about Washington is that is goes from breathtaking and historic metropolis to bullet riddled ghetto with flaming trash cans in 3 blocks.

Posted: 2003-10-21 04:30pm
by CmdrWilkens
Well damn man you're now about 25 minutes form where I live. You'll have to join me and Shep sometime. Oh yes and Zaia but she's more northerly.

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:47pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I think it is cool when you see the President in Air Force One or Marine One even if you did not vote for him. Ive seen Bush in Air Force One twice, once he flew right over my building as I stood on the roof waiting for the plane to fly over. Same with Clinton too.

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:02pm
by Howedar
Glad all is acceptable, if not well. You are always missed.

Posted: 2003-10-26 05:31pm
by Mr Bean
*Update(From a .50cent a minute internet station)

I have new quaters, now only the Helicopter and not the Jet fly over my head to wake me up, Another upside building due to turn, turn of the century construction filters out damn near all noise thanks to heavy brick and excellent insulation(Though not heating but I don't mind, always prefered cold)

Found out my new work sec, Shift work 12 on, 12 off, three days on one off two on two off repeat ad nausium

Odd things
Ran into one of my old RDC's. He got into a bit of trouble after his Tour(We were his second to last div, all those years ago, what? almost four) and is now currently a seaman, I referend from pointing and laughing because he works in another det and leads thier PT sessions and my boss has a wicked sense of humor and it might get back to him and I might have to go play with them for a few weekends

Other odd thing, Did you know the road blocks at the Naval Ramp resemble giant ramps, perfect for bikes, one tire short for cars

Back to work getting internet