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Someone is playing Zelda WAY too much...

Posted: 2003-10-27 06:57am
by Dooey Jo

This girl has made a very detailed study of the language used in the legends of Zelda. And when I say very detailed, I mean VERY detailed. It's a fine piece of work, of course, but I think that anyone that does something like this has a bit too much free time.

Posted: 2003-10-27 07:01am
by Dalton

Posted: 2003-10-27 07:11am
by Montcalm
Its better than the guy who did a site with shitloads of info on Tribbles.

Posted: 2003-10-27 07:52am
by Companion Cube
Montcalm wrote:Its better than the guy who did a site with shitloads of info on Tribbles.
Yeah, but that was still fun as hell to read. :D

Posted: 2003-10-27 01:53pm
by Kuja

Posted: 2003-10-27 04:53pm
by aphexmonster
i cant see ;_;

Posted: 2003-10-27 04:54pm
by aphexmonster
i cant see ;_;

Posted: 2003-10-27 05:17pm
by Ghost Rider

As for free time problems...seen far more psychotic on far stupider bits

Posted: 2003-10-28 01:21am
by Johonebesus
The script isn't very well done. Why should they happen to have a character that corresponds exactly to our c? Why do most consonants have syllabaics, but not th? She (he?) needs to put more thought into the script to make it less obviously a combination of the Alphabet and Japanese Kana.

Posted: 2003-10-28 01:44am
by Crayz9000
Tell that to the game designers as well.

Posted: 2003-10-28 01:48am
by Gandalf
Heh, that is cool.