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What teen help organisations think of Tranquility Bay

Posted: 2003-10-27 05:22pm
by Sothis
Not too long ago threads started both here and on Spacebattles about Tranquility Bay, which awoke something in me- I decided I didn't like Tranquility Bay, and was going to do something to put a dent in it.

I recently took the step of emailing a couple of teenhelp organisations, and here are their replies:

Email 1:

Yes, we are aware that there are websites out there that discredit us.
the stories were true, Tranquility Bay would have been shut down long
instead of remaining open seven plus years and this year became a fully
therapeutic residential treatment center sanctioned by the US Embassy.
only is TB open and serving families all over he world but TB also has
thousands of success stories.
For every horrible story you have read, we have probably 30 fold
to our credit.
It appears you are in the UK. I can connect you with a few parents who
either currently have their teens at Tranquility Bay or have had. You
you never hear both sides of the stories.

I do thank you for your visit to our website and your interest. I
would be
happy to call you personally if you will give me your phone number.
way, we can talk more with a personal touch. I believe it cost you to
an 800 call to the US so I would happy just give me a time to call and
will do so.

Yours truly,

Dina Dalton
Teen Help Family Intervention Counselor
800 637.0701 or
435 703.1124 cell anytime


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben B" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: Tranquility Bay

> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I recently read with great interest your page on
> Tranquility Bay, the behaviour modification centre in
> the Carribian.
> I am curious however, as to whether or not you are
> aware of the countless stories to have emerged about
> an unsavoury side to Tranquility Bay. I recently
> found a webpage that appears to contain several
> accounts from people who spent time at Tranquility
> Bay, and I feel I would derlict of my conscience if I
> did not make your organisation aware of
> them:
> I would warn that the language of the accounts is very
> strong.
> Sincerely,
> B B

Email 2:

Hi there

Yes, we are aware. These stories are bogus

Thanks though for bringing them to our attention


Brad / Parent Volunteer

Ben B wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I recently read with great interest your page on
> Tranquility Bay, the behaviour modification centre in
> the Carribian.
> I am curious however, as to whether or not you are
> aware of the countless stories to have emerged about
> an unsavoury side to Tranquility Bay. I recently
> found a webpage that appears to contain several
> accounts from people who spent time at Tranquility
> Bay, and I feel I would derlict of my conscience if I
> did not make your organisation aware of
> them:
> I would warn that the language of the accounts is very
> strong.
> Sincerely,
> B B

An open call for advice- What would be the best course of action to pursue now?

Posted: 2003-10-27 07:11pm
by Gandalf
I think you could try to take it public, like mail to your local paper or some such. Failing that, explosives.

Posted: 2003-10-27 11:32pm
by mauldooku
Can't you contact your local representative?

Try to drum up some local support first, maybe? :?

EDIT: For some reason I typed 'congressman' locations next time...

Posted: 2003-10-28 04:31am
by Uraniun235
From what I've heard at Something Awful, it's been reported on in the mass media. It's just a simple matter of not enough people caring about it. Hell, a lot of people probably like the idea of a place that will reprogram your son/daughter into a model, moral, obediant citizen you can be proud of.

The only way TB and other similar facilities will be shut down is if there are massive human rights violations occurring.

Posted: 2003-10-28 10:12am
by FireNexus
There AREN'T massive human rights violations occuring?

Posted: 2003-10-28 06:24pm
by Uraniun235
They're coming out of it alive, aren't they? They're not physically scarred, are they? They're not all being raped, are they?

While I think it's reprehensible (and in my opinion a human rights violation) that they're in the business of breaking people and rebuilding them into their preferred image, I'm being realistic and saying unless a lot of people are coming out of it physically mangled, the public simply won't care.

Hell, so long as there are 'success stories' of kids coming back home having been transformed into obediant, boring people, and so long as there are people coming out of it convinced that it was good for them, places like TB will probably make quite a bit of money.

Posted: 2003-10-28 07:01pm
by Gandalf
Just take it to a local TV station, or one of those organisations who belive everything must be done for the children.

Posted: 2003-10-28 09:11pm
by Steve
Gandalf wrote:Just take it to a local TV station, or one of those organisations who belive everything must be done for the children.
The latter will just make a mockery of it.

Posted: 2003-10-28 09:12pm
by Gandalf
I just sent an article about it to a current affairs show here.

Posted: 2003-10-28 09:23pm
by Exonerate
Err, isn't there the possibility that it could be bogus?

Posted: 2003-10-28 09:27pm
by Gandalf
Exonerate wrote:Err, isn't there the possibility that it could be bogus?
Whem they get it, they'll research it, then decide for themselves.

Posted: 2003-10-28 09:28pm
by Uraniun235
Tranquility Bay is not a hoax.

Posted: 2003-10-29 01:46pm
by Sothis
Perhaps some of the negative stories ARE bogus, as the old saying goes- there's no smoke without fire. I'll be adding to those stories soon, and then perhaps making a tabloid aware of it, for some sensationalist exposure- which is after all, better than none.

Posted: 2003-10-29 01:49pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
What is Tranquility Bay?

No links, please. Just tell me in less than five paragraphs...

Posted: 2003-10-29 10:56pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:What is Tranquility Bay?

No links, please. Just tell me in less than five paragraphs...
It's a place where, for a few dozen grand, parents can have a child kidnapped in the middle of the night for just about anything (Even if you don't like their girlfriend or something), and sent to a place in Jamaica where all sorts of wierd shit happens.

Posted: 2003-10-29 10:59pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Is that really what it is, or just an "interpretation" of the facts, because that doesn't even sound legal.

What kind of stuff do they do?

Posted: 2003-10-29 11:06pm
by Hamel
Unfortunately there are a number of people in the world that believe this sort of abuse is not abuse at all, and is good for introducing discipline and respect to children.

Picture this: some old fart wanking off to the thought of young children in uniform lined up in an airfield sounding off on orders, after years of "training" and preperation in Tranquility Bay. That's the kind of person that would love this

Posted: 2003-10-29 11:10pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Okay, seriously, from a non-biased source: what the fuck is this?

Posted: 2003-10-30 04:27pm
by Sothis
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Okay, seriously, from a non-biased source: what the fuck is this?
Tranquility Bay is a facility located in Jamaica where people send their teenage child to for 'reeducation' and for the correction of what they perceive as delinquent behaviour. Some of the reasons are genuine- their kid is doing drugs, is hanging out with criminals and the like- other reasons include not agreeing with a choice of girlfriend or choice of university.

Parents sign a contract that grants Tranquility Bay 49% custodial rights, and then Tranquility Bay takes the child to the facility in Jamaica. Parents are advised to not inform their child of this, and so the first the child knows of it is when people come to take them- using handcuffs as means of a restraint if necessary.

What takes place at the facility depends on who you believe. The company line is that discordant behaviour is redirected via use of therapy, education and group counselling. Accounts from some of those who claim to have been at Tranquility Bay suggest that forms of physical restraint are commonplace for what is perceived as unrulely behaviour (which can include things like talking out of turn), and repetative tapes abour behaviour are played through lunch time (the food is apparently lacking in nutrition).

Posted: 2003-10-30 04:32pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Basically, think A Clockwork Orange only we've got this resort doing "reprogramming" for anyone who pays and without the law lifting a finger.

Posted: 2003-10-30 04:47pm
by SyntaxVorlon
It's more like the kind of thing that happens in cult compounds, destruction of ego, recreation of personality.

Posted: 2003-10-30 06:30pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
So that's it? Bah...

Sounds harmless to me.


But then again, I'm a conservative Republican with fascist tendencies, so what do I know? :P

Posted: 2003-10-30 07:25pm
by Gandalf
Sothis wrote:Perhaps some of the negative stories ARE bogus, as the old saying goes- there's no smoke without fire. I'll be adding to those stories soon, and then perhaps making a tabloid aware of it, for some sensationalist exposure- which is after all, better than none.
Where might I be able to see this?

Posted: 2003-10-30 07:46pm
by Sothis
Gandalf wrote:
Sothis wrote:Perhaps some of the negative stories ARE bogus, as the old saying goes- there's no smoke without fire. I'll be adding to those stories soon, and then perhaps making a tabloid aware of it, for some sensationalist exposure- which is after all, better than none.
Where might I be able to see this?
I've got some stuff about on my website, but the best place to learn about Tranquility Bay- about both what the organisation that runs it says, and what people who've been there say- is a google search under Tranquility Bay. There's also a messageboard called, and Yahoo groups have a few entries.

Posted: 2003-10-30 08:23pm
by Gandalf
Sothis wrote:
Gandalf wrote:
Sothis wrote:Perhaps some of the negative stories ARE bogus, as the old saying goes- there's no smoke without fire. I'll be adding to those stories soon, and then perhaps making a tabloid aware of it, for some sensationalist exposure- which is after all, better than none.
Where might I be able to see this?
I've got some stuff about on my website, but the best place to learn about Tranquility Bay- about both what the organisation that runs it says, and what people who've been there say- is a google search under Tranquility Bay. There's also a messageboard called, and Yahoo groups have a few entries.
Thanks, I've sent it to the same show, I'll keep you informed if they pick it up.