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Just got back.

Posted: 2003-10-25 09:56pm
by Sr.mal
I just got back from the annual Edwards AFB open house. My ears are still ringing. Nothing like a B-1b screaming by at mach 1.2 to chech your hearing. Another cool thing is that this was also the public debut of the F-22. That thing took off and almost immediatly went vertical and was gone in the haze in a manner of seconds. Also when it did it's high speed pass at Mach 2 I could hear car alarms going off from just about every vehicle. It was also cool the see the A-10. That plane has some awesome manueverability. The Thunderbirds were good as usuall. ONe thing of note was that the base was on Alpha alert and that every MP and guard had their rifles ready and so did the guys in the roofs of the hangers.

Posted: 2003-10-25 10:28pm
by Admiral Valdemar
At what altitude did it fly by at Mach 2? It is quite a health hazard to have such a craft do such speed within close proximity.

Posted: 2003-10-26 01:51am
by Sr.mal
I'm not sure, but you could barely see it, and it was still very loud. My guess would be 5-10k feet.

Posted: 2003-10-26 01:22pm
by Sr.mal
I can post pics if someone hosts, and posts them for me. I'm useless in that area.