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Least Favoriate Season

Posted: 2003-11-01 07:38pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'd say fall, simply because it's far more awkward to rake a whole bunch of leaves off of your yard than to shovel your driveway, even if you have to shovel it more often.

Posted: 2003-11-01 07:40pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Fall, it's freaking Autumn.

Tsk, I have no favourite anyway, I think they all have their pros and cons.

Posted: 2003-11-01 07:40pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I FUCKING hate Summer. It's too hot. :evil: :cry:

I'm a Winter person.

Posted: 2003-11-01 07:43pm
by Rye
I'd say that Autumn, Winter or Spring are my least favourite seasons because:

Autumn: I have a phobia about ticks, and think they may attack in autumn, and it's colder and the wet clings to everything.

Winter: Damn cold and the snow is often disappointing.

Spring: Starts cold, gets gradually warmer, i'm allergic to alot of pollen at this time of the year.

Posted: 2003-11-01 07:48pm
by salm
winter sucks. i hate winter. cold sucks. snow sucks when it´s not in the mountains on a slope. ice sucks when it´s on the streets. dry air from heating sucks. the chicks put on a lot of cloths and that sucks. christmas, it sucks. scraping iced up fronshields sucks. getting up in the morning into a freezing room sucks. the days are shorter and that sucks. trams break because of the cold which leads to delays and delays suck.

Posted: 2003-11-01 08:20pm
by Gandalf
I love winter, it's an excuse to sleep in, wear warm clothes and take long showers.

Posted: 2003-11-01 08:24pm
by HemlockGrey
Summer is the absolute best. Winter sucks ass.

Posted: 2003-11-01 08:26pm
by Vendetta

Because the only upside is that the rain's a bit warmer.

(Although a sudden shower on an otherwise sunny day is never a bad thing)

I like winter.

I like sitting inside, looking out, and thinking, "It looks cold out there".

Plus, once a year or so, the rain freezes. (though, being England, it's still technically rain, as it never has the decency to settle)

Posted: 2003-11-01 08:27pm
by RogueIce
EDIT: Well, that was fucking wierd... It posted early on me, then went back into another reply...

Anyway, my original intended reply:

*looks at chick still wearing the skimpy clothes on campus*

God, I love Florida... :mrgreen:

If I had to pick a shitty season, it'd be Autumn. Back to school. Ick. But that's the only downside to any of 'em, besides the chicks bundling up for Winter.

Posted: 2003-11-01 08:50pm
by Alyeska
I hate summer. Its too damned warm. I have a shitload of work to do. My alergies are out in force. And its always light out even late at night.

If I had things my way it would be winter 12 months out of the year. I love the cold, I love the snow, I love the dark. Not only that but I can wear GOOD clothes and work atire isn't sweltering hot in winter. Fall and Spring is ok. I prefer fall because it means winter is coming. Spring is less favored because it signals summer.

Posted: 2003-11-01 08:52pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Winter is cold, the other seasons are pleasant, and you get to see women in blouses.

Posted: 2003-11-01 08:57pm
by RedImperator
Spring around here is awful--it's always raining, and when it's not raining it's hot and humid, and the pollen plays merry hell with my allergies.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:01pm
by Howedar
I like all of them.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:08pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Summer, bleck.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:09pm
by Admiral Valdemar
This is why I'd probably never move from this country despite my contrary ravings about emigrating to Australia. I love the weather and it ain't like the stereotype of old.

Summers are hot but not hot enough or all the time to cause a ruckus. Winter is cold enough for snow, but not bad enough to really cause harm. Spring and Autumn are interesting, may be rainy, but you see leaves sprout out or fall off in style and different animals and plants flourish or hide away.

I can't imagine living in Spain for instance where it's hot 99% of the time or Siberia where it's cold 99% of the time. I like variation.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:10pm
by kojikun
I love 'em all. Except summer, which is exactly like spring on hot and sucky.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:11pm
by Alyeska
Right now they are forcasting 10-12 inches in the next 24-36 hours. This is SNOW. I fucking love it. 8)

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:14pm
by Ghost Rider
Summer...wherein I get the wonderful feeling of disgusting humidity and wearing work clothes that I sucks.......bad.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:20pm
by Rye
Admiral Valdemar wrote:This is why I'd probably never move from this country despite my contrary ravings about emigrating to Australia. I love the weather and it ain't like the stereotype of old.

Summers are hot but not hot enough or all the time to cause a ruckus. Winter is cold enough for snow, but not bad enough to really cause harm. Spring and Autumn are interesting, may be rainy, but you see leaves sprout out or fall off in style and different animals and plants flourish or hide away.

I can't imagine living in Spain for instance where it's hot 99% of the time or Siberia where it's cold 99% of the time. I like variation.
Yeah, i would agree with this, perhaps i should move south for a bit, cos it's noticably warmer down on the isle of wight say.

[broad lancashire accent]It's cold up norf[/bla]

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:21pm
by kojikun
Rye: Britain has one season: Rainy. :wink:

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:23pm
by Rye
kojikun wrote:Rye: Britain has one season: Rainy. :wink:
<points to AV's post>

I love the weather and it ain't like the stereotype of old.

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:24pm
by kojikun
Rye wrote:specifically:
I love the weather and it ain't like the stereotype of old.
Shush! That ruins it entirely. :P

Posted: 2003-11-01 09:34pm
by Raxmei
Winter. It's always cold.

Posted: 2003-11-01 11:15pm
by Xenophobe3691
Summer. Summer in South Florida is a humid, God forsaken hell no one should ever have to go through. Ask Koji about it, I personally can't stand it.

Posted: 2003-11-02 12:20am
by aerius
Spring. The ground's all soaked & muddy from snow melting off and all the rain that falls. Did I mention rain? It rains a lot, which severely limits my outdoor activities and that pisses me off. I'm not an indoors person and the shitty weather makes me all edgy and short-tempered. And daylight saving time, I lose a fucking hour of sleep in the spring, I don't like that either. Every other season the weather's good and I can do tons of outdoor sports and activities, but not spring.