I think that some pedophiles consider rectal bleeding consent.
Seriously, pedophiles, I believe, use the fact that juveniles can have a sexual response to sexual stimuli as their excuse to fuck kids. This is so very wrong in so many ways I can't even begin to enumerate them.
But for one, the emotional trauma of being didlled by an adult has to be crushing. When I was 11, a man of about 35 or so oggled me in the shower at the campground we stayed at during the summer, and when he invited me to go out into the woods with him to look at dirty magazines, but objected to my friend coming along because he was "too young"(we were the exact same age), I knew something was up.
So I told my parents.
The parents and owner of the campground ran him out of there within FIVE MINUTES! There was a group of about 30 of them applauding as he pulled out of the place.
I still shudder when I think about how close I came to being a statistic, or maybe a semen soaked corpse in the woods, but at least I had the presence of mind to say something.