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How was your Halloween?

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:13pm
by Jadeite
Mine was pretty average, I dressed up as a ringwraith and went trick-or-treating with about 15 friends. I got about 3-4 lbs of candy. The most memorable thing was that we passed a house that one of my friends lived at. His father still owned the house, but they had moved out, and it was up for sale. So my friend unlocked the door and we went in to rest and get some water. Then he went off to get a blowjob from his girlfriend, and 4 other people "disappeared" as well. Me and another friend finally got bored and left to go back to his house, we started walking down the driveway when about six police cars pull up. Apparently the neighbors had called the cops on all of us, and that took about 30 minutes to sort out while they checked everyones ID and talked with people. No one got arrested, but it could have turned out pretty bad since one apparently had some drugs on him that they didn't find. Dipshits... :x

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:20pm
by Gandalf
I dressed as myself and sat about my room, painting my Elf figures.

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:23pm
by Gil Hamilton
I spent the morning doing yardwork for money and then spent the evening sitting on my porch doling out candy to the few children that turned up this yet. Unfortunately, very few kids trick-or-treat anymore in my neighborhood.

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:30pm
by Gandalf
Gil Hamilton wrote:I spent the morning doing yardwork for money and then spent the evening sitting on my porch doling out candy to the few children that turned up this yet. Unfortunately, very few kids trick-or-treat anymore in my neighborhood.
I think it's going down all over the world, people are too scared.

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:31pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
I wandered around as myself, holding a bag. I got quite a lot of candy, but also a lot of "aren't you a bit old for this?"

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:31pm
by Montcalm
Well nothing special just searching for zombie porn. :wink:

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:42pm
by Demiurge
About the same as any other day. Nothing particularly holiday-like.

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:49pm
by Hyperion
Bleached my hair (turned out orange-red cause the stupid bleach was nerfed, if you ever want to bleach your hair and have darker hair, DON'T get that Herbal Essences stuff), dyed the tips blue, and spiked it, so I've still got about a dozen little spikes of hair sticking off at odd angles. And I wore a trenchcoat.

The amusing part: so far I'm up to about 15-16 people who have thought my hair looked absolutely cool. And most thought it was very much in character. (it was actually)

Right now it's about 31F outside and only 7PM, I think I may go out trick or treating just to be a total freak (dressed up as the local neighborhood goth, aka, myself) only problem I do have is that I want to wear black, just I have short sleeve shirts and an unlined trenchcoat, it's too fucking cold outside...

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:50pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius

Oct 1st - Sunny, warm, could easily mistake the day for a day in June.

Oct 2nd - Sunny, warm, could easily mistake the day for a day in June.

Oct 3rd - Sunny, warm, could easily mistake the day for a day in June.

Oct 4th - etc.


Oct 30th - Sunny, warm, could easily mistake the day for a day in June.

Oct 31st - Snow. The really icy, frosty, chilling kind.

Few trick-or-treaters.

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:53pm
by Superman
Halloween rocks. I did have to work a funeral tonight though... That was weird.

Anyway, we had our first thunderstorm tonight, but it cleared up in time for the trick or treaters. Then, I stayed home and watched the Jason marathon on Spike TV. I'm still watching it. Halloween RULES!

Posted: 2003-10-31 10:58pm
by Gil Hamilton
JediNeophyte wrote:Oct 31st - Snow. The really icy, frosty, chilling kind.

Few trick-or-treaters.
Heh, it hit 76 today here in Pittsburgh and I wore shorts. I shall now mock your mountain climate. :D

Posted: 2003-10-31 11:03pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Sucked. I would have gone trick-or-treating or to a party with friends, but it turns out that I don't have any.

Posted: 2003-10-31 11:03pm
by weemadando
I slept in. Went to the library. Drove 2.5 hours in shit weather. Then had steak and chips for dinner. Watched 2 episodes of "The Battleships". Watched "Last Man Standing". And went to bed.

Posted: 2003-10-31 11:05pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Class-wise, just an ordinary day.

I plan on watching Poltergeist and End of Eva later though.

Posted: 2003-10-31 11:25pm
by aerius
I worked all day. And now I'm eating all the candy we have left over since we had all of 15 kids come to our house this year. We haven't seen this few kids since the Halloween after 9/11.

Posted: 2003-10-31 11:40pm
by StarshipTitanic
Halloween? So that's why we had a bowl of candy...

*Munches on Kit Kat bar*

EDIT: It was apparently skank day at school. All the sluts dressed up as cats, devils, or devil cats.

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:04am
by Chardok
Worked. Came home. Looked at porn. Played defend your castle. Looked at more porn. Then, juat after that I watched some clock Crew shit on Newgrounds. Then More Porn. Then a xanax. Now I'm mellow. Think I'll go look at porn now.

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:13am
by TrailerParkJawa
Work had some big party and gave out candy, I got a couple of pocket fulls which was nice considering Im a temp and dont have a desk.

This evening I went to meet to my friends at the mall. Ive never been to Halloween at the mall. There were SO MANY PEOPLE! Lots of families with little kids, which makes sense. The weather turned really cold compared to the rest of the month, so I think a lot of parents brought the kids to a warm place.

It was an interesting experience. There were so many different people there. Indian, Chinsese, Vietnamese, Phillipino, Black, White, you name it. All having fun taking part in a holiday for kids. Times like this I are what remind me that things are right with America and this is a good place to be.

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:18am
by Ghost Rider
Not bad...handed kids candy, stayed home most part...playing Final Fantasy:Crystal Chronicles.

Relativly normal for tomorrow will be far nuttier.

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:30am
by HemlockGrey
Idiot friends dragged me around. Then went over to a friend's house, hung out, I bitched about the price of weed, we watched a movie and ate horrible food.

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:35am
by Crayz9000
It FINALLY started raining here in Southern California today, so there weren't many trick-or-treaters running around. It's not like we get many at my house, anyway, because we're on top of a hill and any visitors have a long walk up a steep driveway to worry about.

Although one of these years I ought to put a waferboard facade of the Bates Mansion on the front of our house. Oh, yeah, and vacuumform a stormtrooper costume for myself ;) (I wonder what kind of looks I'd get for going to classes dressed as a stormie?)

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:42am
by Tsyroc
I stayed in bed most of the day reading some novels.

After finishing my book I got online and my dad IM'd me that he wanted to come by and measure for some stuff he's going to build for me. So he came by, brought me a bag of my parent's leftover Halloween candy, we measured stuff and then sat around and talked until he went home at about 2050. Now I'm here again. :twisted:

Incidently, I am on vacation which is why I was able to bum around so much today. I've still got a little more than another week of vacation to go. :D

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:46am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Or out in the country. We haven't had trick-or-treaters to our house since the early 60s, I think.

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:52am
by Gil Hamilton
closet sci-fi fan wrote:He might just live in an older neighborhood where most of the kids are grown up.
This is true. It's like every parent in the neighborhood had their kids in the late 70s/early 80s.

Posted: 2003-11-01 12:52am
by Tsyroc
I haven't had any trick-or-treaters at my place the 5 years I've lived here. I'm sort of in the middle of town but it's mostly trailers and apartment/condos and of course it's Arizona so there are no sidewalks on my street. :?

My parents live out in the county and the amount of kids they've had come bye has varied alot over the years. Now it's just the immediate neighbor kids but at times in the past groups of kids would get dropped off/taken around because where my parents live is essentially two close blocks which was a good enough size for people to take their smaller kids around.