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Slaughterhouse Five vs. Catch-22

Posted: 2002-10-01 01:36pm
by MKSheppard
Which is better?

IMHO, Slaughterhouse 5 was a unimaginable mess that Vonnegut
must have written while tripping on LSD.

Catch-22 OTOH, is much much better. Major Major and Yossarian kick

Posted: 2002-10-01 03:45pm
by Faram
Any movie that hands out decorations for nice bombing patterns gets my vote :)

Never mind that they did't hit anything! (or was that in the book can't remember)

Posted: 2002-10-01 03:51pm
by Sea Skimmer
Catch-22 was much better

Posted: 2002-10-01 07:45pm
by Master of Ossus
Catch-22 was a vastly superior better book. Slaughterhouse 5 was vastly superior as a literary piece. Draw your own conclusion.

Re: Slaughterhouse Five vs. Catch-22

Posted: 2002-10-01 07:47pm
by VF5SS
MKSheppard wrote: Catch-22 OTOH, is much much better. Major Major and Yossarian kick
Ah yes, Major Major Major Major (there were four right) was a great guy.

Posted: 2002-10-01 07:56pm
by The Yosemite Bear
You are talking two of the three most guilt ridden Surrealist Sci Fi works to come out of the firebombing of Dresden. Personally I say that of the two Catch 22 is more coharent. Of the three Dresden guiltfests I would have to say Canticle for Liebowitz. It was cohairent, had an epic quality, and was ultimatly about redemption, not some exeistentialist (Alone against the uncaring universe jargon.)

Posted: 2002-10-01 07:58pm
by Master of Ossus
Of course Catch-22 is more coherent. It is also much more accesible. That is a large part of what makes it a better book. It is also, indirectly, related to why S5 is a better literary piece.

Posted: 2002-10-01 08:00pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Slaughter House Five is more like Finnigans wake. Makes no sense what so ever and is rather disassociative, but it still is a fine piece of literary work.

Posted: 2002-10-01 08:14pm
by Master of Ossus
Indeed, it is part of that disjointedness that makes it such a wonderful work. There actually is meaning within the book, but many people are so confused by it that they never figure it out. Catch-22, while disjointed in and of itself, is much more accessible. In 100 years, we may not still be reading S5 until university (if then), but I would bet that we'll still be reading C-22.