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So, what do YOU look like?

Posted: 2002-10-02 01:28am
by Cal Wright
Okay, there was already a thread I know somewhere about this. Where people post pictures of themselves. I looked, (more like over looked) for this thread, and could not find it. Either way. My one attempt to load a damn pic from a website didn't work out to well. However, I do have a picture of myself on a simple ass website. So, you can click and find it. Everyone else, you know the drill, what do YOU look like?

p.s. If the mods know where this other thread is, if you could by chance move this there. Thanks!

Dont' fear the damn AoL homepage. They work perfectly alright. ... index.html

Re: So, what do YOU look like?

Posted: 2002-10-02 01:30am
by GrandMasterTerwynn
DG_Cal_Wright wrote:Okay, there was already a thread I know somewhere about this. Where people post pictures of themselves. I looked, (more like over looked) for this thread, and could not find it. Either way. My one attempt to load a damn pic from a website didn't work out to well. However, I do have a picture of myself on a simple ass website. So, you can click and find it. Everyone else, you know the drill, what do YOU look like?

p.s. If the mods know where this other thread is, if you could by chance move this there. Thanks!

Dont' fear the damn AoL homepage. They work perfectly alright. ... index.html
A . . . O . . . L . . . web . . . authoring . . . tool. ::Falls over, starts convulsing.

Posted: 2002-10-02 01:49am
by Dalton
Bumped just for you.

Posted: 2002-10-02 04:30am
by haas mark
And it doens't there.

Posted: 2002-10-02 04:32am
by His Divine Shadow
You might get some pics in December when I return to the army for a week for excersizes.

Posted: 2002-10-02 09:22am
by Mr Bean
When I get the Fabled ABS Gun Licsence(Air, Base, Sea) which lets me do everything from Stroll onto a Military Base with a Shot-gun to Hop on a plane carring a Magnum Hand-gun
Yes, its VERY hard to get, on the plus side except for Customs, I get to skip screening on Airplanes and the like