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Slaughterhouse Five vs. Catch-22
Posted: 2002-10-01 01:36pm
by MKSheppard
Which is better?
IMHO, Slaughterhouse 5 was a unimaginable mess that Vonnegut
must have written while tripping on LSD.
Catch-22 OTOH, is much much better. Major Major and Yossarian kick
Posted: 2002-10-01 03:45pm
by Faram
Any movie that hands out decorations for nice bombing patterns gets my vote
Never mind that they did't hit anything! (or was that in the book can't remember)
Posted: 2002-10-01 03:51pm
by Sea Skimmer
Catch-22 was much better
Posted: 2002-10-01 07:45pm
by Master of Ossus
Catch-22 was a vastly superior better book. Slaughterhouse 5 was vastly superior as a literary piece. Draw your own conclusion.
Re: Slaughterhouse Five vs. Catch-22
Posted: 2002-10-01 07:47pm
by VF5SS
MKSheppard wrote:
Catch-22 OTOH, is much much better. Major Major and Yossarian kick
Ah yes, Major Major Major Major (there were four right) was a great guy.
Posted: 2002-10-01 07:56pm
by The Yosemite Bear
You are talking two of the three most guilt ridden Surrealist Sci Fi works to come out of the firebombing of Dresden. Personally I say that of the two Catch 22 is more coharent. Of the three Dresden guiltfests I would have to say Canticle for Liebowitz. It was cohairent, had an epic quality, and was ultimatly about redemption, not some exeistentialist (Alone against the uncaring universe jargon.)
Posted: 2002-10-01 07:58pm
by Master of Ossus
Of course Catch-22 is more coherent. It is also much more accesible. That is a large part of what makes it a better book. It is also, indirectly, related to why S5 is a better literary piece.
Posted: 2002-10-01 08:00pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Slaughter House Five is more like Finnigans wake. Makes no sense what so ever and is rather disassociative, but it still is a fine piece of literary work.
Posted: 2002-10-01 08:14pm
by Master of Ossus
Indeed, it is part of that disjointedness that makes it such a wonderful work. There actually is meaning within the book, but many people are so confused by it that they never figure it out. Catch-22, while disjointed in and of itself, is much more accessible. In 100 years, we may not still be reading S5 until university (if then), but I would bet that we'll still be reading C-22.