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Ever rushed to the toilet during a movie?

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:43pm
by Rathark
Yesterday morning, I took a "small" Coke into the cinema to see Kill Bill. I'd already had my breakfast coffee less than two hours earlier. My bladder started stinging about three quarters of the way through the movie. Then the stage was set for the big showdown in Tokyo, and I told myself "There's no way I'm missing this."

Anyway, I stayed right to the end, and it was well worth it. However, the trickling fountain was actually far more unpleasant for me than the gushing blood :(

Has anyone here had similar experiences?

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:44pm
by Superman
I held it all the way through the time I watched "Gladiator." It was worth it.

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:45pm
by Shinova
I was watching Jin-Roh in a theater. Since I had already seen the movie before, I took a bathroom break. That's my only experience.

Re: Ever rushed to the toilet during a movie?

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:46pm
by haas mark
Rathark wrote:Yesterday morning, I took a "small" Coke into the cinema to see Kill Bill. I'd already had my breakfast coffee less than two hours earlier. My bladder started stinging about three quarters of the way through the movie. Then the stage was set for the big showdown in Tokyo, and I told myself "There's no way I'm missing this."

Anyway, I stayed right to the end, and it was well worth it. However, the trickling fountain was actually far more unpleasant for me than the gushing blood :(

Has anyone here had similar experiences?
Minus the blood gushing, yes.. Several times. I don't get up during movies unless avsolutely necessary (or unless the movie is just too horridly boring to watch).


Posted: 2003-10-21 10:49pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I used to hold all through a whole 2 hour movie and Im the type to drink the biggest coke available. I cant do that anymore. Im not sure if its an age thing or what. If its a long movie like LOTR, I just have to miss something. It just gets too uncomfortable.

Posted: 2003-10-21 10:54pm
by Alferd Packer
I think I came close to rupturing something during TTT.

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:05pm
by aerius
Nope, hasn't happened yet and probably never will. I make sure the lizard is fully drained just before the movie starts and I'm also prety careful with my fluid consumption. Easily made it through both LOTR movies without any problems.

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:08pm
by Solid Snake
I pissed seven times during "Waterworld"

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:10pm
by kojikun
Get a clamp, stick it on your cock, and you won't urinate at all. But you'd have to be a real man not a pussy who'd whimper when your cock is pinched. :P

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:36pm
by El Moose Monstero
Pirates of the Caribbean. Got popcorn and large drink. Popcorn was the popcorn of satan, master of the salt demons. And the drink was consumed quickly. What then followed was me waiting for a point when I could safely bugger off to the toilet, and me being very desperate. In the end, gave up and scarpered down the length of the cinema building.

Oh, and it always happens for LOTR films. Never fails, but as a rule, it's a lot easier not to miss anything vital in a 3 hour film than it is for an hour and a half movie.

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:47pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Solid Snake wrote:I pissed seven times during "Waterworld"
Remember "The Right Stuff" ?

"Permission to relieve bladder?"

Posted: 2003-10-21 11:54pm
by Shinova
I find that when I'm just doing normal stuff at home, I can go for more than five hours without going to the bathroom once. But in a movie theater it builds up fast.

Why do you think that happens?

Posted: 2003-10-22 12:07am
by Gandalf
The 3rd or 4th time I saw TTT, I had to go just before they started Helm's Deep, by the time Frodo held that ring up to the Ringwraith, I rushed out.

Posted: 2003-10-22 12:11am
by Galvatron
Yes! Years ago, when I saw Dumb and Dumber at the theater, I developed a serious stomach ache and ran to the restroom. I basically did a recreation of the scene in which Jeff Daniels explodes in the girl's toilet at the same time that the scene was going on! I didn't know that until I got back to my seat and told my brother about the turd monster I just gave birth to. He said that the same thing just happened in the movie, but I didn't really believe him until I saw it on video months later.

100% true story.

Posted: 2003-10-22 01:01am
by Damaramu
I pride myself on my ability to sit all the way through a movie, good or bad.

However, I've made a bathroom run ONCE during WATERWORLD. I had to piss.....and the movie was bad beyond belief. 8)

Posted: 2003-10-22 01:04am
by Kuja
I drank a bottle of water just before going to see AOTC for the first time, then bought a large Coke when I got to the theater.

I held it all the way through, although my bladder was scraming in pain and ready to explode by the end. When the credits started rolling, I literally dashed out of the theater to the nearest restroom and just barely avoided pissing on myself as I undid my jeans.

But oh Jesus, did I feel great when it was done. :)

Posted: 2003-10-22 02:13am
by Robert Treder
I've only gone to the bathroom twice during a movie in a theater. Once was during The Phantom, I had to take a piss, and couldn't care less whether I missed part of the movie. The other time was during my third time seeing X-Men (the first movie), I was fine, and then all of the sudden I was about to explode with diarrhea. I made it just in time, and I managed not to miss my favorite part, where they show all the students and have all the cameos.

Posted: 2003-10-22 02:20am
by Gandalf
Kuja wrote:But oh Jesus, did I feel great when it was done. :)
I agree, nothing beats that.

Drew Carey said it best. "Man, this is almost better than sex."